After listening to Gu Zhaohui De's words, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. Although Gu Zhaohui de didn't say anything, Ye Feng had already heard that there must be something between Gu Zhaohui de and gasevara.

However, since Gu zhaohuide refused to say, Ye Feng didn't ask much. He still let Gu zhaohuide have a good rest. He would try his best to find Gu zhaohuichi.

Leaving Gu zhaohuide, Ye Feng went directly to gasevara. At this time, gasevara was studying. Seeing Ye Feng standing behind him, he immediately asked, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng shook his head, said nothing, and then asked him, "how is the research progress?"

Gasevara shook his head and said, "no, the equipment here is too old, and there are still many key tools missing, some can be replaced, some can't be replaced!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said to gasevara, "as a master of Gu zhaohuide, this question should not be difficult for you, right?"

He didn't ask the question of gasevara directly, but said it unconsciously, which seemed to be very casual, not to ask gasevara directly.

On hearing this, gasevara could not help looking back at Ye Feng and said, "do you know I'm Gu zhaohuide's student?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately way, "also just know!"

Gasevara looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "not many people know about this. How do you know?"

Ye Feng shrugged at gasevara and said, "if I told you that your teacher is here now, what would you do?"

As soon as gasevara heard this, he immediately stood up, grabbed Ye Feng's shoulders and said, "is Gu Zhaohui here? Where is it? "

Ye Feng saw that gasevara's look was not right, and immediately said, "is there any misunderstanding between your master and apprentice?"

"Misunderstanding?" Gasevara immediately said, "your lifelong research was finally taken away by your teacher, and you didn't even leave your name. Is that a misunderstanding?"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard what gasevara said. He looked at gasevara and said, "do you mean Gu zhaohuide robbed your research results?"

After gasevara snorted coldly, he sat back and said, "go and ask him, don't ask me, but I don't think he will admit it if you ask him!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said, "no matter what happened in those years, now is a special period. Maybe your teacher can help you!"

But gasevara immediately stood up again and said, "if you let him come here, I'll go. I can't study anything with him. I've been cheated once. Do I have to be cheated twice?"

Ye Feng originally wanted to say something, and finally just nodded, nothing more to say, just to gasevara, "you continue to study, I have nothing to say!"

Although gasevara sat down, he still said, "anyway, I put the ugly words in the front. You can call him to come. I don't object, but I'm sure I'll go!"

Ye Feng is a smile, patted gasevara's shoulder way, "won't, you don't worry, you continue, I go first!"

Ye Feng then left the laboratory and went back to Gu zhaohuide. Gu zhaohuide saw Ye Feng coming and said immediately, "how? Have you met gasevara? "

Ye Feng sat beside the bed and nodded to Gu Zhaohui. "Yes, he is studying it. But it seems that the equipment here is not good. There are a lot of key equipment missing. There is no breakthrough for the time being!"

Gu zhaohuide sneered and said, "the equipment here is certainly not as good as that in the Federal Institute of science, but it is not without breakthrough."

Before Ye Feng spoke, Gu zhaohuide immediately sat up and said, "I'll go and have a look..."

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately way, "I see you still don't go, he said, as long as you go, he immediately give up research, laboratory, you and he can only have one person!"

Gu zhaohuide's face moved as soon as he heard this. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he slowly sat down and stared at Ye Feng for a long time.

Ye Feng looked at Gu zhaohuide for a long time, and then tried to say, "is there any misunderstanding between you and gasevara?"

Gu zhaohuide didn't speak, just pondered for a long time.

Seeing that Gu zhaohuide didn't want to say anything, Ye Feng stood up and said, "have a good rest, and I'll go out first..."

Gu zhaohuide suddenly interrupted Ye Feng and said, "did he tell you that I monopolized his research results, so he still hates me?"

Ye Feng smell speech to nod, immediately way, "so your version?"

Gu zhaohuide took a deep breath and asked if ye Feng had any cigarettes.

Ye Feng hands Gu zhaohuide one and helps him to order it. Then he looks at Gu zhaohuide.

Gu zhaohuide took a puff of his cigarette and sighed, "in fact, my version is no different from his version!"

Ye Feng thought that there would be some misunderstanding between Gu zhaohuide and his disciples. He didn't expect Gu zhaohuide to say so.Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Gu zhaohuide and said, "so, does gasevara have any misunderstanding?"

Gu zhaohuide took another puff of his cigarette and then said to Ye Feng, "what he said is right. I really took his achievement!"

Ye Feng was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment. He thought that if gasevara misunderstood Gu zhaohuide, he would be a middleman to help them explain, and that would be the end.

But he did not expect that Gu zhaohuide would come up and completely admit it? Then I have nothing to explain. It seems that I am a good man in vain.

At this time, Gu zhaohuide continued to say, "but he only knows one, not the other!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately came spirit, immediately way, "still have two?"

Gu zhaohuide said at this time, "his research is indeed unprecedented, but in fact there are many deficiencies. I have given him some suggestions, but you should also know that some so-called geniuses can't listen to other people's opinions. He thinks his research has been perfect, but when he applied for it, he repeatedly accepted the card and couldn't pass it. Finally, he invited me Help, I can only help him repair it secretly, take it and apply for it again. After I go, I know that it's not because his research has loopholes and shortcomings that I didn't pass, but because he is a new person! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded, "so they asked you to declare in your own name?"

Gu zhaohuide nodded and said, "it's undeniable that his research is of great historical significance, but if the application is not successful, it will be submerged in the long river of history and will not get any research support at all. So I hesitated and decided to apply first and then explain to him!"

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "unfortunately, he doesn't listen to your explanation at all?"

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