After returning to the basement, Ye Feng directly finds a Nan and tells her about his discovery. Except for dickis, only a Nan is the best one for Ye Feng to speak. After all, a Nan comes from other universes with herself.

After listening to Ye Feng's analysis, a Nan's whole face is stunned. She looks at Ye Feng and thinks that Ye Feng is joking. However, after seeing Ye Feng's serious face, she knows that Ye Feng is not joking.

But a Nan asked Ye Feng a question, "if this is the earth, and the earth is the future Earth, and the earth is the former one, then what's the matter with my planet?"

Ye Feng can't help but think about it. Besides a Nan, there are cat face people, tree face people and ugly face people. They all come from different planets. What's the matter with these people?

Originally, Ye Feng felt that she was close to the truth, but after being asked by a Nan, she felt that she was immediately hit back to the origin, and all the assumptions collapsed.

However, after pondering for a while, Ye Feng immediately thought that there is still a one in ten million possibility that everything on earth is due to the human brain consciousness participating in the micro universe experiment.

However, there is no historical record of the great wall and the statue of liberty. In other words, the modern lady doesn't know the existence of these two things.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, and immediately felt that this problem could not be entangled any more. If he thought about it again, it would be easy for his brain to fall into an infinite dead circle.

Now Ye Feng decided to give up thinking about this problem for the time being. Since he couldn't figure it out, he would stop thinking about it for a while, and then he would have a chance to think about it later.

Maybe in the next few days, maybe in a year, you can suddenly inspire your own inspiration and get it all figured out.

In fact, there are also people who know the existence of the ancient Great Wall and the statue of liberty, but they haven't found it yet.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to a Nan, "don't think about it for the moment, I can't figure it out!"

Then Ye Feng thought of the things outside that day, and the big black metal objects were still left in the huge pit.

Ye Feng immediately went to find gasevara and Gu zhaohuide. At this time, they were still busy living in the laboratory.

Although not the same as before, they were discussing something, but they were busy with their own affairs. They were so absorbed that they didn't find Ye Feng coming.

After Ye Feng coughed lightly, gasevara took a look at him and said, "again? Isn't the ship broken again? "

"No!" Ye Feng immediately said, "before, something from beyond the sky hit the planet of essf. After I went there, I found a huge black metal in a huge pit, so I want to take you to identify it!"

On hearing this, gasevara was surprised and said, "is there something beyond heaven?"

With that, gasevara immediately put down what he was doing, and then walked towards Ye Feng, anxiously saying, "go, go, go and have a look!"

Ye Feng originally saw that when she saw that she was coming, her expression was still impatient. However, when she heard something beyond the sky, she immediately changed her face and frowned, "are you so worried?"

But gasevara said to Ye Feng, "you don't know, the probability of ESF finding things outside the sky is very low, because ESF has two natural satellites, that is, two moons, so it's very difficult to have meteors and other heavy ground to hit ESF. Generally, it's on the moon. Euxna is also found after the meteor hit by an alien star. Maybe you're talking about that What kind of rare thing is it? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile and didn't say much. He immediately took the hand of gasevara and went to the huge pit in a short step.

At this time, the fire in the huge pit had been completely extinguished, and only the black metal object was still lying in it.

Just as gasevara was about to walk past, Ye Feng stopped him and said, "stay away for the time being, to prevent extraterrestrial radiation!"

After hearing this, gasevara stood in the same place and stared at the black metal for a long time. Then he said, "I can't see what material it is, but it must be that essf doesn't have it!"

Ye Feng just nodded and said, "it's a pity that it's such a little bit, and I don't know what it can do!"

But gasevara picked up a stone and threw it at the black metal.

I don't want the stone to turn into powder as soon as it touches the black metal.

Ye Feng and gasevara were surprised. They both felt that the stone gasevara had picked up had not been thrown, and they each went to find a hard big stone.

Gasevara and Ye Feng look at each other, and both understand each other's meaning. After nodding, they throw the stone in their hands to the black metal object.

and last time as like as two peas, the result was just the same as that of the last time, when the stone touched the edge of the black metal object, it immediately turned into powder.Ye Feng surprised way, "this thing is so hard?"

Gasevara also touched his chin and said, "this thing is so hard. If it can be made into a weapon, it must be unparalleled in the world!"

But Ye Feng said, "if you want to make such a hard metal into a weapon, you have to find more hard equipment to make it!"

Gasevara nodded. "You're right, but as far as I know, it's impossible to find anything harder than it!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a shrug a way, "that not white say?"? And it's useless? "

But gasevara said, "if it's any use, get it back first! Ask my teacher to see what he can do. There is no hard talk about science. Anything can be cracked as long as it exists. It's just that you and I didn't expect it! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears that, and then says to him, "OK, then I'll transport him back in a spaceship! I'll take you back first

With that, Ye Feng went forward to pull gasevara's hand and was ready to take him back to the basement with instant steps.

However, before Ye Feng was about to hold gasevara's hand, gasevara turned around and saw the head of the statue of liberty behind the huge pit. He was shocked.

To be more precise, gasevara was startled. After all, a huge head behind him was looking at him all of a sudden. Anyone who suddenly saw him would be startled.

However, this is not the most important thing. Gasevara was shocked and just took a close look at the huge stone statue. He blurted out, "the statue of liberty?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but talk about it. He looked at gasevara in surprise and said, "do you know it?"

Gasevara nodded, then immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know. I once read an ancient book, which recorded the statue of liberty, and there was no image. It was all written description. But looking at this thing in front of me, it seems that it is closer to that description, but that description is about a huge and complete statue of the goddess. Why is there only one head left here? What about the rest? Have you been broken by this black metal? "

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately took gasevara's hand and asked, "where is the book now? Besides the statue of liberty, what else is recorded? "

Gasevara said, "I don't know where I've been for a long time. I've seen it once in a while. It's all about the so-called ancient legends of eisf. Many people regard them as myths and legends. No one takes them seriously. I didn't expect that there was a statue of liberty! It's a bit out of my expectation

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately asked gasevara, "where did you read that book?"

Gasevara immediately said, "of course, in the Federal Institute of science, I have forgotten the specific situation. Anyway, I saw it there. It seems that someone accidentally put it on the table. I took it boring and looked at it. Then I went to participate in the research project and put it back to its original position. After that, I never saw it again!"

Ye Feng smell speech can not help but fall into a burst of meditation, but gasevara did not understand to look at Ye Feng way, "what do you mean?"

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