Ye Feng didn't think much about anything. Now it's useless to think about anything. As long as the other side no longer appears, he has no way to take it for the time being.

Even Ye Feng suspected that the other party was probably not in the atmosphere of eisf and had already gone to space.

Ye Feng decided to go back to Qiao Huiying's basement first, but when he got to the entrance of the basement, he felt something was wrong.

felt as like as two peas before he went to Libo Zhihui their basement. It was also a feeling of a strange feeling but unable to speak out.

Ye Feng carefully jump into the entrance, just go in to see a few people lying in the door, he went to explore the nose, found that these people have died.

Seeing this, Ye Feng knows that it's not good. It must be that after he left with Li Bo Zhihui, the people in the basement there have already left secretly. Instead of running away, they came here.

Ye Feng looked down at the situation in front of him and found several people standing near the next entrance, with laser machine guns in their hands, patrolling back and forth.

Seeing this, Ye Feng knows that he has not guessed wrong. It seems that he has been occupied by the other party's people. Maybe now all the people inside have been hijacked.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He immediately came to several guards and unloaded their weapons. He punched nobody's head and knocked them unconscious.

After Ye Feng walked carefully from the corridor, he heard someone sneer, "Qiao Huiying, do you think you still have a chance?"

As soon as Ye Feng heard the voice, his heart suddenly moved. The voice of the speaker was not someone else, but Hu Dion's long lost voice.

Then Qiao Huiying sneered, "what's the use of catching me now? Once the whole eisf civilization has been destroyed, what can I do if I give up my presidency? "

But Hu Di Weng sneered and said, "up to now, don't you understand?"

Qiao Huiying was surprised and said, "what do you understand?"

Houdion immediately said, "do you think these alien civilizations are coming? The whole universe is so big, do you think you can come at will? "

Qiaohuiying heart next move, seems to know what, but still some don't understand a way, "what do you mean?"

Houdion immediately sneered and said, "I sent the coordinates of essf!"

Qiao Huiying was stunned when he heard this. Although he vaguely felt something, he was shocked when he said it from Hu Dion's mouth.

Not only Qiao Huiying, but also Ye Feng, who was hiding on one side, heard Hu Dion's words. He couldn't help but move. He secretly scolded Hu Dion for not being crazy, could he?

Joanna's voice said, "are you crazy? For your own sake, you have sacrificed the lives of so many people in essf? "

But he sneered, "what do you know? there 's no making without breaking! If you look at the eve before, it's already critically ill. Besides those prosperous cities, how many abandoned cities are there on the whole planet? The people in that deserted city are just like ants. The civilization of eisf It's ridiculous, isn't it civilization? "

Joanna snapped at once, "so you ruined it? What right do you have to represent the supreme will of eisf? What right do you have to decide the life and death of others? As we all know, we can come up with a better solution to the situation on the planet of essf. It's not like you... "

Hu Dion looked as like as two peas at her granddaughter. After a long time, she was sneering again. "Anna, when you are angry, you are exactly the same as your mother."

Joanna said angrily to houdion immediately, "don't mention my mother to me. You don't deserve it!"

After looking at Joanna for a long time, houdion was relieved, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "anyway, it's the pattern now. It's the end of eisf It's impossible to go back to the past! "

Qiao Huiying immediately said harshly to Hu Dion, "what do you want? No matter how bad the civilization is, it's also your home planet. It's where you live, where you are born and where you are raised. What's the good for you to destroy the civilization

Hu Dion said at this time, "don't you see that the current espresso is what I want..."

Qiao Huiying frowned and said, "a piece of scorched earth? Is that what you want? "

Houdion said immediately, "yes, didn't you hear what I said just now? No break, no stand. Now, eisf is the most perfect one. Only in this case can we overthrow the solidified regime completely, and the once proud civilization can be completely abandoned, so as to build a real civilization on the scorched earth! A regime for all of us! "

Joanna immediately sneered and said, "even if it is, what's the difference? Maybe it is true at the beginning, but after several generations, it will return to the original line, the fight for rights, the fight for resources, human nature It's uglyHu Di Weng immediately said with a smile to Joanna, "that's right, so the new civilization and new regime that I want to build first is to wash away the ugliness of human beings and all their shortcomings. In the future, no one will be selfish!"

Joanna can't help sneering, "how can it be? Unless they're just machines and don't have any ideas! "

Houdion immediately laughed at Joanna and said, "it's my granddaughter. After all, my blood is still flowing in my body. What you said is right. In my opinion, human beings should not have their own thoughts. Thoughts are the source of all evil. What is the purpose of all human beings? But when they are well fed, well dressed and well housed, as long as they are given these, there will be no need for other thoughts! "

Ye Feng stood on the other side of the corridor. Hu Dion heard every word clearly. At this time, his brow could not help wrinkling. This old man was really crazy.

However, what he suspects now is that although he is an old madman, since he said such a thing, he must have been prepared to achieve the purpose of what he said.

Think of here, Ye Feng heart suddenly a Lin, maybe this is the purpose of Qiao Ke Emma to long arsenic castle?

Just thinking about it, I heard houdion say, "so if you want to continue to live on the planet of essf, you must accept the transformation!"

Qiao Huiying frowned and said, "reform? What are you going to transform? "

Hu Di Weng then laughed, did not say a word, then clapped his hands and said, "let Mr. Jock Emma explain our transformation plan for you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately is a move, as expected and his guess is the same.

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