Ye Feng is also a face don't understand ground looking at to add a se to pull a way, "what meaning?"

Gasevara said, "I mean, what does this statue mean? Why do we have them in ancient books, but we have never seen them before, and they are still buried in the ground and can't see the sun? "

Ye Feng also pondered for a while. After a long time, he said to gasevara, "we don't care about this. Let's go back and drive the spaceship to get this thing back!"

Gasevara knew that Ye Feng was talking about the black metal body. As soon as he nodded, Ye Feng had already grasped gasevara's hand and immediately arrived in the spaceship.

Then Ye Feng drove the spaceship and drove over again, directly operating the tools under the spaceship's hull and loading the black metal objects into the hull.

However, just as the huge steel tongs under the hull just clamped the ferrous metal, the hull felt a sudden sinking.

Ye Feng can't help saying that this thing is so heavy? Fortunately, the steel tongs still brought in the black metal.

After the spaceship flew near the basement, it directly put the black metal object into the entrance of the basement, and directly fell into the basement from the entrance.

When the black metal fell to the ground, it directly made a hole at the entrance, and the ground at the entrance was also made of granite.

After gasevara and Ye Feng went down, they called for some people to push the metal object into the research room in the basement.

At the beginning, more than ten people were called, but they couldn't push it. Another 20 people were called, but they still couldn't push it. Not only couldn't push it, but they almost didn't move.

There is really no way, can only give up temporarily, put the black metal object at the entrance of the basement.

Gasevara went to the laboratory and called Gu Zhaohui de over. Gu Zhaohui de carefully studied the metal, which is also a fog channel. "I can't see what material it is for the time being!"

But Ye Feng went to Gu Zhaohui and said, "I can't see it for the time being. Let's put it here first."

Then he led Gu Zhaohui to the laboratory and asked, "Dean Gu Zhaohui, I've heard from gasevara that he once read an ancient book about the statue of liberty!"

On hearing this, Gu zhaohuide looked at Ye Feng and said, "did gasevara say that he had read such a book?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, also don't know whether he said wrong words, should not say he saw, or said he didn't see.

However, Gu zhaohuide said, "I have many copies of this kind of ancient books. If he has read them, he should have read them at my home or at the former Federal Academy of Sciences."

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately asked Gu Zhao Huide, "what about these ancient books? Where are you now? Can you show me? "

Gu zhaohuide shrugged and said, "it's not with me anymore. I remember ah Chi took it to see it!" Speaking of this, Gu zhaohuide immediately asked Ye Feng, "are you looking for ah Chi recently? Is there any whereabouts? "

Ye Feng can't help shaking his head when he hears the words and says, "there's no whereabouts yet!" Then he immediately asked Gu Zhaohui, "have you seen that ancient book? You should know what's in it? "

Gu Zhaohui said, "I've seen some of them, but they are all ancient legends and so on. They are basically worthless Why are you suddenly interested in this? "

Without saying a word, Ye Feng immediately took Gu zhaohuide's hand and said, "just follow me to have a look..."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Feng and Gu zhaohuide had arrived near the statue of liberty.

Gu as like as two peas in the Statue of Liberty, he was surprised at the sight of Statue of Liberty before he saw the head of Statue of Liberty.

And as soon as they saw it, they blurted out, "the statue of liberty? How is that possible? These are all legends. They are unrealistic! "

But Ye Feng said to Gu zhaohuide, "this is enough to show that the records in ancient books are not all legends, but may also be reality!"

Gu zhaohuide pondered for a while, walked up to the statue of liberty, reached out his shaking hand, stroked the statue of liberty, and said, "this is incredible!"

Ye Feng looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "what do you remember about the record of the statue of liberty, Dean Gu Zhaohui?"

Gu zhaohuide pondered for a while, and then said after a long time, "that record only said that this was once the symbol of a country in the ancient time of eisf, and it seemed that it was a gift from another country for their founding."

Ye Feng immediately asked, "is it the United States and France?"

Gu zhaohuide could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. After looking at him for a long time, he said, "it seems that France gave it to the United States, but How do you know that? "

Ye Feng immediately asked, "besides the statue of liberty, what other records are there?"

But Gu zhaohuide said immediately, "it's a record of ancient architecture. What else is there, such as the Louvre and the Forbidden City? It's the glorious period of every country and civilization in ancient times There are too many records, and I'm not interested in architecture, so I don't read much. Ah Chi is interested in architecture, so he took the book to read it! "Ye Feng's heart was filled with awe. He had already mentioned the Louvre and the Forbidden City, which showed that eisf was almost what he had imagined.

But Ye Feng still asked Gu Zhaohui, who had never left the statue of liberty, and said, "well, besides you, who else has this ancient book? I heard president Qiao Huiying say that the civilization records of eisf are only more than 1000 years old, and there is no record of the history more than 1000 years ago at all! "

Gu zhaohuide said to Ye Feng, "I know that, because eisf broke out a global war more than 1000 years ago, almost all previous civilizations were destroyed, and our ancestors lived underground for more than 200 years after that war!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "is it a nuclear war?"

Gu zhaohuide looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you know? Have you read that book? "

But Ye Feng immediately asked, "I just asked you, who else might have this book besides you? And how did you get this book? "

Gu zhaohuide said to Ye Feng, "I don't know who else has this book. My father left it to me. He used to be an administrator of the federal library before he died. Maybe he brought it back from there! At that time, I didn't take it seriously at all, so I didn't ask any more questions! "

Listening to Gu zhaohuide's words, Ye Feng couldn't help pondering.

Gu zhaohuide looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what you know seems to be more consistent with what is recorded in that book. How do you know? Do you have such an ancient book? "

But Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui, "you should know the micro universe plan of Jock Emma. I came from the micro universe earth, but now I find that everything I experienced on the earth seems to be exactly the same as that of eisf!"

Gu zhaohuide looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what is the meaning of complete consistency?"

Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui, "I suspect that the earth is the former eisf, that is, the ancient period recorded in the ancient books you have seen, the world before the outbreak of the all eisf war, and eisf is the future world of the earth!"

Gu zhaohuide was stunned when he heard Ye Feng's words. He looked at Ye Feng for a long time and couldn't say a word. Naturally, he could understand the literal meaning of Ye Feng's words, but the core content was particularly shocking and even overturned his world outlook.

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