Jock Emma can't help frowning and looking at Ye Feng on the ground, murmuring, "it seems that Dixie is very important in his heart!"

But at this time, Dixie jumps to the place between Jock Emma and houdion. Dante Emma takes a look at Dixie and gives her a thumb.

Joanna immediately rushed to Dixie, "I'll fight with you!"

However, Joanna has not rushed to the front of Dixie, but see Dixie a side kick will Joanna kick fly.

Seeing this, a Nan immediately went to help Joanna, but saw that Joanna had been knocked unconscious by Dixie.

Seeing this, Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved, and then immediately looked at Hu Dion and said, "Anna, anyway, is also your granddaughter. Are you also cruel to your granddaughter?"

As soon as he frowned, houdion walked in front of Dixie, shook his hand, drew his mouth on her face and said, "who asked you to do it?"

Dixie is still standing in the same place, motionless, not even a little expression on his face, standing there, looking at Joanna on the ground without a look.

Houdion took a look at Dixie, then looked at Joanna on the ground, shrugged at Qiao Hui and said, "I think she is my granddaughter, but he doesn't recognize me as a grandfather!"

After taking a deep breath, Qiao Hui immediately stepped forward and said, "OK, you win, I lose. What do you want?"

Hu Dion looked at Qiao Huiying and shook his head. Then he sighed, "it's no surprise that you lost. From the beginning to the end, I didn't regard him as an opponent, but you wishfully treated me as an opponent!"

Speaking of this, Hu Ding Weng took another look at the crowd and said to Jock Emma, "President Jock, look at how many people here can be transformed and how many people are useless waste!"

Jock Emma immediately took a look at all the people present and said to houdion, "most people here are useless! Only a small number of people can be transformed! "

Hu Di Weng could not help but look at the crowd with a look of disappointment. Then he sighed, "I thought I could expand my army if I came here. I didn't expect I would be disappointed. I had known that before, I might as well not have come!"

Dante Emma didn't say a word all the time. Then she said to houdion, "since these people are useless, it doesn't make much sense to keep them. Why don't you just wash them all away?"

Hu Dion hesitated to take a look at the crowd. At this moment, Qiao Huiying stepped forward and said, "if you want to kill me, you can kill me. As long as I die, they will have no spiritual sustenance. If you leave them, maybe you can't transform them into your gene fighters, but it should be OK to do some chores for you!"

After listening to what Qiao Huiying said, Hu diong fell into a deep meditation.

However, those who were controlled by Qiao Huiying said that they were all too excited. Someone immediately yelled, "if you have seed, kill us, we will live and die together with the president!"

It doesn't matter, everyone immediately began to echo with emotion and yelled, "live or die with the president! To live and die with the President... "

When Qiao Huiying heard this, she felt a burst of excitement. Having been the federal president for so many years, she never felt more respected by the people than she does now. She never felt more like a president than she does now.

Qiao Huiying's eyes were moist. He looked back at the people behind him, nodded, and then said, "it's OK for you to have this heart, but you don't have to die with me. Their purpose is to make me die, to save you, and to let me, the so-called president, serve you at the last moment of my life Let's do something! "

Hu looked at the crowd with a frown, then looked at Qiao Huiying, then sneered and said, "you are really innocent in recruiting people, but you seem to forget that it is not you who are dead, so I will spare them. Their life and death are in my hands, not your mouth!"

Qiao Huiying immediately looked at Hu Dion and said, "in addition to the soldiers, the people who need infrastructure construction and the people who need to reproduce in the future, if you turn all people into cold-blooded soldiers and people without foundation, what hope is there for this civilization?"

Hu Di Weng sneered and said, "what? You still don't understand why I want to launch this long-lasting change? Do you still think that I did it to save these people at the bottom? "

Speaking of this, Hu said with a sneer, "survival of the fittest, natural selection, this is a natural choice, why our civilization has developed into such a deformity, is because our civilization is not good enough, why not good enough, is that we always want to take care of both the top and the bottom, but how can this be possible? In the law of nature, the vulnerable groups will be eliminated, which is doomed. I will not do some hypocritical things in order to maintain a good image. In the brand-new eisf civilization system, there is only one purpose, that is, the strong is the greatest! All vulnerable groups should be eliminated. Even if they are not eliminated naturally, I can only eliminate them manually! "As Hu said, he looked at all the other people and saw that they looked at themselves one by one, as if they were their enemies.

then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's useless for you to look at me like this. I just said the law of nature. It's cruel in itself. You can't blame me or hate me I can only blame myself for not being strong enough. If you are strong enough, the current situation may be reversed. You are going to destroy me! So if there is a next life in life, starting from birth, try to make yourself stronger! "

Qiao Huiying heard so much from Hu Dion, and immediately refuted, "Hu Dion, you are engaged in genocide, you are against humanity. Even if you succeed now, you will record your crimes today in the future history!"

Hu Di Weng sneered and said, "who will know about the future? Maybe future generations will thank me for today's decision, because my decision will allow the nation and civilization of eisf to continue in the best way. In the future, our civilization will not only be in eisf, but also go to every galaxy, every planet and even every corner of the universe. They will only praise me for my success and correct decision today, because I love you In the future, the name of eisf will resound throughout the universe

Qiao Huiying said with a sneer, "you lead the wolf into the house, do you think the alien civilization will be so good to be fooled by you? They're willing to be used like this? They will cooperate with you if they don't have any advantages? "

Hu Dion continued to sneer, "cooperation is for both sides. Of course, it's good for both sides, but I don't have to explain so much to you!" Then he said to Dante Emma, "do it!"

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