The more Ye Feng looked at it, the more flustered he felt. Why did the statue of liberty exist in eisf? Who brought this from earth?

But I think it's impossible. The statue of liberty is so big. Even if we can bring something from the earth, we don't have such a thing.

Or there is a possibility, although Ye Feng's heart is not willing to think so, but all kinds of signs show that all this seems to be so.

The statue of liberty is buried in the ground for many years without seeing the sun, which shows that the statue has been buried here for many years.

In other words, that is to say, this is probably a building that has always existed on the ground of eisf. It was only after many years of earth shaking changes on the ground that it was sealed underground.

That is to say, a long time ago, aesf was the earth, and the earth was aesf?

Think of here, leaf maple heart can't help a Lin, things are afraid to think, now really more see more likely, more think more feel is such a thing.

If eisf is the earth, it means that the earth may be eisf a long time ago, and eisf will be the earth a long time later.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath. He immediately makes a decision, and there is a possibility that he doesn't believe far away in his heart.

Although this possibility is very low, it can not be said that it is impossible. It happens that the head of this statue looks very similar to the beautiful statue of liberty on earth, but the lower part is not necessarily the same.

So Ye Feng decided that no matter how deep it was buried, he would dig it out completely and see its true appearance.

thought of it immediately, and Ye Feng immediately picked up the shovel and began digging on the ground. He felt that it would be worth it no matter how much time it took.

Once this started, Ye Feng could not stop. He dug from afternoon till dark. After a short rest, he dug from dark till dawn.

From daybreak to noon, and from noon to afternoon, Ye Feng finally stopped his action at the moment when the sun was about to set on the horizon of eisf.

The huge pit in front of him has been dug out by Ye Feng, which is bigger than before. In the pit, a huge statue of Liberty stands in front of him.

After seeing the complete statue of liberty, Ye Feng's last excuse has not been broken. This is the true statue of liberty, which is 100% the same as that on earth.

In other words, the statue of liberty in front of us is the statue of liberty on earth, which is absolutely infallible.

Originally, he wanted to see the true face of the statue of liberty, so he didn't feel tired at all. Now that the real statue of liberty is fully exposed, Ye Feng feels weak and completely slumps on the ground.

At this time, the first thought in Ye Feng's mind was that if Dixie saw the scene in front of him, he didn't know what he would feel.

Ye Feng believes that if Dixie saw the statue of liberty, she would not be surprised.

Then Ye Feng suddenly thought that all of his last trip to the universe was just a journey of time. He didn't leave at all. He was still on the earth in the end, but it might be the earth after millions or even tens of thousands of years.

At this time, an idea suddenly came to Ye Feng's mind. Previously, jock Emma said that the creation of the micro universe was created by the brain consciousness of all the people involved in the project.

If so, is there another possibility that, in fact, the statue of liberty has always been Elsie's, and the reason why it appears on earth is that someone has seen the statue of liberty in Elsie's, so they subconsciously created it when they participated in the project?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is. If you don't lie when you go to Jock Emma, that is to say, there is a possibility that the earth is not aesf.

When Ye Feng thought of this, he was searching in his mind. What evidence can prove that eisf always had the statue of liberty?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately went back to the basement and asked Qiao Huiying, "did you hear about the statue of liberty?"

Qiao Huiying saw that Ye Feng didn't come back one day and one night. As soon as she came back, she asked herself this question. She couldn't help but wonder, "what's the statue of liberty? I haven't heard of it? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but feel a move. Then he asked, "how much do you know about the history of eisf?"

Qiao Huiying shook her head at Ye Feng and said, "the history of eisf has gone through a fault. The latest history that can be tested is more than 1000 years ago, and I don't know it any more!"

Ye Feng then asked Qiao Huiying, "where can I see these historical records?"

Qiao Huiying can't help sighing, "if eisf hadn't experienced all this before, there is a federal library where detailed historical records are kept. Unfortunately, it's all destroyed now!"

After listening to Qiao Huiying's words, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a move. Then he asked, "the history of eisf is only more than 1000 years old. Is it that a similar thing happened to eisf more than 1000 years ago, so the history is broken?"Qiao Huiying nodded and said, "that's right. A thousand years ago, there was a protracted World War in eisf. Almost all the countries on eisf participated in it But These are just legends, and they are recorded as unofficial history in history books! "

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng didn't say anything more. Then he left the basement and found the spaceship. He wanted to start the spaceship and take it for a tour around the whole planet. Could he find any new clues.

However, after the previous impact of the spaceship, Ye Feng started several times without success. Just when Ye Feng was ready to give up, he was actually started by Ye Feng.

Although the spaceship was started up, it is just wake up the operating system, but want to take off or can't, Ye Feng can't help but sigh and sit in the spaceship driver's seat.

If you don't know, it's OK. Now you know some clues. If you don't find out thoroughly, Ye Feng always feels itchy, as if he can't breathe.

As long as this fact is not clear, Ye Feng estimates that he can't sleep soundly these days.

Looking at the anti spaceship console in front of him, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. Although it's difficult for the spaceship to take off, I believe there are still many things that can be operated here.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he began to reach out and grope on the console for a while. Suddenly, in front of him, a virtual star map suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ye Feng stares at the virtual interstellar map for a while and finds a red dot flashing on it. If his guess is correct, it should be the coordinate display of the spaceship.

Ye Feng immediately played with his hand on the virtual star map, and found that the virtual star map was really enlarged by him.

Ye Feng heart immediately a joy, immediately keep playing in front of the star map, star map is also constantly enlarging.

From the beginning of a cloud like whole universe, nebulae gradually appeared, and from nebulae gradually became large interstellar, and from large galaxies to small galaxies.

Finally, Ye Feng released his hand and looked at the small galaxy map in front of him. His face suddenly moved. The virtual galaxy map shows clearly, which is almost the same as the solar system where the earth is.

But there are also many differences. For example, there are many more stars in the galaxy, and there are two moons orbiting the planet, but the position of the planet is the same as that of the earth in the solar system.

Although many details are quite different, Ye Feng can't immediately say that it's definitely not the solar system. After all, if the time span is large enough, no one can know what has happened in the solar system for so many years. Maybe in addition to natural disasters and man-made disasters, there are forces outside the sky that are also changing aesf, which eventually leads to the earth's great change and gradual transformation What about what's become of today's Eve?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng decided to go back to find gasevara and prove his guess. As long as gasevara repaired the spaceship, he would go to the same location on the earth to see if his guess was correct.

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