However, no matter how Dante Emma called Ye Feng, there was still silence all around, and there was still a desolate ruins of longarsene castle.

In this way, the silence around, but let Dante Emma some psychological panic, feel the bottom of the general heart, he was holding a dagger palms are sweating.

There is a kind of human fear of the unknown. Now Dante Emma is just like this. He can't understand what it means for Ye Feng to disappear suddenly.

Dante Emma looks around in panic. Although Ye Feng has disappeared, it gives him a feeling that Ye Feng seems to be everywhere.

It seems that the next second Ye Feng may appear around him at any time and launch a sneak attack on him. In that way, his original advantage will be gone.

Dante Emma called a few more times, but still did not find the whereabouts of Ye Feng. He felt a little weak, but at the same time, he was thinking about another problem.

He is not some worry, in fact, Ye Feng at that moment has died, disappeared in the world, otherwise with his ability to suddenly disappear, had come out to attack himself.

Although she thought so, Dante Emma didn't dare to relax too much. After all, everything was just her own fantasy, and nothing could prove her idea.

After waiting for a long time, Dante Emma's heart suddenly moved, and suddenly thought, did Ye Feng deliberately hang himself here, and at this time Ye Feng had gone to the basement to deal with his uncle and Hu Dion?

Thinking of this, Dante Emma immediately converged and ran quickly towards the entrance of the basement.

But just after a few steps, Dante Emma felt something strange behind her. As soon as she turned around, the dagger in her hand went out.

If ye Feng wants to attack himself from behind, his sudden knife should be enough for him.

However, after Dante Emma waved out, she found that there was nothing behind her, and she could not help hesitating.

After so many years of actual combat experience, I told myself that my feeling is impossible to make mistakes. There must be someone behind me just now.

But everything in front of him proved that what he thought seemed wrong, but he believed in his intuition.

Like Ye Feng, this intuition of danger does not come overnight, but is formed naturally because he has spent a long time in danger.

Dante Emma knew that Ye Feng must be near her. She was looking at herself. As long as she took it lightly, she would attack her immediately.

In other words, before his guess Ye Feng may have gone to the basement, is wrong.

Dante Emma suddenly began to nervous again, but after the next move, immediately after a burst of body emptiness.

In an instant, more than ten Dante Emma came out from Dante Emma.

More than a dozen Dante Emma looked at each other and looked at each other with a smile. Now there are more than a dozen of them here. It's not so easy for Ye Feng to sneak on himself, is it?

But at this time, Dante Emma suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen. When she looked down, she saw a steel bar pierced out of her abdomen.

Before Dante Emma could react, his body was pushed forward by a force behind him.

When Dante Emma looked back, she saw that Ye Feng was right behind her, and all the separate bodies that she had not far away were disappearing one by one.

That is, at the same time, Dante Emma was tied on a stone slab, Ye Feng immediately reached out to bend the steel bar, and tied him to the steel bar completely.

Dante Emma endured the pain, reached out and waved the dagger in her hand. When she wanted to stab Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately kicked the dagger in his hand.

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "how can you recognize me?"

Ye Feng sneered at Dante Emma, "I'm just waiting for your separation. It seems that you forgot to confuse my vision first. Every separation comes out of your real body, but your real body hasn't moved. Can't you see that? Do you really think everyone else is a fool? "

When Dante Emma heard this, she suddenly felt awe inspiring. Yes, the reason why she let Ye Feng not distinguish herself was that she let Ye Feng not see herself clearly in advance, and then finished the separation.

But this time, he was stupid enough to stand in the same place to complete the separation, even if ye Feng again silly should also see it.

But Dante Emma also knows that this time, it's not because ye Feng's sudden disappearance disturbs her mind.

But now it's too late to say anything, Ye Feng has defeated himself, and this defeat is doomed.

Ye Feng took a look at Dante Emma, and saw that the blood in his abdomen was spilling out, and his body was completely twisted to death by himself on the stone slab. The stone slab didn't look like a thousand gold, at least a few hundred jin.

With Dante Emma injured, it's almost impossible for him to get away.

After seeing these, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile to Dante Emma, "it seems that we are going to say goodbye now!"While speaking, Ye Feng picked up the dagger that Dante Emma had been kicked by himself. I walked towards Dante Emma in my hand.

Seeing this, Dante Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "you can't win a surprise attack! I don't agree

Ye Feng sneered at Dante Emma and said, "if you had said this to me before, I would have let you go and killed you with the most honest means, but now it's impossible..."

With that, Ye Feng immediately raised the dagger in his hand and said, "it's always a disaster for you to keep it. I can't keep you any more!"

"Wait a minute!" Dante Emma immediately said, "think about our memories When we were children on earth, we used to be the best brothers... "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's just an illusion made by your uncle!"

Dante Emma immediately yelled, "it's not made. It's made by our common consciousness. Although it may be illusory, we all know that experience. We all remember it, don't we?"

Ye Feng frowned slightly, then nodded to Dante Emma and said, "yes, although it's illusory, it's incomparably true for several of our clients!"

Seeing that Ye Feng's face was loose, Dante Emma immediately nodded and said, "yes, no one can have a deeper understanding than us..."

Ye Feng takes a look at Dante Emma, and the dagger in his hand still goes across Dante Emma's neck.

Dante Emma thought she had talked about Ye Feng, but at this time she felt a sharp pain in her neck, and her face suddenly changed as blood overflowed from the wound of her neck.

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng in front of her with a look that she didn't believe she was going to die. She seemed to ask Ye Feng, "why?"

But Ye Feng reached out to wipe Dante Emma's eyes and said, "no matter how real or fake it is, there can only be one death between you and me. No matter what you think of me or hate me, I can only say sorry. If we have a chance in the next life, we will fight you to die and live. I'll let you do it, but this life will be over!"

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