At this time, Ye Feng did not give up completely. He knew that Dante Emma's ability in front of him should be different from the separation skill he had seen in Huck bay before.

In Huck bay before, Dante Emma's separation always came out one by one, one died, and another appeared immediately, repeating endlessly, as if she could never kill her.

But now Dante Emma can make so many parts at the same time, which shows that Dante Emma's real body should still be in it.

From the previous label in Huck Bay, Dante Emma's real body is always hidden, that is to say, Dante Emma is worried that her real body will be seen through.

In other words, Ye Feng realizes that he knows how to find Dante Emma's real body, so these parts will be defeated in one blow, and he doesn't need to do it at all.

But because ye Feng suddenly stood there, and even closed her eyes, Dante Emma hesitated.

After all, Dante Emma has not known Ye Feng for one or two days. He knows that Ye Feng is good at intrigue, at least in his eyes, Satan is like that.

Dante Emma doesn't believe that Ye Feng will wait to die, so Ye Feng dares to do so because he already has a way to deal with himself, and now he is waiting for himself to fall into the trap.

Because of such a worry in her heart, Dante Emma's action changed from slow to hesitation, and even gave up the plan to attack Ye Feng.

More than a dozen Dante Emma, holding daggers, are turning around Ye Feng. He wants to see how Ye Feng can escape under his defense.

At this time, Ye Feng still closed his eyes, thinking about the way to deal with Dante Emma.

In fact, Ye Feng has always had an idea that his sixth sense used to be accurate. He always felt that it was not entirely a matter of luck, but that he really had this feeling.

So at this time, Ye Feng wants to get back his sixth sense from his mind, to judge which one is the real Dante Emma around him.

Ye Feng also felt that his brain cells were moving actively, and his thoughts seemed to be clearer and clearer. In this case, it was like his meditation in virtual space before.

It seems that all things around him have turned into nothingness. There are not a dozen Dante Emmas around him, not even one.

The ruins around him gradually disappeared, there was not even a piece of debris on the ground, and the whole eisf civilization did not seem to exist.

At this time, Ye Feng seems to be in the space of the universe, with a period of arbitrary drifting, without any gravity, or even any external force.

At first, Ye Feng felt that his brain cells were active, but at this moment, he felt that there was nothing in his brain, even no thought at all.

Gradually, Ye Feng even began to feel that his body did not exist. He was just an idea floating in the starry sky.

But the idea gradually disappeared. Ye Feng began to feel that he was nothing and did not exist at all. The body did not exist, the consciousness did not exist, the idea did not exist, and everything did not exist.

After that, all things and stars in the whole universe gradually disappeared, and the whole universe began to become completely nihilistic, and everything seemed to be nonexistent.

Black, now the only thing Ye Feng can feel is black, endless black, endless black, all the time black.

At this time, more than a dozen Dante Emma are staring at Ye Feng in front of him, and they are still thinking about whether Ye Feng has calculated anything, so they are gambling with themselves that they will guess what ghost idea he has come up with.

In other words, in fact, Ye Feng can't crack his own move at all. Ye Feng is just bluffing himself and delaying himself.

After all, with Dante Emma's understanding of Ye Feng, Ye Feng's mind can come up with such a move to die, and it's not surprising that later generations can do so.

But Dante Emma is not 100% sure, at this time Ye Feng must be so, so want to start, but some hesitation in the heart.

In the end, Dante Emma decided not to care. Today, either Ye Feng or Dante Emma will die. You can't give up this wonderful opportunity just because you have hesitation.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma decided to bet on this big one. If it really caught Ye Feng's way, it can only show that she is inferior to others.

What's more, Dante Emma also knows that even if he doesn't use the technique of separation, he and Ye Feng fight alone, he will not fall behind.

That is to say, even if ye Feng's way is really touched and calculated by him, he can still block it with more than ten parts. As long as his real body doesn't die out, he can still pull back a game at that time, or at least keep himself invincible.

Think of here, Dante Emma a bite, a dozen Dante Emma immediately jumped up, a dozen Dante Emma at the same time towards the leaf maple body of a dozen key, as long as a dozen people can hit, leaf maple will die.But at the same time, after more than a dozen Dante Emma shot at the same time, Ye Feng's body is still motionless, but Dante Emma has made up her mind, so she can't manage so much.

But when more than a dozen daggers in Dante Emma's hand stab Ye Feng at the same time, Dante Emma sees that more than a dozen daggers have stabbed Ye Feng's body. She thinks in her heart that she is really trying to deceive herself.

but at this time, Dante Emma felt that her dagger had been stabbed in Ye Feng's body, but it was as if she had stabbed an empty one.

More than a dozen daggers instinctively moved at this time. Without this movement, Ye Feng's body suddenly drifted away with the wind.

Dante Emma saw such a scene, can't help but face movement, secret way how this is possible, clearly a good person standing in front of, how can it become like this?

More than a dozen Dante Emma immediately looked around to find Ye Feng's whereabouts, but no matter how they looked, they could never see Ye Feng's existence again.

Dante Emma immediately exclaimed, "Satan? What are you up to? "

The echo of Dante Emma came from the ruins of longas castle, and the air was shouting again and again, "Satan Satan Satan... "

Although it was his own voice, but at this time, he felt extraordinarily penetrating when he heard Dante Emma's ears. He immediately flashed away, and more than a dozen Dante Emmas disappeared immediately.

More than a dozen Dante Emma went in ten different directions at the same time, looking for Ye Feng's whereabouts in every corner of longarsene castle.

However, there is no Ye Feng's whereabouts in the huge longarsene castle. A dozen Dante Emmas quickly gather together, and in a moment, the other dozen rush towards one of them at the same time.

After each Dante Emma's body hit that body, it turned into a burst of smoke, and then the smoke was absorbed by that body.

In an instant, more than a dozen Dante Emmas merged into one. Now there is only one Dante Emma left on the ruins. He turns his head and looks around, still shouting, "Satan! How do you hide your face? There's seed coming out... "

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