As soon as Ye Feng arrived at the entrance of the basement, he immediately felt a murderous air behind him. Ye Feng immediately dodged to the back of each other. As expected, it was still Dante Emma.

At the moment, Ye Feng is also aware of a problem. When he was in Huck Bay, Dante Emma appeared one by one.

Before, Ye Feng thought that the separation made by Dante Emma was of the same nature as that of Huck Bay, but now it seems that it is not of the same nature.

That is to say, when Dante Emma was in Huck bay before, she used cloning as a cover, one clone after another to find herself.

But this time, his separation skill should be totally different from the previous one, and now one after another is the same as what happened in Huck bay before.

At the same time, Dante Emma in front of him is also a dodger. He must know that if he doesn't dodge, he will be attacked by Ye Feng behind him.

Ye Feng immediately disappeared, because he also wanted to prevent Dante Emma from using the same move to flash behind his back and carry out a deadly sneak attack on himself.

However, the two have been in such a left flash and right dodge. After they finally flashed, they found that there was still a certain distance between each other's position and themselves, and no one disappeared.

Ye Feng stares at the Dante Emma in front of him for a moment, but still can't see whether he is a clone or the master from the other person.

However, according to Ye Feng's own conjecture, most of Dante Emma in front of him is ontological. Since he can infinitely let clones come out to deal with himself, Dante Emma is not a fool, so why let his own ontological come out to take risks?

Dante Emma saw Ye Feng looking at himself and said with a sneer, "it seems that I underestimated you. I gave you two lives. You didn't even get hurt?"

Ye Feng can't help sneering at Dante Emma, "two lives? Are you wrong? It's going to take three lives! "

Dante Emma still sneered, "I've seen your fight with the first two before. Do you think I'll be the same as them?"

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart next move, if Dante Emma didn't lie, that also means, now there is Dante Emma in the lurking around looking at his side.

Dante Emma saw Ye Feng's face move, and immediately sneered, "I don't care if I'm a clone or a noumenon, my purpose is to kill you!"

Ye Feng sneered, "you can not care whether you are an ontology or a clone, but have you ever thought about a problem?"

Dante Emma frowned and said, "what's the problem?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if you are noumenon, of course I am your first enemy..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Dante Emma immediately frowned and said, "what do you mean? Do you mean that if I am not an ontology but a clone, then my first enemy will not be you? "

Ye Feng shrugged and looked at Dante, Emma said, "do you need to say that? If you are a clone, it means that even if you have the same body as Dante Emma, you will inherit his memory, but you will always be a clone, you are not Dante Emma

Dante Emma said immediately, "you don't have to say that. I know what you mean. You just want to tell me that I'm not the body at all, do you?"

But Ye Feng sighed, "what you think is too simple. I mean, if you are a clone, do you think this experience will make a clone exist forever? That is to say as like as two peas, if you are an entity, will you allow one or even many people who are exactly the same as you?

When Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly moved. Obviously, Ye Feng's words still moved him.

At this time, he can't help but secretly say that Ye Feng is right. If he is an ontology, then these clones are just tools he made and tools for killing people. He must dispose of them afterwards. He will never allow people like himself to exist.

Whether he is a clone or the ontology of Dante Emma, his consciousness and memory are Dante Emma's.

In other words, on the contrary, if he is a clone of Dante Emma, Dante Emma's ontological idea is absolutely the same as his own.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma can't help hesitating, but there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart, that is, he is not a clone, but an ontology, so he doesn't have to worry about these superfluous things.

But at this time, Ye Feng seemed to see through Dante Emma's mind, and immediately sneered, "are you still imagining that you are the noumenon?"

Then, before Dante Emma could speak, Ye Feng immediately added, "how many clones are there in the world? No matter you are an ontology or a clone, you should know a 778, right?"

Listening to Ye Feng's reminding, Dante Emma suddenly felt a sense of awe. She really had a specific number of clones in her heart.And Ye Feng immediately said, "I killed only two. This number must be much smaller than the one in your heart. In other words, if you were Dante Emma, would you let the noumenon come out to deal with me? But the fact is that you are standing in front of me now, so it's not clear whether you are an ontology or a clone? "

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly changed. Ye Feng was right. There were only two dead clones. This number was less than a fraction of the real clones. So, is she a clone?

Think of these, Dante Emma suddenly a burst of silence, who had always been the murderous, gradually began to disappear.

Ye Feng can fully feel that the murderous spirit of Dante Emma is disappearing bit by bit. Dante Emma's appearance can deceive people, and her words can deceive people, but she can't deceive herself.

And at this time, Dante Emma in front of him said to Ye Feng, "you go, I don't want to be your enemy!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you want me to go?"

Dante Emma immediately sneered, "I now know that I'm a clone, not the real Dante Emma. Even if I can kill you, I'm just a knife, not a knife holder. Even if you die miserably, it's no pleasure for me, because as long as you die, my death is not far away!"

Ye Feng didn't expect that Dante Emma's cloning experience was so far-reaching. He couldn't help staring at Dante Emma in front of him for a long time. Then he took a deep breath. "I need to remind you that if you are Dante Emma's noumenon, and you create Dante Emma with the same ability as yourself, you will make them perfect, and they may not be affected by yourself Are you in control? "

Dante Emma can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng as like as two peas at once, "if you don't think you can, then you can be sure that all the clones are not Dante Elmar, but they are definitely defective. And this defect is absolutely fatal, because a Dante Elmar is even a little bit of a difficult person, and there are many others."

Dante Emma, listening to Ye Feng's words, was shocked. She looked at Ye Feng in front of her and said, "is there a time limit for life?"

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