As soon as all the soldiers heard this, they immediately began to take the laser machine gun in their hands.

It was at this time that Qiao Huiying immediately yelled at Hu Dion, "wait a minute! OK, I admit your success, your excellence, what you think and what you do are right. You can do anything you want me to do now, but don't shoot! "

As soon as Hu Dion heard this, he immediately waved his hand to all the soldiers to stop everything. Then he looked at Qiao Huiying and said with a smile, "what can I do for you?"

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "of course, as long as you promise me to let them go, I can do whatever you want me to do!"

Hu Di Weng heard the speech and stared at Qiao Huiying for a moment. Then his face sank and he said harshly, "kneel down!"

Qiao Huiying was stunned when he heard this, while others immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "Mr. President, you can't kneel down! We would rather die... "

Seeing this, Hu Di Weng could not help but tut his tongue and said, "what? Just such a small request, you began to hesitate? What else can you say or do? "

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "I'm not hesitating. I'm just curious. You did it just to make me kneel down?"

With that, Qiao Huiying immediately knelt down on one knee, looked up at Hu diong and said, "I can kneel down, so you are satisfied?"

Hu diweng looked at Qiao Huiying coldly and continued to say in a fierce voice, "kneel down on both knees!"

Qiao Hui immediately knelt down on his other leg and looked up at Hu Dion.

Hu Dion sneered, "do you think I do so many things just to humiliate you? You look down on me

Qiao Huiying looked up at Hu diong and said, "no matter what your purpose is, now I have knelt down. You promised me..."

Before Qiao Huiying finished, Hu Dion immediately sneered and said, "I didn't agree to any of your requests. You are too wishful thinking. You knelt down voluntarily!"

Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved, and the crowd behind him suddenly waited for Hu Dion one by one angrily. Someone even yelled to Hu Dion, "you don't mean what you say, you are a hypocrite..."

When Dante Emma heard the words, she immediately jumped up to the man who was talking loudly, with a dagger in her hand.

Before the other party had time to respond, the dagger had penetrated into his chest, and everyone was stunned.

But see Dante Emma at this time pulled out the hand of the dagger, immediately that person's a cavity of hot blood spray out, but Dante Emma immediately a jump body and jump away, the blood did not spray on his body.

Dante Emma just said coldly, "in this situation, I don't know how to live or die. The end is just like him!"

Qiao Huiying looked back at the man who fell on the ground, but saw that although the man had no breath, his eyes were still staring at Hu Dion's direction.

Dante Emma snorted coldly, "it's not a pity to die. Now your president is kneeling in front of us, and your hero Satan is also dead in our hands. What capital do you have to shout here?"

When they heard what Dante Emma said, they were about to rush forward. The death of their companions had aroused their anger.

However, Qiao Huiying immediately stood up and stopped the people, "don't be impulsive, listen to me!"

Qiao Huiying turned to look at the humanity, "as long as you live, there is still hope. Now death is just meaningless and can't represent anything! Remember what I said

Hu Di Weng sneered at this time and said, "poor mole ants, are you dead or alive? To tell you the truth, I really don't care!"

Then he immediately said to Jock Emma, "President Jock, first of all, you jump out all the people who can be transformed. These mole ants in the province are so excited that they don't die!"

As soon as Jock Emma heard this, she stepped forward and looked into the crowd. Every time she pointed at one of her fingers, Dante Emma jumped over and pulled the man out of the crowd.

The person who was pulled out was immediately thrown aside by Dante Emma and detained by soldiers with guns.

Hu Di Weng gave a sneer in his eyes, while Qiao Hui Ying knew that once these people were selected, the rest would die.

Qiao Huiying thought to step forward immediately and said to houdion, "houdion, if I die, can I live for them?"

Hu Di Weng looked at Qiao Huiying with a sneer and said, "you are the president in their eyes. Maybe your life is more important than Dashan, but in my eyes, you are nothing. Your life is not even as good as them. Do you think your death can change so many people's lives? Do you think too much..."

At this time, Hu Dion's neck suddenly hurt, but a voice behind him said, "his life is not worth money, so what about yours?"

Houdion's heart was suddenly shocked. What he was talking about was a woman's voice. He immediately looked at the place in front of him where Dixie was supposed to be standing. Indeed, as he thought, Dixie had disappeared. 、That is to say, it is Dixie who is standing behind him and holding him hostage.

Jock Emma couldn't help but move. She looked at Dixie, and murmured, "it's impossible. Her genes have been modified by me..."

Houdion slowly raised his hands at this time, and said, "calm down..."

Dante Emma saw that her brow was wrinkled, and she immediately flashed away and went straight to Dixie.

But just as Dante Emma was about to get behind him, a figure immediately stood in front of him.

Dante Emma's heart fell, and immediately jumped to avoid. When he stood still, he saw that there was a man standing in front of Hu Dion, who was Ye Feng killed by Dixie?

Everyone saw that Ye Feng was not dead, and immediately gave out a burst of cheers. Ah Nan saw that tears were coming down.

Qiao Huiying is also a face surprised to see to leaf Feng way, "you didn't die?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Qiao Hui, "how? Do you really want me to die? "

Hu Di Weng frowned and looked at Ye Feng, but he thought that Dixie could hold him, so naturally her killing Ye Feng was a fake.

Houdion was just annoyed. Why didn't Dante Emma cut off his head after seeing Ye Feng fall to the ground just now.

Dante Emma frowned at Ye Feng, then said, "it seems that I really underestimate you. It's not easy to want you to die!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Dante Emma, "it's thanks to your over confidence in your genetic transformation!" Then she immediately looked to one side and said, "is that right, Dean Jock?"

Jock Emma stared at Ye Feng, then looked at Dixie who was holding Hu Dion. Finally, she couldn't help asking, "why?"

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