In the next few days, Ye Feng has been responsible for observing the situation in the sky at the entrance of the cave to prevent the emergence of people from the third civilized world. He still knows nothing about it.

Originally, there was no need for human observation at all, but it's a pity that now eisf has no technology at all, and it's impossible to observe all this by satellite.

But after a few days, nothing happened. People began to get used to the life here in the basement. They even forgot the fact that there was a danger in the near future.

In the past few days, gasevara has been working all night, urgently studying europium, sodium and sodium. She often helps. After all, she has been in the federal Academy of Sciences, and she also has some technology.

Big help may not help, after all, a Nan's technology is far less than gasevara, but small help can help.

That day, when Ye Feng changed Hanks and blicos to guard the entrance of the cave, he went to the ground and went to all parts of longarsenic castle. After all, there are other survivors in the city.

Ye Feng went to the tunnel he had been to before and informed Qiao Huiying that they were already in another underpass, so that they could be relieved.

There are several people over there who want to report to Qiao Huiying. Ye Feng not only doesn't stop them, but also leads them to the past.

However, Ye Feng did not go in, but continued to go to other places to see that there were no survivors in other places.

On the ruins of longarsenic castle, Ye Feng visited several places in a row, but he didn't see any other survivors. He could not help sighing that the attack power of liquid civilization was too strong and destructive.

There were nearly tens of millions of people in longarsene castle before. After being attacked by liquid civilization, there were less than 100000 people left, and many of them came from Huke Bay.

In addition, gulina and Yueying Wuxiu also said that some of them met refugees from other cities on the way.

But just as Ye Feng was about to go back, he suddenly heard the sound of a falling stone coming from the ruins not far away. Ye Feng couldn't help but move his heart and look at it.

But see not far away on a pile of stones, there are several stones are sliding, Ye Feng thought it was just normal stones sliding, also did not think much, is preparing to leave.

But at this time, I saw a hand suddenly stretched out from the top of the pile and pushed away the stone in front of me.

Ye Feng see this heart can't help but move, immediately a jump to that side, immediately lift the stone above, the people below to pull out.

The man's face was covered with dust and even blood stains. After seeing Ye Feng, he held Ye Feng excitedly and said, "are there any survivors? Great

But Ye Feng asked, "are you under pressure? It's a big deal that I didn't get crushed to death! "

But the man said immediately, "there is a small tunnel below, which can hold 100 people. We hid in it at that time, and then the cave collapsed and covered the hole!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately move, immediately toward that ruins bottom saw a way, "this bottom still have a person?"

The man immediately said, "yes, there are still a hundred and ten people. Some of them can't do it any more. Hurry to save people!"

Ye Feng smell speech face suddenly move, immediately began to keep the stone above to move away.

The man on one side was going to help, but when he saw Ye Feng's effortless way of lifting those stones, he could not help standing and looking at them in amazement.

Ye Feng looks not only powerful, but also very fast. After a while, he cleans all the stones off the ground, revealing a tunnel entrance.

Without waiting for that person to react, Ye Feng jumped in from the entrance. After he got down, he turned on the flashlight with his mobile phone and had a look. The tunnel was really small, but it was full of people, and there was a strange smell.

Some people have been lying on the ground motionless, and do not know whether they are dead or alive. They have been under the pressure of the ruins for several days, so they may not be able to live, right?

In addition, those who seem to have breath, but at this time are also powerless, not even the strength to speak.

Ye Feng no matter how much, immediately began to hold these people out of the hole one by one, put on the open space, immediately went down to save people.

One side of the people are looking silly, not for a while Ye Feng actually has moved out more than a dozen people, that action is faster than his imagination.

In less than ten minutes, Ye Feng had carried out all the people in the tunnel and put them in the open space. Ye Feng was not at ease, so he went down and carefully checked them. After confirming that there was no one, he went up to the ground.

the man looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "I'll go, who are you going to the bottom? Is it a fairy? "

Ye Feng did not pay attention to the man, immediately began to check the people he rescued, found that more than half had died, and there was not much left.

At this time, Ye Feng saw a familiar face. It was Gu zhaohuide, Gu zhaohuichi's Lao Tzu. He immediately went to check his pulse and found that it was still beating and not dead.Thinking that Ye Feng immediately went north to him, he immediately took him to Qiao Huiying's underpass where they were, and handed him over to the people there to rescue him. Without even explaining anything, he went back to the ruins.

That person over there is still surprised. Ye Feng just started to carry a person on his back and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Now he appears again in the blink of an eye. He looks at the worship on his face, but it's also frightening.

Ye Feng didn't care about the man's eyes, but looked around again, and sent all the living people to Qiao Huiying one by one.

Among the rest, Ye Feng didn't see any familiar faces, and after checking to make sure there was no pulse, he took the last man to Qiao Huiying's basement.

Ye Feng constantly send people in the past, Qiao Huiying has been startled, is there to ask what's going on, at this time see Ye Feng came back, immediately asked, "what's going on?"

Ye Feng said, "the man who was rescued from the ruins!" Then he looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "that man must be saved. He is from the federal Academy of Sciences!"

After all, they are technical talents. If they are saved, it will be of great help to them. At least they can help gasevara do some research.

Immediately someone carried Gu zhaohuide to a separate place for rescue and care. Although the others were poor, they did not fall down. Others began to take care of him.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "if you can find one, there must be a second place. Maybe there are many living people outside. I'm going out to have a look!" As soon as the voice dropped, the man disappeared.

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