Ye Feng heart is still wondering, these people good regardless of the shooting, in the end what situation.

However, the whole basement was dark. I couldn't see the situation in the deep. Instead, Ye Feng was near the entrance, and there was some light.

In other words, the current situation is that the other party can vaguely see Ye Feng, but Ye Feng can't see where the other party is.

In other words, Ye Feng is in the light now, while those who shoot are in the dark.

Ye Feng has been lying on the ground at this time did not move, the other side did not continue to shoot, he then yelled to the other side, "who are you? I'm here to save you

There was still no sound in the dark, as if there had been no one there in the beginning.

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath, and then a flash up, instantly toward the dark depths.

Although Ye Feng's action was fast, when he got there, he didn't find anything, although his eyes were not very clear in the dark.

But Ye Feng's sensory nerve is still very sensitive. He can feel whether there is anyone around him, but now he can't feel anyone around him.

Maybe after the other side shot, while Ye Feng fell to the ground, the other side had completely retreated, so Ye Feng even came over, also a person did not see.

Ye Feng carefully in the basement after a circle, still a living person did not see, even he did not see here there is a second exit such as the entrance.

Ye Feng finally returned to the ground, in the heart is still strange, this just shot at their own people in the end is who, why to shoot, and where they finally went?

With this series of questions, Ye Feng stands at the entrance of the cave and hesitates for a long time. For the moment, he can't understand it. Ye Feng decides to give up here.

However, this is also the last sign Qiao Huiying gave himself on the virtual map. He had to go back to Qiao Huiying's basement first.

At the same time, Gu zhaohuide woke up again. Ye Feng went to see him immediately.

At this time, Gu zhaohuide was surrounded by a group of people, Qiao Huiying, and they were all there, but Gu zhaohuide didn't speak, just looked at the ceiling with open eyes.

In the end, Qiao Hui reflected the humanity of the court, "let's all disperse and let him have a good rest!"

After all the people left, Qiao Huiying also turned to leave, just to see Ye Feng came over, toward Ye Feng Road, "other underground did not find people?"

Ye Feng and Qiao Huiying went to one side and said, "I've been to several addresses you gave me, the last one. After I went in, I was attacked, but I didn't find any other exit. I don't know where the attackers are hiding. I have to come back first!"

Qiao Huiying asked Ye Feng, "which one?"

Ye Feng takes out the virtual computer, opens the virtual map, and points out, "this is it!"

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "this tunnel has three floors. The first floor is very small. The bigger it goes down, the bigger it is. You should look for it on the flat floor, right? They must be hiding below! "

Ye Feng suddenly realized that he was just looking on the wall for a while, and did not look at the situation on the ground. If it was true as Qiao Huiying said, maybe the other exits were underground.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "I'll go and have a look now!"

Qiao Huiying said to Ye Feng, "that underground facility should be the largest of all the underground facilities in longarsene castle. If Hu Dion is still alive, he may be hiding there. Do you want to send someone to go with you?"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "no, I was attacked when I went down just now. It's not good if there are too many people going there! I can handle it by myself

Qiao Huiying listens to what Ye Feng says and knows Ye Feng's ability, so she has to nod her head. But before Ye Feng leaves, Gu zhaohuide, who is lying on the bed, looks at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng see in the eye, know that there is no worry about underground facilities, immediately toward Gu Zhaohui.

After sitting beside Gu zhaohuide's bed, Ye Feng said to Gu zhaohuide, "do you have something to say to me?"

Gu Zhaohui immediately nodded and said, "where's Chi? Help me find ah Chi

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, secret way is ah, so long have not seen Gu Zhaohui late, this kid should not die?

But Ye Feng said quietly to Gu Zhaohui, "don't worry, as long as he is still alive and in longarsenic castle, I will find him and bring him to see you!"

Gu zhaohuide nodded to Ye Feng, and then said, "you'd better go to the original federal Academy of Sciences to find out. There should be europium and rare sodium over there. That element is very precious. It can't fall into the wrong hands..."

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help but smile at Gu zhaohuide and said, "is that europium and sodium chloride you said put in a container, which is full of blue light and has something the size of a fist?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "how do you know? Have you seen it? "Ye Feng immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "before the alien civilization attacked, I went to the federal Academy of Sciences. When I saw this thing, I took it away!"

As soon as Gu Zhaohui heard this, he immediately sat up, looked at Ye Feng and said, "so where is it now?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you don't have to worry. Now it's in good condition. It's being studied."

Gu zhaohuide's face suddenly changed and said, "accept research? What kind of research? What do you want to do? Don't mess around. It has a lot of energy. In case of improper operation, there will be a big accident! "

Ye Feng immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "don't worry, there won't be any problem at the moment. He is in the hands of gasevara. He just wants to transform some primitive machine guns into laser guns!"

On hearing this, Gu Zhaohui's face changed again. He was surprised and said, "who are you talking about? Gasevara

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, it's called gasevara!" But then he browed and said, "what? Do you know him? "

Gu zhaohuide then lay down and said, "if it's him, there's no problem!"

Ye Feng a face don't understand a way, "you and he are very familiar?"

Gu zhaohuide said, "gasevara used to be my most proud student! Can I not be familiar with it? "

Ye Feng was surprised, "since he is your most proud student, why isn't he in the federal Academy of Sciences?"

Gu zhaohuide snorted coldly, "you're going to ask him in person. Why? Didn't he tell you about me and him? "

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