Ye Feng is thinking about it, but listen to Jock Emma then said, "by the way, forget to introduce you to an old acquaintance, but you need to get to know him again!"

Jock Emma said, and immediately clapped her hands. A moment later, a figure flashed in front of Ye Feng. Ye Feng fixed his eyes, and his face suddenly moved. The one standing in front of him was actually the one he had just thought of. Deja vu as like as two peas, but

is a Disis, Ye Feng feels a little bit different. The woman standing in front of him is the same as Disis, but his eyes are somewhat empty.

Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately looked at the soldiers around them. Yes, Dixie's eyes at this time were exactly the same as those soldiers who could move quickly.

Jock Emma saw Ye Feng so, can't help but smile, "how? See your old lover, how is this expression? Shouldn't you say hello to him? "

Ye Feng still did not speak, and the girl standing behind him called to Dixie, "Dixie, why are you doing this?"

But Dixie is still standing in the same place, motionless, even without turning her eyes, still looking at Ye Feng in front of her.

That pair of eyes in Ye Feng's eyes, empty and godless, like a body without soul in general.

Hu Di Weng then laughed and said to Jock Emma, "Jock, don't sell anything to him. I also want to see the scene of love and killing each other between the two lovers, which was once recognized by essf."

On hearing this, jock Emma immediately nodded, and then said coldly, "kill him!"

As soon as she heard this, she was like a machine that had been started. Suddenly, her eyes were no longer as dull as before, and her spirit became bright.

But this look in Ye Feng's eyes, that is murderous, that is to say, at this time, because of a word of Jock Emma, Dixie has moved to kill himself.

Did not wait for Ye Feng to think more, in front of the Dixie immediately disappeared, Ye Feng immediately felt his head a burst of murderous.

As soon as Ye Feng looked up, he saw that Dixie had already come down from his head. There was a cold shining dagger in his hand. The dagger came straight at Ye Feng's neck.

Ye Feng also disappeared from the front of Dixie in an instant. He roughly knew that Dixie had become his killing tool because of some reasons of Jock Emma.

Since Ye Feng knew this, he expected that hudion and Jock Emma wanted to see themselves and Dixie kill each other, so he dodged to avoid Dixie's fatal blow and did not attack Dixie.

Ye Feng's goal is very clear, he immediately toward Hu Dion and go, catch the thief first catch the king, no one can understand better than Ye Feng.

At present, the spiritual leader of all these people in the basement is houdion. Only by getting rid of houdion, these people will be scattered immediately.

Ye Feng thought very clearly, so after he disappeared, he immediately went to Hu Dion.

However, just when ye Fenggang appeared in front of Hu Dion, he saw Hu Dion's eyes and didn't even appear a trace of panic.

Ye Feng is still curious. Has Hu Dion been transformed by Jock Emma, so he has no fear of attacking him?

However, Ye Feng did not want to understand, Ye Feng and Hu Dion is also between the shadow of a flash, a figure appeared between him and Hu Dion.

Originally Ye Feng thought that it was Dixie who appeared to save Hu Dion, but when the face clearly appeared in front of Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately recognized that the opposite party was Dante Emma.

Ye Feng just hesitated, and the killing wind behind him suddenly rose. He knew that Dixie must have attacked him from behind. Now he had no chance to kill houdion again, and immediately dodged away.

Hu Di Weng laughed and said to Ye Feng, "if you are aiming at me, my goal will become very clear, and your friends will be my goal, which will make things very boring!"

Ye Feng has dodged for a long time. Hu diong's words are clear. His meaning is very obvious. That is to say, if he attacks Qiao Huiying again, many people will attack them.

It has to be said that Hu Dion's warning has a deterrent effect on Ye Feng. After all, the people here are always in a disadvantage, and there are too many individuals. As a hostage, no one can do anything for him.

At this time, Ye Feng's shadow flashed in front of him, and Dixie had already caught up with him. The dagger in his hand was coming towards him step by step.

Dante Emma's voice then said, "Satan, there's nothing to hide, you and Dixie try, in the end you can kill her, or reluctant to be killed by her, whether you have her in your heart, depends on now!"

Ye Feng knows what Dante Emma means. They know that they don't want to fight with Dixie, so they do it on purpose and let Dixie kill them.This move for Ye Feng, it is not spicy, but also let Ye Feng no way.

Think of here, Ye Feng simply stood in place, looking at the front of the Dixie way, "in this case, you do it!"

Seeing this, a Nan immediately reminded Ye Feng, "don't be silly. Dixie is not controlled by herself now. She is not Dixie at all. You die in vain!"

Joanna also said to Ye Feng, "yes, they have cloning technology in their hands. We can't say whether it's Dixie. What should we do if you die like this?"

Ye Feng is still standing in the same place, motionless looking at the front of the Dixi Si, the mouth is toward Dixi Si said, "you do it!"

Can't help so, Ye Feng after saying this, even closed his eyes.

Dixi Si has no mercy at all, the dagger hand in the hand rises and falls, leaf maple immediately falls on the ground, twitch twice and then does not move.

A Nan and Joanna couldn't believe their eyes when they saw this scene. Even houdion and Jock Emma were confused.

So Satan died in the hands of Dixie? To tell you the truth, their purpose is just to see the play. I didn't expect that they could kill Ye Feng with Dixie.

This result is indeed beyond everyone's expectation.

Hu Dion shook his head regretfully and said, "I didn't expect that this boy was really infatuated. He would rather die than kill Dixie? I can't see it. It's a pity, it's a pity

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