Ye Feng said, standing in front of the tombstone and looking for a moment, immediately left here, this time he did not immediately return to the basement before, but slowly walked past.

Looking at the surrounding ruins and the red sky on the road, Ye Feng feels a little tired. He can't help thinking of Dixie. Maybe Dixie's idea is right.

After all, this is not the earth. For Ye Feng, whether he is Mrs. ace or a man from the earth, his ideas are still from the earth, so the only thing he can think of now is the earth.

When Ye Feng arrives at the entrance of the basement again, he stands at the entrance and takes a look. At this time, he finds that the entrance seems different from before.

But the specific where is different, let Ye Feng say, he also can't say, he is a feeling, think or jump in.

Just after landing, he immediately went to the entrance of the next floor. Jingge also found that the entrance was a little different. After jumping down, he found that there were no people left on this floor.

Just like what Ye Feng thought in his heart, he just felt a little strange before. When he saw that there was no one on the second floor underground, he immediately understood.

It must be that after he took Libo Zhihui away, all the people in the basement had evacuated. As he thought, when he entered the third floor, there was still no one here.

Although the basement has become an empty city, Ye Feng didn't leave immediately. After all, he saw only one-sided part of the three floors underground just now.

Now taking advantage of no one here, Ye Feng immediately went around and groped on the wall to see if there was a passage leading to other basements.

Ye Feng groped around the wall for a long time, and was really found a dark grid by him. After pushing it away, it suddenly became clear.

Behind the dark grid, there is a space several times larger than the one outside, but there is still no one in it, or even an open place, without any equipment on the ground, even a stool.

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he sees this scene. This space is not only bigger than the outside space, but also twice as big as Qiao Huiying's basement.

But there is nothing in such a large basement. If there are all refugees here, there must be tens of thousands of people at least. So many people left when he left with Libo Zhihui?

Even if their actions are in order and unity, it is impossible to leave so quickly in such a short time, right?

Think of here, leaf maple can't help but full of surprise and don't understand, completely don't understand how these people do.

Of course, I don't rule out another possibility, that is, there are not so many people in the basement, that is, the people I just met.

At that time, Libo Zhihui was just delaying or hiding something?

Think of these, Ye Feng heart and a little more puzzled and surprised, Libo Zhihui in the end why to do so? What is he hiding?

Ye Feng thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with any answer. He immediately left the basement and returned to the ground.

But Ye Feng didn't immediately return to Qiao Huiying's basement. He had to look around again. Maybe there would be something nearby.

But Ye Feng on the ground to see half a day later, but increasingly feel, in fact, there are not so many people in the basement.

In the large-scale space of the basement, there may have been nothing but a space.

If there were so many people, it would be impossible to leave all traces on the ground.

Ye Feng is thinking about it, suddenly felt the sky came a buzzing sound, he immediately looked up, but saw the sky did not know when a huge black shadow appeared.

However, this shadow is different from that of the previous liquid civilization, which just stopped outside the atmosphere of the planet.

The shadow in front of his eyes seemed to be near the clouds. When Ye Feng looked up, the shadow was shuttling through the clouds.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately thought of the third civilization. When did these guys enter the atmosphere, but he didn't find it at all?

But it's not surprising to think about it. After all, I have been in the process of passing from one basement to another for so long, and I have never seen anything in space.

Even so, Ye Feng is still a little curious, because after all, he still has a hijacked alien civilization spaceship in his hand, and the appearance of the shadow just seen seems very different from that of the spaceship, and he can't see the slightest similarity.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. It was just a waste of time. He immediately flashed to the side of the spaceship he hijacked, and then jumped into the cockpit of the spaceship.

After starting the spaceship, Ye Feng immediately drove the spaceship and began to chase the direction where the shadow had just disappeared.

Ye Feng piloted the spaceship, very fast, and soon saw the shadow in front of him, which was originally seen on the ground.But when Ye Feng drove the spaceship close, he found that it was not a shadow at all, but a black spaceship.

Although it's not too small, it's still much smaller than the third civilized world spaceship I'm driving.

Although Ye Feng can't tell whether the spaceship is the product of the third civilized world, he can at least be sure that it is not the product of eisf.

It seems that the black aircraft also found that Ye Feng's spaceship was flying with it, and immediately began to accelerate.

Originally, Ye Feng thought that the speed of the aircraft was already extremely fast, but at this moment, he knew that the speed of the black aircraft just now was at most one tenth of its current speed.

The black aircraft just disappeared from under Ye Feng's eyes in an instant. Ye Feng didn't even see the direction of his disappearance. He didn't know which direction to pursue.

Ye Feng can only fly the spacecraft in the air roaming for some time, never see the black aircraft, this is driving the spacecraft back the same way.

After waiting for Ye Feng to stop the spaceship again, he jumped down from the spaceship, stood on the ground and looked up at the sky, but still didn't see the previous aircraft again.

Ye Feng's heart can not help but be a little surprised. What's the matter with this aircraft? If it's a spaceship of the third civilized world, what's its purpose.

If it's not the spaceship of the third civilized world, where does it come from? Is there a fourth civilization?

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