But Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't want to protect him, but it's useless for you to kill him! Don't you see that? What we really have to face is alien civilization! "

But Joanna immediately said to Dixie, "all alien civilizations, because of him, come to us. What's the right to live for a man who betrays his own Federation, his own civilization and his own planet?"

When he heard what Joanna said, he couldn't help looking at Joanna and saying, "Anna, I'm your grandfather!"

But Joanna snapped, "I don't have a grandfather like you. After my mother died, my grandfather died with my mother! You are just an executioner, not my grandfather

When Hu Di Weng heard the speech, his face could not help but move. Then he sighed, closed his eyes, and said, "you don't have to stop him. I'm ready to die!"

Ye Feng listened to Hu Dion's words, and immediately said to him, "you also heard what he said, you can get out of the way!"

But Dixie immediately said, "I can't get out of the way. I won't let you kill him. If you want to kill him, I could have done it when I was holding him!"

Ye Feng listens to Dixi si so a say, the facial expression immediately moves a way, "is exactly why? The reason you just said is definitely not the main reason! "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "don't you always want to restore the memory of eisf? Dante Emma and I have recovered a lot, only you haven't replied yet

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but also a wrinkle tunnel, "what do you mean? What does this have to do with whether we want to kill houdion? "

At this time, Dixie took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "if your memory is completely restored, you should remember that I once told you a secret!"

Ye Feng is surprised to see Dixie in front of him. He knows that the secret that Dixie said must be everything that happened on eisf. If it's consciousness on earth, he should remember it clearly.

After taking a deep breath, she said to Ye Feng, "the secret about my biological father..."

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at Dixie. He seemed to be aware of something, but his mind was still empty, without all the memories.

And at this moment, Ye Feng's brain suddenly seems to have something constantly toward the skull, consciousness in general.

Just for a moment, Ye Feng's memory, it seems to think of the once Dixie, in an opportunity to get along with himself alone, and said to himself, "I have found my own father!"

Ye Feng knows that he and Dixie are both orphans. He has been trained as an agent of the FBI since he was a child, and he has never been aware of his identity.

Ye Feng also tried to find it, but there was no following. Of course, Dixie also found it, just like himself.

Only Dante Emma found his uncle, that is, jock Emma. For the three, the luckiest one should be Dante Emma.

But that time, she found herself and said that she had found her own father.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Hu Dion. Hu Dion is also staring at the present Dixie. He seems to have understood why Dixie wants to defend himself.

In fact, it is not only Ye Feng and Hu Dion, but also others who are aware of the meaning of this sentence.

The shadow of the moon without sleeves is more direct. She directly asks Dixie, "do you mean that houdion is your father?"

In fact, most people, after hearing the words of Dixie, already have a good idea. However, after listening to the question of Yueying Wuxiu, they are still shocked.

Houdion was more surprised to see Dixie, "Dixie, what do you say?"

Dixie did not look back at houdion, but continued to look at Ye Feng and said, "he is indeed an asshole, an unforgivable villain, but God's will is so incomprehensible, he is my father, the father I have been looking for!"

The consciousness in Ye Feng's mind at this time, the memory of this period has almost all returned to his mind. At this time, he looks at the Dixie in front of him, takes a deep breath, and throws the dagger in his hand on the ground.

Joanna also looked at the front of the Dixie, if Dixie is houdion's daughter, then in other words, Dixie is also his own aunt?

When people see Ye Feng throwing away the dagger, they can't help looking at him. Is it because Hu Dion is Dixie's father that Ye Feng gives up killing him?

Don't want to this time, Ye Feng but toward in front of the Dixi Si way, "since he is your father, so he handed over to you to deal with, is to kill, or put, you decide!"

Dixie took a look at Ye Feng and the dagger he threw on the ground. At this time, he took a deep breath. Then he turned his head and looked at houdion, who was more surprised and shocked than anyone else.

When houdion saw that Dixie turned to look at himself, he immediately asked, "Dixie, what you said is true? I'm your father? How is that possible? I have only one daughter... "But Dixie said with a sneer, "you have only one formal wife, and your wife has only one daughter for you. But how many women are there outside you? Don't you know?"

On hearing this, houdion's heart was shocked and he looked at Dixie. At this time, his face suddenly moved. No wonder he always felt a little familiar with Dixie. So it is.

He can't help but wonder to ask Dixie, "your mother is Venus?"

"It's not easy for you to remember that there was such a woman in the world," said Dixie with a sneer

But he still shook his head and said, "it's impossible. Venus can't have a daughter She never told me! "

But Dixie immediately said coldly, "that's because you have been in front of her, complaining that your wife only gave birth to a daughter for you, and she also gave birth to a daughter. Do you think she will take the initiative to tell you after listening to you?"

After hearing this, houdion could not help looking at him for a long time. Then he suddenly thought of something and immediately asked him, "yes, what about your mother? What about Venus? Where is she? "

But Dixie stared at houdion and said, "she's finished her life after you've made a new lover mercilessly, but she sent me to the orphanage before she finished her life!"

Houdion pondered for a long time when he heard that. After a long time, he said to him, "I'm really sorry, Dixie. I didn't think of it. I didn't think of it at all..."

But Dixie sneered and said, "put away your compassionate hypocrisy. How can you not think that there are still a few women who have been abandoned by you for so many years? Does one have a good end? It's not that you didn't think of it. You are just numb and unwilling to think about it! "

In the face of his words, houdion had no words to retort. He could only look at her in a daze. After a while, he closed his eyes and said, "I have nothing to say. Do you kill me?"

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