Qiao Huiying then waved her hand and said, "don't argue. Now we really don't have any advantages. This time, we may really be the disaster of eisf!"

Brecos immediately said, "yes, that's why I said, let's pretend to surrender and see if we can find a chance in the future..."

Without waiting for Brix to finish, Ye Feng said immediately, "it's really a possible disaster, but it's not that there's no chance at all!"

Qiao Huiying can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "opportunity? Do you think we still have a chance? "

Brecos also immediately said, "what chance do we have? Now aesf is destitute. All the useful facilities on the ground have been destroyed, and there are few satellites left. All the troops that can be mobilized are here, not to mention the weapons!"

But Ye Feng said to the crowd, "I know what you said and worried about. That's why I asked everyone to hurry into the underground passage!"

Brix immediately asked, "let's not say how long our passage will last, even if we are not discovered by aliens for a lifetime, are we going to hide here for a lifetime?"

For the first time, Hanks also spoke for brix. "Yes, we can't hide here forever."

Brix looked at Hanks in disbelief and said, "you're so rare! You didn't refute me

Hanks shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not refuting you for the sake of refuting. What you said is reasonable. Of course I support it!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, it's not always hiding here, but it's definitely not waiting to die outside!"

Brix immediately asked, "what are we doing here?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "guerrilla warfare!"

All of them could not help but be shocked and said, "guerrilla warfare? What guerrilla warfare? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "since we are definitely not their opponent, we can never face them with hard steel. The only thing left is circuitous tactics, that is guerrilla warfare!"

Ye Feng said and began to explain to the public, "if the alien civilization wants to attack us, it will definitely come back, but when they come back, they will also find that in fact, we've been almost destroyed, and they won't launch any more attacks. On the contrary, they will wonder if there will be any survivors in this situation, so they will take the next step What would you do? "

Brix immediately said, "seeing that Eve is like this, so they won't care about us?"

Hanks said immediately, "I'll send someone down to check the reality of essf!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, they will send people down to investigate the actual damage of ESF. If they are no longer interested in our planet, it will be too late to turn around and walk, but that would be the best. We can breathe, and even have the chance to rebuild ESF, but if their goal is to capture the whole planet What about it? "

Brix immediately added, "so they'll have all the main forces down?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that's right, so that's the beginning of our battle. We have to separate them and annihilate them one by one, instead of going up to fight them, so we have no chance of winning at all!"

Qiao Huiying, who hasn't spoken for a long time, asked, "one by one? What's our chance of winning? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but I don't think we should think about it with a chance of winning. Don't we do anything without a chance of winning? As long as they stay in eisf and find out that it's just a matter of time, we have no choice at all. Either we go up to surrender and die, or we hide for a lifetime until they find out and annihilate us, or we fight them to the end! "

When they heard what Ye Feng said, they all pondered. In fact, they knew every word Ye Feng said. They all knew that eisf had reached the point where there was no way to retreat. They had only one World War I and no second way to go.

Qiao Huiying then pondered for a while and said to Ye Feng, "but we don't have weapons!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I don't think they will attack yet, but it won't be long. Now we can only hope that gasevara can develop weapons earlier."

Qiao Huiying frowned and said, "gasevara? Is he from the federal Academy of Sciences? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "he is nothing, but he can transform the original machinery into laser guns, and he can also skillfully drive the spaceship of alien civilization."

Qiao Huiying heard the speech for a while after pondering, this just nodded and said, "so before they come, what are we going to do now?"

Ye Feng looked around the humanity, "settle down here first, and try our best to be familiar with and master the resources left here before. We can't fight a battle without assurance. We must mobilize all of us. Everyone should have their own tasks and give full play to their expertise!"

Qiao Huiying, listening to Ye Feng's words, immediately nodded, clapped her hands at the crowd and said, "do you hear me, everyone move!"Ye Feng also immediately added, "from now on, no one is allowed to leave the underground passage without permission. Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy!"

People can't help but look at Ye Feng, and Qiao Huiying immediately nodded and said, "yes, I mean that too!" Then he asked harshly, "did you hear that?"

Everyone in the room immediately replied, "I hear you!" Then all the people left here one after another. They should go to the place where they should have a rest and check the facilities.

Qiao Huiying saw that after everyone walked away, he pulled Ye Feng aside and said in a low voice, "it's up to you to command this time!"

Ye Feng nodded to Qiao Huiying and said solemnly, "don't worry, everything has me. Even if we lose this time, I will die with you! Everyone has one life now. No one can escape! "

Qiao Huiying heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but face is also a move, and then seriously looked at Ye Feng way, "no, if really to the point of burning jade and stone, you must take Anna away!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng stares at Qiao Huiying for a long time and says, "if everyone can't escape, there's nothing I can do. We can only win, and we will certainly win. There's no saying that we can't do it!"

When Qiao Huiying heard Ye Feng's words, her heart was also awe inspiring. She nodded and said, "yes, we won't lose, we can't lose, we will win, for love!"

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