At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "you should also see that Qiao Huiying seems to have obsession with the soldiers of Hu Dion just now!"

Ye Feng nodded. In fact, Ye Feng didn't need to be told by Dixie. When Qiao Huiying left just now, he was disappointed. Who can't see it?

But Ye Feng said to Dixie, "it's useless to have obsession. The key is that we don't have such technical talents here!"

After all, what Ye Feng said is reasonable. Even if Qiao Huiying thinks about it again, they agree that it doesn't make any sense, because there is no technology.

Ye Feng didn't talk much, but went to find gasevara, want to see his research situation there.

However, when Ye Feng and Dixie just passed by, they happened to see Qiao Huiying come out from him in disappointment. They didn't even see Ye Feng and Dixie.

Ye Feng and Dixie are standing in the same place, watching Qiao Huiying walk away. Then they look at each other. Although they don't know what Qiao Huiying wants to do with gasevara, they have guessed something in their hearts.

Then Ye Feng and Dixie entered the laboratory. Gasevara was sitting there in a trance, so that Ye Feng and Dixie came in, and he didn't notice.

Ye Feng has been walking to the front of gasevara, gasevara came back to God, surprised to see Ye Feng and Dixie said, "when did you come? With the president? "

Hearing gasevara ask, Ye Feng frowned slightly, but he didn't speak. Dixie immediately asked gasevara, "why did the president come to you just now?"

On hearing this, gasevara's face suddenly moved, and then said, "Your Excellency asked me about hudion's men just now!"

Dixie immediately asked, "he asked if you could come up with that kind of technology?"

As soon as gasevara heard this, he looked at Dixie in surprise and said, "yes, since you all know, what else do you want to ask me to do?"

Dixie did not answer the words of gasevara, but looked at Ye Feng, who had not spoken all the time, "it seems that he still does not give up!"

Ye Feng nodded and then said to gasevara, "what did you say to the president?"

Gasevara shrugged and said, "what can I say? I don't understand these technologies at all. Of course, I'm telling the truth!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded again, and then asked gasevara, "have you broken through the technical bottleneck?"

Gasevara sighed, then shook his head and said, "no breakthrough yet!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to gasevara, "it seems that you have no choice but to cooperate with Gu zhaohuide!"

As soon as gasevara heard this, his face suddenly changed and he looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you let him come, I don't object, but I won't participate in it..."

Before gasevara finished speaking, Ye Feng snapped to gasevara, "you may not understand that if your research is not out, all of us here will die after the next alien civilization, including you and Gu zhaohuide!"

Gasevara pondered for a while and looked at Ye Feng without saying a word. At this time, Dixie immediately said, "in front of all the common interests of Mrs. ace, you and Gu Zhaohui De's personal grudge can be put aside for the time being. Think for yourself, if you and Gu Zhaohui De's personal grudge has caused the destruction of the whole eisf, you think your conscience is too strong Do you want to go

After hearing this, gasevara said with a sneer, "you advise me to be reasonable. Don't forget, when you were facing houdion just now, did you ever think about this problem yourself? Don't you also think that your personal feelings let houdion go? If houdion escapes and kills us in revenge, what about your conscience? Can't your conscience be condemned? "

On hearing this, disiss suddenly looked at gasevara, and could not say a word for a long time.

In fact, deep in his heart, he realized that although the main purpose of gasevara and himself was to stimulate himself, what he said was completely right.

On my side, I can educate gasevara to give up personal feelings and personal grudges, but I am the worst demonstrator of this kind of thing.

Ye Feng looked in his eyes and immediately said to Dixie, "don't think about it. What gasevara means..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Dixie immediately said to gasevara, "you're right. I'm really not good at dealing with this matter. I'll go to remedy it now, but you have to go to Gu zhaohuide. We don't have time!"

Dixie said, immediately turned to go, Ye Feng see immediately stopped Dixie way, "where are you going?"

Dixie immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "I let houdion go. I've paid him back. But what gasevara said is right. Because of my personal feelings, we are now in a potential danger. It's my fault. I'll go to kill houdion and make up for this mistake."Just as Ye Feng was about to finish, Dixie immediately pushed Ye Feng away and said, "don't stop me. You know my character. Once I decide to do this, no one can stop me!"

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "I can go with you..."

"No!" Dixie immediately said, "I can solve this problem by myself. You'd better protect this place. Don't let it fall into crisis again because you want to help me. That's my fault again!"

As soon as his voice fell, his body immediately disappeared in front of Yefeng and gasevara.

Gasevara also seemed to feel that he was talking a little too much. After a look, he said to Ye Feng, "I'm sorry, I don't mean that. I just I can't help it for a moment

Ye Feng sighed a little. Now it's meaningless to blame gasevara. He can only say to gasevara, "no matter how, Dixie has the courage to admit his mistakes, and is willing to make up for them. But you, for the sake of that little thing in those years, are still worried. Compared with Dixie, you are still a man. Don't you feel guilty? ”

gasevara immediately said, "that was not a small thing in those days..."

Ye Feng immediately interrupted, "your point is not only a small matter, but also a bullshit. Compared with the kinship and ethical relationship of Dixie, what is it? What's more, at that time you were just a nobody, and your scientific research achievements were not valued by others at all. Gu zhaohuide didn't want your hard work to be buried. How many times did he secretly find organizations for you, do you know? And your research is not as perfect as you think. I believe you know that, yes, in the end, Gu zhaohuide used his name to help you improve and publish, but he has been trying to help you contact the above for the sake of your signature... "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng sighed, "now it's OK, and you don't have to fight for it. The whole federal Academy of Sciences is no longer there. What else do you fight for? Now, even if I correct your name and tell the world that the scientific research achievement is yours, what's the significance? The whole eisf is going to fall into the hands of alien civilization. What do you think you can get from them? "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, gasevara stared at Ye Feng, unable to say a word for a long time.

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