Ye Feng immediately went back to the basement. When he found gasevara, he was in the research room with Gu zhaohuide. Gu zhaohuide was talking to gasevara, and gasevara nodded frequently.

Ye Feng can't help sighing that the teacher is the teacher. On the key technical issues, Gu zhaohuide is the teacher himself.

Ye Feng didn't worry. He stood outside and waited for them to finish. Then he went in and said to gasevara, "come with me? Are you free? "

Gasevara said with an embarrassed smile, "that what On my side... "

Before he finished, Gu zhaohuide immediately said to him, "you go with him. I'll be here for the time being. I'll be almost done when you come back!"

On hearing this, gasevara nodded and then said, "teacher, please be busy first. I'll go with him to have a look. I'll be back soon!"

After that, gasevara immediately let go of the things in his hand and said to Jingge, "where are you going?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to gasevara, "it's all called the teacher, which means there should be no problem, right?"

Gasevara shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no overnight feud between teachers and students!" Then, as if for fear that Ye Feng would laugh at him, he immediately turned away from the topic and said, "where are you going, I'm busy!"

Ye Feng immediately grasped gasevara's hand, and in an instant, he arrived in the cockpit of the spaceship. Then he said, "just now the plane crashed. All other functions can be used, but it can't start the flight mode!"

Gasevara sat in the driver's seat and began to check what went wrong. After half an hour of groping, he got up and said, "OK!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at gasevara in surprise and said, "that's good?"

Gasevara said, "some of the bumped mainboard fell off and had poor contact. Just improve it a little bit!"

Ye Feng didn't say much, and immediately I, gasevara's hand, immediately sent him back to the middle of the basement, "then I'll be busy first, and you and your teacher should be busy too"

with that, Ye Feng disappeared in front of gasevara, and had already gone to the cockpit of the spaceship.

As soon as Ye Feng sat down, he immediately started to launch the spaceship. After adjusting the direction, he immediately flew to a target.

After a successful flight, and looking at the signs on the positioning system, the previous position of the spaceship has been locked by him. Now his target is the other side of the planet.

Along the way, all the cities are the same as the former abandoned cities. Occasionally, the cities are similar to those in lonarsburg. Ye Feng knows that it must have been the city of eisf Federation before.

But Ye Feng didn't come for these cities. When he arrived at the opposite side of the planet, he immediately began to hover over the sky.

After flying again and again, he flew again and again, even better than every corner. Finally, he saw some clues and flew to that corner. After landing,

studied y. Feng's spaceship, such advanced alien technology, should have similar mining techniques. Anyway, it's much better than digging with a manual shovel.

Did not want to be Ye Feng so a grope, really find a mining mode out, the spaceship immediately flew to the mid air, from the bottom of the ship stretched out two huge strange hands, a burst of digging on the ground.

Not only that, Ye Feng saw that there was a virtual screen in front of the cab, which could see the mining situation below, and even automatic mining operation.

Ye Feng scratched on the exposed corner of the city wall, and the corner of the picture was immediately locked, which means not to move this piece, or even this material.

Ye Feng took advantage of the spacecraft in self excavation, jumped directly from the cockpit, just jumped, was shocked by the scene.

When I was in the cab, I just showed a corner. After I landed, a city building was basically exposed.

Take another look at the two huge strange hands under the spaceship. They are constantly planing on the ground, but they will automatically avoid when they meet the wall.

After about half an hour, a completed city wall and tower appeared in front of Ye Feng.

While the spaceship continued to dig ahead, Ye Feng stood in the same place and sucked deeply. In fact, when he saw the corner of the wall, Ye Feng was convinced that his idea was right.

Now after seeing such a complete section of the city wall and tower, Ye Feng is more sure that the city wall under the ruins is the great wall that should exist on the earth.

So it seems that there is the statue of liberty in the other hemisphere, and the Great Wall has been dug up in this hemisphere, which is enough to show that this is the earth many years later.

At the end of the day, Esther is the earth, and the earth is Esther.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a look at the spaceship flying in the mid air, and immediately jumped in and sat in the driver's seat.

But he didn't stop digging. Anyway, now he needs time to think about it. Let the spacecraft continue digging.Now just a little more proof can completely support my theory, that is, how to prove that the great wall and the goddess of liberty here were not created by the brain consciousness of those who participated in the micro universe project.

After all, Ye Feng had thought of it before, and could not rule out another possibility, that is, people on the planet of essf had an impression of these buildings, so they created the statue of liberty and the great wall directly when they created the micro universe, especially the earth.

But Qiao Huiying also said that the civilization history of eisf is only more than one thousand years, and there is no record of more than one thousand years ago. So who can have an impression of the ancient statue of liberty and the ancient Great Wall?

Although Ye Feng felt that the probability of having an impression on the two antiquities was not big, it was only a small probability after all, which did not mean that there was no probability at all.

After thinking of this, Ye Feng realizes that he still has to go to Qiao Huiying for this matter. Although he said that the history of eisf is only more than 1000 years, it's just not recorded. Maybe there are some legends among people.

For example, when we were on earth, many ancient legends proved to be related to many historical events and even historical antiquities.

It can be found on the earth, so it must be the same truth on aesf. Maybe we can find some clues from some ancient myths and legends about aesf.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately turned off the excavation function of the spaceship, and then launched the spaceship. However, when he flew into the air and looked down, Ye Feng was still shocked.

First of all, Ye Feng didn't expect that the speed of digging up with the huge strange hand under the spaceship was so fast. How long has it been? At least it has dug out the Great Wall for more than ten miles, and the great wall that hasn't been excavated is still under the mound.

Secondly, although Ye Feng had been to the Great Wall when he was on the earth, he had never seen the Great Wall from the air. Although it was only a short period of more than ten miles, he had already been so shocked. If all of them were excavated out, it is self-evident how shocking it is.

Ye Feng drove his spaceship around the Great Wall for several times, and finally left here and continued to fly towards the other hemisphere of eisf.

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