At this time, jock Emma's face soon returned to calm, but hudion said with a smile, "is Satan Satan in the end? Can you see that?"

After listening to Hu diong's words, people suddenly felt a sense of awe. Hu diong's words were tantamount to admitting Ye Feng's conjecture.

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Hu Dion. After staring at him for a long time, he sneered and said, "are you proud a little early? Whether you are a clone or not, you can't run away today! "

Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng with a slight movement, but heard Ye Feng continue to say, "if you are a clone, your main body has already told those people not to care about your life, let them fight with us! And worry about a clone being hijacked here? "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Hu diong's face suddenly changed. He looked at Ye Feng in a daze, and his eyes trembled. This is the expression of his mind.

And Ye Feng said with a sneer, "if you don't say that nonsense, maybe I will really believe that you may be clones, but now, thank you for that nonsense, which reminds me that Dante Emma has cloned countless clones, but he has combat ability, and the brain of your camp doesn't need two?"

Houdion immediately sneered, "these are just your guesses. I don't believe you are so sure!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't need to be sure, or even doubt. I said, no matter you are a clone or an ontology, you can't run away!"

With these words, Ye Feng didn't give Hu Dion another chance to speak. He immediately looked at Jock Emma and said, "Dante Emma has fighting ability. What about you, Dean Jock? Well I almost forgot, Dean Jock, you have a brain. If you have more than a dozen or even more of you, you may have more scientific creations by brainstorming. Therefore, you are far more likely to be a clone than houdion! "

Jock Emma said with a cold smile, "you don't have to talk so much nonsense. Don't care if I'm a clone, just do it!"

Ye Feng shakes the dagger in his hand and walks towards Jock Emma. However, as soon as he puts the dagger on Jock Emma's neck, he hears Dixie immediately say, "you can't kill him!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly ground see to di Xi Si way, "do you still want to keep him a life?"

Dixi Si immediately toward Ye Feng way, "you killed him, we can only stay here forever, you don't forget, you once promised me, want to leave here with me!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. It seems that Dixie still doesn't agree with his identity as Esman, and still feels that he is a human on earth.

But without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Joanna immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you want to leave here?"

Ye Feng didn't answer Joanna's words, but said to Dixie, "didn't you hear what Jack Emma said before? The earth is just an imaginary planet in our mind! "

But Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "illusory? So far, are you sure what's real and what's unreal? Maybe he didn't lie, but don't you feel our real experience on earth? "

When Ye Feng heard that, he immediately sighed. Before the death of the first clone of Dante Emma, he once told himself about his time on earth.

In fact, Dixie is right. Even if the earth is indeed an illusory place constructed by all of their minds, the time they lived on the earth is so real for them.

In fact, Ye Feng's heart is the same as that of Dixie's. If we have to say that a civilization is illusory, he feels that eisf is more illusory and the earth is more real.

But at this time, Dixie continued to say, "if one day, we go to another planet, and then people in that world tell us that eisf is just our imaginary world? What are we going to do then? In this world, where come those false and real, I think as long as we think he is real, then he is real! "

Yefeng listen to Dixi so a say, heart can't help but a Lin, before even in the earth, he also went to a virtual world? Even in that virtual world, Ye Feng felt that his experience was real.

Yes, if he believes that the virtual world is created by illusion, and the earth is real, then when he comes to eisf, he thinks that the earth is created by illusion, and eisf is real. Will there be another civilization one day, saying that eisf is created?

In fact, when Ye Feng and his colleagues first came to eisf, or even drifted in the micro universe, and understood the level of civilization, they thought about this problem. Maybe there is a God who creates all things in the universe in this world.

It's just that this God, perhaps different from their understanding of the traditional God, may be the same as what Jock Emma said now, is that the consciousness of several of them created a microcosm, or it may be the same as on earth, it's just a virtual program of a computer, creating a world.Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Dixie. After taking a deep breath, he said, "even if this is illusory, the earth is real, or the earth and Eve are illusory, and there is a real world outside, we can't keep Jock Emma!"

With these words, Ye Feng turns around, and the dagger in his hand just cuts across the neck of Jock Emma. Jock Emma looks at Ye Feng with unbelievable eyes, and his hands are tightly covering his neck, but the blood is still flowing from his hands.

On one side, the shadow of the moon of Jock Emma and a-nan are gone. Ye Feng says that he will do it. There is no time left for Jock Emma to relax.

After seeing that Jack Emma fell to the ground, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "you are going to destroy our hope of going back with your own hands!"

After saying this, Dixie immediately looked at Joanna on one side, but said to Ye Feng, "everything is for her?"

Joanna saw that the look in her eyes when she looked at her was a little chilly. She could not help but instinctively back a few steps.

Ye Feng this time a flash, blocked between Joanna and Dixie Si, looking at Dixie Si way, "can say, I don't for anyone, also can say I am for everyone, all the trouble is because of them, so Jock Emma must die!"

With that, Ye Feng's cold eyes looked at Hu Dion again and said coldly, "he must die too!"

At the same time, Ye Feng has come to Hu Dion's face. The dagger full of blood in his hand has been on Hu Dion's neck.

Hu Di Weng's mouth trembled a little, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "you can't kill me yet..."

Ye Feng sneer, immediately in the hand of the dagger a row, don't want this time, his dagger but can't smoothly cut off Hu Dion's neck.

But listen to "bang" to a crisp ring, the dagger in the hands of Dixie, just block Ye Feng's dagger.

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Dixie, but Dixie coldly said to himself, "you can't kill him yet!"

Listen to Dixi Si say so, leaf Feng can't help but eyebrow a tight way, "you want to protect him?"

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