Ye Feng once again relied on his own strength to send the spaceship back to the ground safely. This time, Ye Feng directly put the spaceship on the side of the city of longarsenic castle. Anyway, there are ruins.

The most important thing is that as soon as Ye Feng put the spaceship in place, he immediately called gasevara over and took him into the cabin of the spaceship. He prevented the spaceship from flying away autonomously. Gasevara is a technician. Let's see if he can find any solution.

When gasevara arrived in the spaceship, she also looked strange, as if granny Liu had entered the Grand View Garden. After a bit of exclamation, she sat down in the driver's seat and began to study how to completely shut down the autonomous flight mode of the spaceship.

Ye Feng did not dare to leave easily. He worried that if he was not there, in case the spaceship flew up again and left eisf, it would be too late for him to save gasevara.

Gasevara is a standard type of technical house. Sitting in the driver's seat, he never leaves the stool, and always works hard.

Ye Feng doesn't know much about it either. He just stands on one side and occasionally helps gasevara. In fact, he can only do some physical work.

But after a while, the spaceship trembled again. Ye Feng was familiar with the feeling. Just before, the spaceship started again.

Ye Feng then said to gasevara, "I'll take you down first..."

But gasevara immediately yelled at Ye Feng, "no, no! Don't worry, I'm starting the ship! "

Listen to gasevara say so, leaf maple can't help but frown a way, "are you operating?"

Gasevara nodded to Ye Feng and said, "yes, I'm trying to drive!"

Ye Feng didn't see the slightest tension from gasevara's face, and even his face was filled with a trace of satisfaction.

From gasevara's look, Ye Feng saw his self-confidence, which completely relaxed, watching the spaceship at this time has been gradually launched.

There were two excited roars from time to time. It was obvious that he was finding his own pleasure in driving the spaceship of alien civilization.

The entire spacecraft has been hovering over lonas castle, and it is obvious that gasevara has not yet fully found the driving skills to control the spacecraft.

Ye Feng stood on the side of gasevara to guide him. After all, Ye Feng had piloted the spaceship before.

Ye Feng also asked gasevara, "has the autonomous device of the spaceship been banned now?"

While driving the spaceship, gasevara nodded to Ye Feng and said, "it has been cancelled for the time being!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "temporarily cancel?"? So, will it be connected? "

Gasevara explained to Ye Feng, "this kind of autonomous flight technology is much more advanced than the technology of our espresso. First, I can only temporarily cancel it, but I can't ban it permanently. Second, even if it can be cancelled permanently, I don't want to do it. We can learn a lot from this technology!"

Ye Feng can't help but feel reasonable when he hears what gasevara said. After all, the so-called scientific and technological achievements made by eisf are also due to the quality improvement after the war against alien civilization.

Now there is a spaceship of alien civilization in front of us. Let gasevara study it. Maybe it can really improve the technology of the eisf civilization again.

Under the guidance of Ye Feng, gasevara gradually became familiar with the flight technology. After a circle around, he flew back to the sky of longarsene castle and landed slowly.

After the spaceship landed, gasevara said to Ye Feng, "I'm going to study it now and see if I can find a calculator. First, I'll make a temporary central computer and link it with the spaceship. Otherwise, the spaceship will automatically take control of itself when it's time!"

Ye Feng nodded after hearing the speech. In fact, he also understood the meaning of gasevara. Now the main cities of the eisf civilization have been completely destroyed by the liquid civilization, and all civilization technologies may no longer exist, let alone the central processing system.

Now, ESF is just like a disaster. All systems need to wait until the hidden dangers of civilization are completely solved before they can be gradually rebuilt. Therefore, gasevara must first rebuild a temporary central computing system.

Gasevara went to help him, Ye Feng just returned to the underground road. At this time, Wu feng'an had just returned to the underground road. Soon after they saw Ye Feng coming back, they could not help nodding to him.

Now it seems that they are not surprised that Ye Feng can come back. It seems that in their mind, Ye Feng is already the representative of omnipotence.

However, when they heard the report from Ye Feng and Qiao Huiying that only one of the more than a dozen spaceships of alien civilization was left, they could not help sighing.

But obviously this is not what Ye Feng needs to worry about. He said to Qiao Huiying solemnly, "the other side's civilization can drive the spaceship away from eisf, which means that their central control system is near the planet eisf, at least the central system that can control these spaceships!"Qiao Huiying a listen to this words, complexion immediately a ground looking at leaf maple way, "what meaning? You mean, this alien civilization hasn't gone yet? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, not only did we not go, but we will probably come back again. At present, we have no ability to explore outer space. Our satellite system has been basically destroyed. Even if it is not destroyed, all the scientific and technological weapons that we can mobilize on the ground can not be used, let alone the space laser gun!"

When Qiao Huiying heard this, she immediately fell into a deep meditation and didn't speak for a long time,

while others whispered at this time. Even if the civilization of eisf was not damaged by the destruction of liquid civilization, they may not be the opponents of alien civilization.

What's more, now that they have been wiped out by the liquid civilization, they seem to have returned to the stone age. What can they do against this new alien race?

Brix then suggested, "should we try to see if we can get in touch with this civilization and talk to their leaders?"

Hanks could not help but ask brix, "what are you talking about? Surrender? "

Brecos said immediately, "I didn't say surrender, I just said Even if it is a false surrender, it will buy us some time! "

Hanks shrugged his shoulders and said, "how many years will it take to develop again? Do you think each other's civilization is made up of idiots? What did you do at the meeting

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