Jock Emma's voice came from the basement inside, "if you change human genes a little, you can change some bad genes in the depths of human beings, and you can make human beings perfect."

Ye Feng has been eavesdropping on one side of the corridor. At this time, he can't help walking out. Just now, he has been hiding on one side, so the situation of the basement is not clear.

Now when I came out, I saw that all the people here had been detained by houdion's people, and all of them squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Qiao Huiying, Joanna and a Nan are all in the center of the basement. They don't squat on the ground with their heads in their hands like the people around them.

But they were surrounded by soldiers with laser machine guns, and hudion and Jock Emma were standing opposite them.

When Ye Feng came out from one side of the corridor, the soldiers in front of him first found him and immediately turned their guns to Ye Feng.

And hudion and Jock Emma over there also noticed Ye Feng, looking this way.

Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile, "I said, why don't you be the key person here? Now it's all right, it's all right, one is not bad!"

While talking, Hu diong raised his gun to Ye Feng's soldiers and asked them to make way for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has been walking to the center, looking at Joanna and a-nan. They all look at themselves with a worried look. Even in their eyes, they seem to say, how can you be so stupid, and come out and throw yourself into the net?

But when Ye Feng didn't see the same thing at all, he went all the way to Qiao Huiying's side and took a look at Hu Dion and Qiao Ke Emma.

Finally, Ye Feng puts his eyes on qiaoke Emma, shrugs and says, "President qiaoke, long time no see, I didn't expect that this time we met is in this situation!"

Jock Emma also looked at Ye Feng, then said with a smile, "yes, I didn't expect that after such a long time, you can still remember me this old guy!"

Ye Feng said immediately, "how can we forget? Don't forget. If it wasn't for you, how could we come back to eisf?"

Still with a smile on her face, jock Emma said, "it seems that you have misunderstood the micro universe project."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at Qiao Ke, Emma way, "misunderstanding?"

Jock Emma laughed and continued, "actually, the micro universe project has always been just a fantasy project!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

Jock Emma continued, "the real micro universe project is just a rebirth plan to save some dying people!"

At this point, jock Emma paused, looked at Ye Feng with a surprised face, then continued to shrug his shoulders and said, "you think I brought him from another created micro universe. In fact, you are wrong!"

Ye Feng immediately blurted out to ask, "where is wrong!"

Jock Emma didn't speak yet, but houdion immediately interrupted, "this kind of academic problem, you can talk about it when you have time!"

Then Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng and said, "it seems that you are coming back to save people this time?"

But Ye Feng looked at Hu diong and said, "you were hiding in that basement before. You were watching me take away Libo Zhihui, and then you all came here?"

But Hu Di Weng said with a smile, "since you left there for the first time, we've had people following you around here! So, I want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't easily find this hiding basement! "

Ye Feng had expected that, but he was just curious. When he left the basement of hudion for the first time, he almost didn't stop and returned to Qiao Huiying with the fastest speed.

in other words, it's almost impossible to track yourself at this speed.

Moreover, Ye Feng has seen the basement of houdion. He has nothing at all, and it is impossible to track himself with any high-tech products.

Seeing Ye Feng's look, Hu diong immediately said, "you must be very curious. With your ability, can you even be followed?"

Then hudion clapped his hands and said, "you must think your ability is unique, don't you?"

As soon as his voice fell, the soldiers around Qiao Huiying and Joanna suddenly began to move. It seemed as if they had disappeared, but they were surrounded by shadows.

Ye Feng saw in the eye, immediately understand, if these soldiers can do their own so close to the ability of blink, then they track themselves is not a problem.

Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile, "so look at my soldiers who have been genetically modified. Do you think you still have a chance to win?"

Although Ye Feng didn't say a word, he had an answer in his heart. If Hu Dion's soldiers were like this, Qiao Huiying's forces would have no chance of winning or even losing.Look at Qiao Huiying and others. When they saw the abilities of these soldiers, they looked as if they were dead. They thought that their hearts had already collapsed.

Even if gasevara has developed a way to transform a mechanical gun into a laser gun, and everyone is equipped with a laser gun, how can he compete with these guys in front of him?

Think of here, leaf maple can't help but long Shu a way, "it seems that you won!"

On hearing this, houdion immediately said with a smile, "it's not easy to hear the tone of giving up from your mouth!"

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "it seems that you are really well prepared this time!"

Houdion immediately said, "in fact, from the moment you wake up again, our plan has already started!"

Ye Feng then looked at Jock Emma again, and Jock Emma immediately said, "as I said just now, you have a misunderstanding about the micro universe. In fact, it's just a universe formed automatically by the brain waves of you participants in the process of experiment!"

Jock Emma said for a moment, then continued, "that is to say, the so-called micro universe is not created by me, but by all of you who participate in this project, through your powerful brain waves, autonomous communication and blending, eventually forming a vast micro universe, but this universe, does not exist, only the plan of you participants So if you still fantasize about going back to your conscious home planet, I can only tell you that unless you are on the verge of death again, and someone has implanted the micro universe you created before into your mind, and even needs all the people who participated at that time to participate in it again, otherwise there will be no one left The universe just doesn't exist

Yefeng listen to qiaoke Emma so say, can't help but a Leng, Dixie want to go back to the earth, is it just a fantasy?

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