After a long time, gasevara took the initiative to say to Ye Feng, "help me talk to Gu zhaohuide. He can come here at any time!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan eyebrow asked a gasevara way, "after he came, how about you? If you go, I don't think he will come either! "

Gasevara shrugged and said, "he's here to do his job. I'm here to do mine, but I don't rush out..."

After listening to what gasevara said, Ye Feng knew that gasevara was actually forgiving his mentor Gu zhaohuide in disguise.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "but I don't think my face is so big. If I ask him to come, I'm afraid he may not be willing to give me face!"

On hearing this, gasevara couldn't help looking and said, "you don't want me to ask him to come by myself, do you?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile to gasevara, "if I go to say it, Gu zhaohuide may not believe that you have forgiven him. Only if you go in person, he will believe it!"

"I just said that he could come here to work, but I didn't say that I forgave him!" gasevara said

Ye Feng then pushed gasevara out of the laboratory, pushing him and saying, "you teachers and students are both tough and soft hearted. In fact, Gu zhaohuide has been looking for you for a long time, but you can't afford to lose face. You are his student, and you are just like him! There is no overnight feud between teachers and students... "

During the conversation, Ye Feng had already pushed gasevara to Gu zhaohuide's resting place. Gu zhaohuide saw that it was gasevara, and his face suddenly moved. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would come here.

Seeing Gu zhaohuide, gasevara was embarrassed. He wanted to leave, but he was pushed to the bedside by Ye Feng and pressed him to sit down.

Ye Feng then said to Gu Zhaohui de and gasevara, "now your teachers and students are sitting together. What's the misunderstanding? You should make it clear to your face that in your whole life, no one knows who will come first tomorrow or the accident. Maybe you don't have a chance in your whole life if you don't say something!"

After saying this, Ye Feng immediately added, "OK, I won't disturb your teachers and students. Let's talk about the past. I'll go shopping by myself!"

Ye Feng then turned and left. After a long walk, he looked back. He was afraid that gasevara would not agree with him, so he immediately got up and ran away.

But when he looked back, gasevara was still sitting there looking at Gu Zhaohui de on the bed, and Gu Zhaohui de was also staring at gasevara. Although it seemed that no one spoke, Ye Feng knew that the teachers and students were not far away from talking, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Ye Feng immediately out of the basement, he walked around on the ground, one is to see if you can find Gu zhaohuichi's whereabouts, the other is to see if Dixie has left any clues.

First of all, Ye Feng went to the basement where hudion had hidden before, but it was empty there. There was no one there, and there was no clue about him.

Ye Feng thinks that hudion must have some other hiding place for Tita. After all, there is nothing in this basement. If Jock Emma wants to study something, at least there will be some kind of laboratory here.

This is enough to show that Hu Dion must be a cunning man, hiding in a place that even Qiao Huiying may not know. However, since Qiao Huiying does not know, it is estimated that it will be more difficult to find him.

I just don't know if Dixon's three caves will be known by Dixon. If she knows, she will go directly to find him. If Dixon is wary of Dixon, she will change places, so Dixon may not be able to find them so easily.

After a turn, Ye Feng didn't find any clues. Finally, he sighed. Now, the form of eisf has been attacked both inside and outside.

The great enemy of alien civilization has always existed. The most important thing is that we don't know when they will come, and there will be a hidden danger on hudion's side sooner or later.

Although Hu Dion left hidden danger, Ye Feng didn't regret that he promised Dixie to release Hu Dion. After all, Ye Feng knew that Dante Emma's Noumenon was still there, and that Jock Emma he killed was probably not noumenon.

So at that time, even if he didn't agree to let houdion go, it was estimated that Dante Emma was hiding somewhere and would come out to help him. At that time, even if he could restrain Dante Emma, he would inevitably hurt the innocent.

The most important thing is that it is possible that Dante Emma, who has exhausted all his strength in the end, may not be the essence of Dante Emma. In the end, he is willing to work in vain.

In fact, no matter how big the gap between Dante Emma and herself is, as long as Dante Emma keeps sending out his clones, even if she can't kill herself, she can still kill herself.

Besides, Ye Feng is still determined to let houdion go. Relatively speaking, without houdion, he may not be able to find the hiding place of Dante Emma and Jock Emma. With houdion on their side, it is relatively easy for him to find Dante Emma and Jock Emma.

Ye Feng casually found a waste building, standing on the top of the building, lighting a cigarette, also want to take this opportunity to think about the next road.At this time, he opened his hand and stretched it in front of him. After looking at it carefully, he suddenly squeezed it tightly. Suddenly, he felt boundless strength, as if there was a gushing jet.

Ye Feng looked at his fist and thought about the power he had before. Before, he could even summon the fire of hell. Now he seems to have lost it.

However, the thought in my mind just moved. I felt a burst of heat on my fist, and I couldn't help but move. Then I thought that the liquid humanoid had told me before that his power was just sealed.

They just untie their own seal and release their own abilities. In other words, they are born with these forces, not from liquid civilization.

If so, it would be no exaggeration for the liquid human form to say that it has the ability to create the universe.

After hearing this, Ye Feng hesitated all the time. Since he was released, there was no other change except the current speed, let alone the ability to create the universe.

But now, feeling the heat of his fist, Ye Feng gradually began to believe in liquid civilization. Maybe his potential is unlimited, but he has not fully developed it.

Ye Feng was thinking about it, when he saw a few bright lights in the sky, just like meteors, sliding down from the sky to the ground.

Ye Feng a see so, the heart can't help but move, secret way is alien civilization gone back?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately went to the spaceship, and immediately started the spaceship. He immediately took off, and raced in the direction of the "meteor" falling.

If it's really the alien civilization, you can get rid of them at the first time, so that they won't have any trouble on the planet of essf.

The spaceship is in the sky. It's flying towards there at a high speed, watching the sound of explosions on the ground in the distance.

It seems that those "meteors" all hit the ground. It's not so much that those "meteors" fall down, or can be directly understood as impact.

After those "meteors" hit the ground, a few mushroom clouds suddenly soared into the air, and a burst of air waves came immediately, whizzing in Ye Feng's ears.

Although the wave could not hurt Ye Feng, he could hardly open his eyes. Even the whole body of the spaceship was shaking, making a sound of metal impact.

Moreover, the shaking of the whole spaceship's hull gradually turned into shaking, even the speed of flying towards the front was completely reduced, and there was even a feeling of being swept away by the air waves at any time.

Ye Feng didn't dare to think about it. No matter how powerful technology is, it can't compete with this natural force. For today's sake, we can only find a place to avoid the wind.

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