Ye Feng immediately began to force the spacecraft to land, but under the hurricane like pressure in front of him, it was impossible to land the spacecraft perfectly.

At last, when the second wave of air waves hit, the whole spaceship was like a fallen leaf floating on the sea. It could not control itself at all. No matter how much power it had, it could not compete with the power of the air waves.

finally, the spaceship could only follow the waves in the air waves, and the whole spaceship turned upside down in the air waves, Then he fell to the ground with a bang.

After falling to the ground, the spaceship was still swept back by the air waves and glided all the way. The whole ground was marked a gap by the spaceship.

I don't know how long after that, the spaceship finally stopped. Fortunately, the cab was back to the direction of the waves. Ye Feng felt a little better.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the darkness in front of the driver's cab, but it was full of flying sand and rocks. It seemed that the whole world could be swept away by the waves.

After a little while, the power of the waves gradually dissipated, and the sand and stones in the air in front of them gradually began to fall. It seemed that the sky could see a glimmer of light.

Ye Feng pricked up his ears to listen for a moment, and determined that the sound of the air waves outside had disappeared completely. Then he climbed out of the cabin of the spaceship.

After leaving the spaceship, Ye Feng found that behind the spaceship was a long gully, and the soil on both sides of the gully turned up.

Ye Feng tried to look into the distance, but he could only see some redness in a certain position in the distance, but the dust behind still made his sight blurred.

Ye Feng knows that the red light in the distance must be caused by the meteor falling in the sky before, but it is also because of the red light that Ye Feng can basically lock the position he wants to go.

He immediately stepped forward, all the way in that direction, but there were few obstacles along the way.

However, even with instant steps, it took Ye Feng about half an hour to complete the journey. It can be seen how far Ye Feng's spaceship was blown by the waves?

In front of him, he found that a huge crater had been smashed out by a meteor, and the stones in the crater were on fire.

But fortunately, the fire is already very small, only some scattered places are still burning, most of the other places have been extinguished, only the smoke is blazing.

Ye Feng mainly wanted to see what fell to the ground, causing such damage.

If it wasn't for the liquid civilization that had destroyed the surface of eisf before, it would not have escaped this time.

Ye Feng walked around in the fire, and even felt that the temperature on the ground was rising. After walking in, he could feel that the air in the area began to thin, just like walking into a sauna.

But Ye Feng can barely bear it. Step by step, he leans toward the center of the cave. He can see that in the center of the cave, there is a black object shining, and there seems to be sparks around.

After Ye Feng saw the black thing, he stopped first and stood in the same place. He looked at it carefully. It seemed to be an irregular metal body. He couldn't see anything wrong with it.

After watching for a moment, when Ye Feng went on, he felt a diaphragm under his feet. He looked down and wanted to see a long triangle on the ground.

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at it. He felt that it was like an enlarged sword, but he felt that the material of it was stone.

Ye Feng wanted to have a look, but he found that the stone sword seemed to be connected to the ground and couldn't be pulled out.

After trying to pull it out a few more times, seeing that the stone sword was still unmoved, he simply gave up and walked directly towards the black metal in the open space.

However, the closer to the black metal, Ye Feng felt an uncomfortable feeling all over his body, the heavier he felt, and even a tinnitus feeling.

Ye Feng quickly stepped back. He knew that if the metal was an alien product, there might be some radioactive radiation that would have a certain impact on the human body, even if it was him.

If it wasn't Ye Feng, it was an ordinary person. Maybe when he was near the pit, he had been killed by the radioactive material of the metal block.

Ye Feng slowly back, want to wait for things after the radioactive material radiation, and then consider trying to look closer.

But when I looked back, I was blocked at my feet again. When I looked down, it was another stone sword. But when I looked carefully, it was not the same as the one before.

Ye Feng quickly stepped back and looked down at the top of the pit. There were three similar stone swords under the pit, all of which were exposed in the pit.

Ye Feng's curiosity was bigger than that of the black metal object. After all, he could see that the three stone swords were not formed naturally, but were carved by hand.

Why is this artificially carved object buried in the ground? If it wasn't for the accidental fall of the "meteor" in the sky, maybe no one knows that there are so many things hidden in the ground.And in this subject, Ye Feng's mind suddenly had a sense of deja vu, as if he had seen the stone sword somewhere.

Ye Feng thinks that anyway, the black metal block here is radioactive. Now he can only wait for time to stand here. It's better to go back and find some digging tools at this time to dig out the stone sword and see what it is.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately show instant step toward the original direction, with an hour or so, just to the basement direction.

But at this time the entrance of the basement has been blocked by stones, Ye Feng tried his best to move the stones from the entrance.

Into the basement, found that those people are flustered appearance, Ye Feng know must be all know what just happened outside.

Qiao Hui reflected to ask what happened outside of Feng Feng, and Ye Feng did not explain much. Instead, he found a steel shovel, and then he came out of the hole. He still forgot to seal the hole with stone, so as to prevent what was happening.

It took Ye Feng another hour to go back to the previous pit. He stood on the top of the pit and looked down. He found that the flames in the pit were almost out. At this time, there were only bursts of smoke.

And before Ye Feng saw the three stone sword's head, it seems to show more than before.

Ye Feng knew that the slope of the pit had caused some soil to run away to the bottom of the pit. He didn't think much about it. He began digging with a shovel immediately.

He first dug back along the body of a stone sword, and then found that the body of the stone sword was much bigger than he thought.

Finally, after digging dozens of meters, it was found that the second half of the stone sword seemed to be connected to a stone.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to continue to dig along the other two stone swords, but he expected that the two stone swords were almost as long as this one, and the tail was connected to a huge stone.

Instead of wasting time on those two stone swords, it's better to dig the huge end of the stone sword body and see what it is.

Ye Feng said that he could do it as soon as he could. After about two hours of digging, the whole boulder gradually showed its true appearance. When he looked at it from a close distance, he couldn't see anything. He just felt that the two figures under his feet were like eyes.

Ye Feng's heart was filled with awe, and he immediately stepped back. He felt that this thing might be a statue of some gods in the ancient period of the aeschf civilization.

However, when Ye Feng ran to the other side of the earth pit and looked at the huge stone statue, his face suddenly changed. The huge stone was really a human statue.

And this statue Ye Feng looks very familiar. It's actually the statue of liberty, a founding gift from France on earth.

Ye Feng couldn't help standing in the distance, staring at the head of the statue of liberty in front of her. The stone sword before that was the decoration on the hat at the top of her head.

There can't be such a coincidence in this world, can there be a giant statue on the planet created by their virtual consciousness?

All this seems too strange, thanks to the black metal body, if it is not for its fall, I really do not know that there is such a shocking secret under the land of eisf.

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