Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders to Dante Emma and said, "you have inherited all the consciousness and memory of Dante Emma. As far as subject consciousness is concerned, you are Dante Emma, so whether you know best is your first reaction. I didn't say anything."

As soon as Dante Emma hears this, her face suddenly changes. Ye Feng is right. From the perspective of consciousness and memory, he thinks that he is Dante Emma, and his consciousness and memory are almost the same as the ontological Dante Emma.

That is to say, if I can think of this point, it is enough to show that Dante Emma's ontology must have thought of this method.

So the final conclusion must be what I think, because if I am the main body of Dante Emma, I will definitely use this method.

Dante Emma is staring at Ye Feng, his mind is a little confused, that is to say, whether he is killing Ye Feng to complete the task, or not, he is killed by Ye Feng, his end has been doomed from the birth.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma took a look at Ye Feng and said, "you go!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "you don't want to kill me anymore?"

Dante Emma said with a sneer, "murderer, people always kill! It doesn't make sense

Ye Feng can't help staring at Dante Emma for a moment, then nodded, "that's good!"

Originally Ye Feng saw Dante Emma's appearance and wanted to persuade him, but after thinking about it, he really had nothing to say.

Whether the guy in front of him is Dante Emma's ontology or clone, there is no essential difference for Ye Feng.

Originally, Ye Feng also thought, trying to see if he could find out where Dante Emma was from the mouth of the clone in front of him.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to think more, the present Dante Emma has disappeared. Ye Feng doesn't know where he has gone, whether he wants to find the essence of Dante Emma, or whether he wants to do something meaningful in his limited life.

Ye Feng doesn't want to think about it. After all, Dante Emma's clone, in the final analysis, from the moment of his birth, he is also a human being. People have their own ideas, so Ye Feng doesn't feel surprised that Dante Emma has any ideas.

He immediately went to the basement to prevent another clone of Dante Emma from making trouble. Although he was confident that he could win every clone of Dante Emma, it was really a waste of time for him to come out one by one.

After arriving at the basement, Ye Feng sees that Dixie is still holding Hu Dion, and other forms have changed. Qiao Huiying's people have already carried Hu Dion's laser machine guns, and Hu Dion's men have been hit together at this time.

And Jock Emma, at this time, is being held by Yueying sleeveless and a-nan with a gun. Jock Emma's face is like ashes.

When people saw Ye Feng's appearance, their faces were all on one side. Qiao Huiying immediately cheered, while Hu Dion and Qiao Ke Emma's ugly faces were even worse.

Joanna immediately rushed to Ye Feng at this time, "Ye Feng, you're OK!"

Ye Feng nodded to Joanna, and let Joanna come and hug him. Then he took a look at Dixie who was holding Hu Dion.

After just looking at Ye Feng, Dixie asked faintly, "has Dante Emma solved it?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "this guy is very smart. He will never come out by himself and use clones to deal with me. He has been killed several times by me and has not seen Dante Emma yet!"

On hearing this, moon shadow immediately grabbed the collar of Jack Emma and hummed to Ye Feng, "as his uncle, he must know!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at qiaoke Emma, but see qiaoke Emma see himself looking at him, actually slowly closed his eyes.

Ye Feng knows the character of qiaoke Emma. Now if he is forced to ask him, there will be no result. Moreover, if he is forced too quickly, the old man may be able to thank him for his death.

Finally, Ye Feng's eyes fell on Hu diong's face and said, "Mr. Hu, what do you say about this situation?"

Hu Di Weng sneered, "how to say? What else can I say? Since ancient times, I have been defeated by the enemy. Now I am in your hands. You can do whatever you want! "

Ye Feng stared at Hu Dion for a moment, then looked at Qiao Huiying who didn't speak and said, "president, what do you think?"

Qiao Huiying's eyes had been staring at Hu dingweng. After a long time, he said, "shut up first..."

Moon shadow sleeveless first objected, "shut up? Such a person should be killed immediately, so as not to leave any future trouble. For his own sake, he attracted alien civilization to attack us. How many people died? As long as he pays for his life alone, it will be cheaper for him! "

Other people began to get excited when they heard that. They echoed her words and asked for the death of Hu Dion.

Qiao Huiying looked at Hu Dion hesitantly for a while and said faintly, "didn't you think you would have this end?"Hu Dion shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's hard to say if you want to do something big, you've already left life and death out of your mind. Do you know why you failed? It's because you are so kind and indecisive. If I were you, I would kill me immediately. I would never give me any chance! "

Qiao Huiying pondered for a while, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "you can deal with it! It's up to you! "

Ye Feng then walked slowly in front of Hu Dion. After staring at Hu dingweng for a long time, he looked at Jock Emma and sneered, "is this Hu Dion fake?"

Jock Emma's face suddenly moved when he heard this, and the others all looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Then they all opened to houdion, who was held by Dixie.

But he frowned and said, "who is the fake? I am me! Who can fake me? "

Ye Feng has been looking at the side of the jock Emma said, "since Dante Emma can make countless clones out, you clone a houdion out, it is not difficult, is it?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng sneered, "even I doubt that the real Hu Dion may have died in your hands! I'm right, Dean Jock

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng in a daze, and didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, and stares at jock. Emma looks at him and says, "can't you, Dean Jock Is it cloned, too? "

When they heard this, their faces changed again. If so, everyone would be really flustered. After a long time, they were all playing with each other's clones?

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