At this time, Ye Feng saw that Dante Emma's body in front of her began to contract gradually, and the skin on her whole body began to wrinkle, as if the water in her body had been drained instantly.

After Dante Emma's body completely shrunk, it gradually formed a mummy, just like a mummy that has been weathered for thousands of years, which made Ye Feng somewhat unexpected.

Ye Feng stares at the director of Dante Emma in front of him, frowns tightly, and says secretly in his heart what's the matter with Dante Emma's body and why he regrets this.

And just at this time, a voice suddenly rang out behind Ye Feng, "what are you looking at? Was it a surprise? "

Ye Feng a listen to this voice, face suddenly move, immediately turned around, but see not far away on the pile of ruins is standing a person, not Dante, who is Emma?

Dante Elmar as like as two peas, and who seemed to have no injuries, and his eyes were looking at themselves with great gleam.

Ye Feng frowned and looked at Dante Emma, then said, "what just died is just a clone of you?"

Dante Emma immediately applauded and said, "it seems that you are not too stupid. You have not guessed wrong. It's really my clone that died!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he was shocked. If it was only the clone of Dante Emma that died just now, it means that the clone of Dante Emma already has the ability of separation?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Dante Emma immediately sneered, "what? Isn't that incredible? I even wonder if the me you are facing is my noumenon or my clone? "

Ye Feng's heart is moving again. He really doubts that if Dante Emma is cloned so badly, who can guarantee that there is only one clone of Dante Emma?

If you are Dante Emma, you will make your own clone come out to find trouble with others on the premise of ensuring that your own body will not be hurt by others.

Ye Feng's eyes are staring at Dante Emma in front of him. In fact, he also knows that it is impossible to distinguish whether a person is a clone or not with the naked eye alone.

At this time, Dante Emma slowly came down from the ruins and said to Ye Feng as she walked, "so you can't be my opponent anyway. You should be aware of this!"

Ye Feng asked Dante Emma at this time, "so, are you a clone or an ontology?"

Dante Emma said immediately, "Guess!" Speaking, Dante Emma has not far in front of Ye Feng two meters away, stopped, looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sneered, "even if it's a clone, it won't know that it's a clone. After all, it inherits all the consciousness and memory of ontology. You can actually distinguish the difference between clone and ontology, so it's very possible that you are an ontology!"

Dante Emma immediately said with a smile, "it's possible!"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "I haven't finished my words yet. Since you can distinguish the difference between the clone and the noumenon, it only means that you perfectly inherit the consciousness and memory of the noumenon, but it doesn't mean that you are 100% noumenon!"

When Dante Emma heard Ye Feng's words, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? You mean I'm a clone? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that's right! I dare not say that you are a clone, but there is a 99% chance! You are nothing but your own being, the clone sent to die! "

Dante Emma hesitated. What Ye Feng said was not wrong. If he was cloned, he would naturally think that he was Dante Emma. He would not have any doubt about this.

In other words, even if he is a clone, he will not feel that he is a clone. As long as the ontology has not met him, he will feel that he is an ontology.

And even if ontology meets itself, he will instinctively think that the other is the clone, and he is the real representative of Dante Emma.

That is, at the moment when Dante Emma hesitates, Ye Feng disappears from Dante Emma. When he appears again, he has already stood on Dante Emma's side.

But on the dagger in Ye Feng's hand, the blood is dripping to the ground drop by drop, and then look at Dante Emma on one side. At this time, on his neck, a blood mouth is bleeding.

Dante Emma was a little surprised when she wanted to look at Ye Feng, but she fell to the ground and saw Ye Feng standing on her side.

Ye Feng then took a look at Dante Emma who fell to the ground and said, "whether you are an ontology or a clone, it's the same for me. What if you have a hundred of yourself? The biggest problem for you is that you are suspicious of being seriously ill. I just said so casually, and you have already begun to lose your soul. Who will die if you don't die? "

Dante Emma's throat rustled. She wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything and stopped breathing.Ye Feng is standing on the side of Dante Emma, staring at the body of Dante Emma, sure enough, not long after, Dante Emma's body happened and before that Dante Emma the same situation.

The whole body began to contract, the body's moisture evaporated instantly, and the body turned into a mummy in a very short time.

If we can judge whether Dante Emma is the noumenon based on the situation after death, then if Dante Emma will appear next, we must kill him,

in other words, we don't know how many Dante Emmas we need to kill to find the noumenon of Dante Emma.

But Ye Feng didn't think much. Instead, he was more concerned about the situation in the basement.

After all, just now, Dixie took houdion. If Dante Emma, who has been fighting with him, is only a clone, then it is very likely that there will be a clone to deal with Dixie.

That is to say, Dixie may have fallen into a bitter battle with Dante Emma now. After all, in terms of Dante Emma's separability, Dixie is hardly a rival of Dante Emma, even a clone of Dante Emma.

However, although Dixie is not likely to be Dante Emma's opponent, when Ye Feng also believes that with Dixie's ability, it is not easy for Dante Emma to solve her quickly.

Even so, Ye Feng went to the entrance of the basement immediately. He had to help Dixie before she was completely downwind.

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