Gu zhaohuide immediately nodded and sighed, "yes, as soon as he heard that I had successfully applied for his research, he didn't give me a chance to explain! Even if I add his name to the applicant at the end of the day, it won't help! "

After listening to Gu zhaohuide's words, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "in fact, these things are misunderstandings. It's OK to explain them clearly, but it's just that gasevara doesn't listen at all!"

Gu zhaohuide waved his hand and said, "if he listened, he would not be gasevara, nor would he be my most proud student. Genius is always so unique in life. It is precisely because of his stubborn character that he can study what others can only look up to. If he did not have this character, he would not be a genius!"

"Genius!" After pondering for a long time, Ye Feng sighed, "don't you want to resolve with him?"

"Don't force it!" Gu zhaohuide shook his head and said, "everything has a fixed number. The thorn in his heart can't be pulled out. I hope that after a long time, he can forget it. When he meets me again, even if it's just a nod, I'll be satisfied!"

After listening to Gu zhaohuide, Ye Feng pondered for a long time without saying a word. He just looked at Gu zhaohuide quietly. After a long time, he said, "find a suitable opportunity, and I will talk to him! Tell him what you really mean

"No!" Gu zhaohuide shook his head and said, "we have been working together for a long time. I know his character just as he knows me. In fact, he knows what I really think in his heart. I just can't sell this face. I understand it all!"

Gu zhaohuide sighed and said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about it. Let it be. After so many years, you don't care about the meeting!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything more. He immediately got up and said, "OK, I'll do it by myself. But I'm going out now. You'd better have a good rest. Now, as eisf looks like, reconstruction is a matter of time. There are still many things to count on you!"

Gu Zhaohui did not speak any more. It seems that his interest in reconstructing eisf is not the same. After all, his son Gu Zhaohui's life and death are uncertain. It's rare to meet his proud disciple. He still has that attitude towards himself, and who is not interested in anything.

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He turned and left Gu Zhaohui. Just as he was about to leave the subway, he saw gasevara standing in a corner not far away, smoking.

Ye Feng saw so, the heart can't help but move, immediately walked over, took out a cigarette box from gasevara's pocket, took out one, also lit up one way, "what do you think? Have you run into difficulties again? "

Gasevara shrugged his shoulders and said, "there are difficulties every day. It's nothing like that. Just do it when you encounter difficulties!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I don't know that you spend your brains on technology. The original problem in science and technology is just relying on a brave word?"

Gasevara shrugged again, did not speak, continued to smoke cigarettes, silent.

But before Ye Feng spoke, gasevara said, "I heard that he was rescued by you under the ruins?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "who?"

Gasevara looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't pretend to be confused. Besides Gu zhaohuide, who else can it be?"

Ye Feng smell speech a smile, smoked a cigarette way, "originally you still care about his business?"

But gasevara said immediately, "don't get me wrong. I don't care about him. I just ask him casually."

Ye Feng still said with a smile, "what you asked is really casual! You almost came to me and asked me! "

Gasevara's face moved, but he didn't say a word. After taking a few puffs of his cigarette, he shrugged and said, "you don't want to pull it down!"

But Ye Feng looked at gasevara, smoking a cigarette and said, "you want to know about him so much. Why don't you go to see him yourself? He's not far from here..."

Gasevara immediately shrugged his shoulders after smoking his last cigarette and said, "well, I'm very busy, but I don't have the leisure to see him!" Say to turn round to walk, toward leaf maple waved a hand, what also didn't say again.

Ye Feng looks at gasevara's back, can't help shaking his head, clearly very concerned about him, honest Gu Zhaohui De, still pretending to be cool.

But Ye Feng didn't think much about it. The relationship between Gu zhaohuide and gasevara can be adjusted slowly. Now the last basement is more important.

Ye Feng quickly put out the cigarette after smoking, immediately a flash left the basement, and to the entrance of the basement before.

This time, Ye Feng didn't jump in immediately. Instead, he took a stone and tried to throw it towards the entrance. There was a sound inside.

But there was no sound of gunfire.

Ye Feng also tried to throw several stones in succession, but it was still the same. There was only the sound of rolling stones, no gunshot, and even no one's movement.

Ye Feng just jumped in from the entrance. It was still dark below. He couldn't see his fingers. There was only a beam of light shining down at the entrance. After a few steps, Ye Feng was completely hidden in the dark.Ye Feng turns around in the basement. Qiao Huiying tells him that there are three floors in the basement, and each floor is bigger than the other. He has looked for all the places he can find on the wall before, but has not found any entrance.

This shows that the entrance to the underground should not be on the wall, but on the ground, so this time, Ye Feng began to look for the entrance on the ground.

There are still many corpses on the ground. They don't seem to have any trauma. They should have died of suffocation.

Ye Feng looked for a long time on the ground, but still didn't find any entrance. He immediately thought that someone was shooting at him somewhere before. After he passed, those people disappeared mysteriously.

This means that the entrance should be near where they disappeared, so Ye Feng's main investigation area is locked near there.

After groping around for a long time, Ye Feng even barehanded on the ground, but he really dug out a different place on the ground. There seems to be a crack in one place.

He immediately took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight function, and took a photo toward the ground. He found that there was a positive crack on the ground, which should be the entrance.

Ye Feng immediately took out a hard tool, hard into the crack, forced a pry, actually put the floor to pry open, immediately exposed an entrance.

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