Ye Feng saw Gu zhaohuide's look, and he could not ask anything from his mouth. Now he has a little idea about Gu zhaohuide's son, Gu zhaohuichi.

But it's no use just thinking about it. The problem is that I didn't mean not to look for Gu zhaohuichi, but I didn't have any clue at all. I couldn't start at all.

But to put it another way, Ye Feng also admits that he is not as active as he thought in finding Gu zhaohuichi. Now he secretly decides that his next major task is to find Gu zhaohuichi.

Ye Feng immediately took Gu zhaohuide back to the basement, but at the entrance, when he saw the black metal, Gu zhaohuide stood in the same place and looked at it for a long time. He muttered, "what material is this?"

But Ye Feng said to Gu zhaohuide, "I and gasevara have done simple tests. The density of this metal should be very high, but it should not be out of its right side on ESF planet!"

After staring at the black metal for a long time, Gu zhaohuide nodded and sighed, "if this thing comes a few days in advance, maybe there will be instruments to test it, but now there is no such sophisticated instrument to test it."

When Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly had an idea in his heart. Gu zhaohuide and gasevara said more than once that many high-end research equipment had disappeared since the liquid civilization invaded eisf.

What Ye Feng can think of at this time is the spaceship. There are many advanced equipment in the spaceship, which are far more advanced than those of the federal Academy of Sciences, which was not attacked before.

Anyway, there is no war for the time being, and even if there is war, a spaceship will not play a key role at all. Instead of leaving the spaceship empty here, it is better to make use of "waste" and transform it into a laboratory on the spot.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately told Gu zhaohuide what he thought. Gu zhaohuide's face also moved when he heard this. He didn't know much about the spaceship, so he couldn't express any opinions for a moment.

Ye Feng who came to gasevara, and then said his idea, gasevara a slap thigh, immediately said, "yes, ah, why didn't I think of it?"

After that, gasevara and Gu zhaohuide also introduced some functions and equipment in the spaceship, and said, "with these equipment and equipment, the scientific research problems we are facing may be solved."

After listening to Gu sewala's introduction, Gu zhaohuide was also surprised. They immediately went to find someone and began to prepare to move the things in the laboratory to the spaceship.

And Ye Feng also took advantage of free time, driving the spacecraft to turn a body, just the cabin of the spacecraft in the direction of the basement entrance.

When Gu Zhaohui and Huide were ready, everything began to move to the spaceship. After a busy afternoon, they finally finished moving.

When other people saw Gu zhaohuide and gasevara so busy, they couldn't help coming to watch. Some even went out of the basement and stood at the entrance of the cave, looking curiously at the spaceship in front of them.

Gu zhaohuide and gasevara were in the spaceship. Through gasevara's operation demonstration, Gu zhaohuide was surprised to see and began to master the operation mode. After all, these are all very well-known for their technicians.

Seeing Gu zhaohuide and gasevara operating these technologies on the spaceship, Ye Feng was completely relieved.

Next, Ye Feng will really focus on finding Gu Zhaohui. Now Ye Feng feels that nothing is more important than his understanding of the history of eisf.

Ye Feng immediately left the basement nearby in a few short steps. For the time being, the alien civilization didn't come. After the previous battle, Hu Dion and his family probably needed time to reorganize, and they probably couldn't breathe for a while.

So now the basement should be safe for the moment. I don't need myself for the moment, so I have enough time to do other things.

But after all, eisf is also a planet. Looking for a person is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There is no way to start.

But at this time, Ye Feng's heart has faith, is such a piece, a piece, a district to find, anyway, idle is idle.

But one day later, Ye Feng's faith in his heart began to waver. After all, it was more difficult to find a person whose life and death were uncertain from a planet. Moreover, the planet was full of ruins.

When Ye Feng returns to the basement, he finds a room to rest, lights a cigarette and smokes. At this time, he needs to be quiet by himself. Maybe his mind can be clearer.

But at this time, a Nan appeared behind Ye Feng and said, "what are you doing? Just watching you come and go! "

Ye Feng can't help looking back at a Nan. After all, all the people here, Ye Feng and a Nan are the most chatty. He also talked about the relationship between the earth and love with a Nan before.

At this time, he said something about the ancient books to ah Nan and said, "unfortunately, Gu Zhaohui De is not interested in these books. He knows a little bit that the book has been taken by Gu Zhaohui late. I've been looking for Gu Zhaohui late all day, and the probability of finding him is not big."A Nan could not help nodding and said, "now many people's lives are uncertain. Besides, we don't know how many aisf are like our basement! If Gu Zhaohui is hiding in a basement and never comes out, where can you find him? There is also the greatest possibility that he may have died long ago

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath of cigarettes. In fact, he knows that under the attack of liquid civilization, Gu zhaohuichi's survival rate is not high. Unless he is very lucky, it is basically the fate of cannon fodder.

But Ye Feng can't tell Gu zhaohuide about this idea. After all, Gu zhaohuide still holds the hope that Gu zhaohuichi is still alive. If he knows that he thinks so, he will be impatient with him.

If you're just looking at yourself, what Ye Feng worries most is that Gu zhaohuide's thoughts will be extreme at that time. He thinks that he's just an excuse not to help him find his son. If he wants to find it himself, it's even more troublesome.

Now, Gu Zhaohui De is more needed in the basement. Ye Feng can see that gasevara has the technology, but in terms of experience, he is still far behind Gu Zhaohui de. his teachers and students have to merge with each other.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed, "I know, but I can't just give up hope!"

A Nan said to Ye Feng, "if all your conjectures are correct, then it is meaningless for you to have this ancient book. I know your mentality. In fact, you have the answer in your heart, but you want to find this ancient book to prove your inference!"

Ye Feng listen to a Nan say so, can't help but also a burst of sigh way, a Nan said maybe good, in fact, he already had a judgment, just want to find a proof.

A Nan said to Ye Feng, "in fact, it doesn't matter whether the earth is eisf or not. After all, even if the earth is really eisf's past, it has been broken for more than 1000 years. Even if it can be proved, how much is the practical significance?"

Ye Feng can't help sighing again. What a Nan said is right. What's the ultimate goal of her own verification? Is it just to prove that eisf is the earth?

Suddenly, Ye Feng fell into a period of meditation again. He didn't speak again for a long time. He still felt that he needed to be quiet and refresh his mind.

Looking at Ye Feng, she immediately stood up and said, "think about it for yourself, and I won't disturb you. However, my personal opinion is that we still need to do a good job in defense. After all, our present situation is beset with internal and external troubles. There are houdion, jock and Emma inside and external civilizations outside. These two are related to the future of the eisf civilization, that is, the earth It's really the past of eisf. Its civilization has been broken. Do we want to watch it break again on this planet? "

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