After a Nan said this, she took a look at Ye Feng and left here. Ye Feng went to meditate for a while. In fact, he is thinking now that what a Nan said is reasonable.

After all, no matter whether the earth is eisf or not, he can't leave eisf at present. Although liquid civilization once said that he has the ability to create the universe, Ye Feng has never found out how to operate his ability.

And even if I knew it, I didn't plan to be here at this time. No matter how to say it, I would have to wait for Dixie to come back.

What's more, if eisf is the future of the earth, Ye Feng is even more reluctant and unwilling to leave. After all, there are many friends here, and he can't watch eisf completely destroyed here.

Ye Feng pondered for a long time, and tried to find out in his consciousness whether he had any potential consciousness that had not been stimulated. Maybe he could find the ability to create the universe.

In fact, Ye Feng also thought about a crucial issue, that is, if the earth is the past of eisf and eisf is the future of the earth.

Now, all that eisf is facing is the result. Everything on the earth is the cause. Eisf and the earth are completely causal.

If the problem on eisf can not be solved, then I must go back to the earth to solve the problem thoroughly, and I will not let the world war that eisf fought more than 1000 years ago happen.

Once there was no world war that was more than a thousand years ago, there would be no Federation now. In other words, whether the planet was called Earth or eisf at that time, many people might not die in that Millennium war.

If there is no such war, then the current aesf will be a planet where human civilization has never been interrupted, and it may not face the invasion of alien civilization.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng has a sense of excitement in his heart. He feels that the peace of the whole world, even the whole universe, seems to be maintained by himself.

At this time, Ye Feng decided to find Dixie first. He wanted to tell Dixie what he found and see what she thought.

After all, no matter how well you have a relationship with the people in Elsie, it's totally different from Dixie. All the people here, only themselves and Dixie, are from the earth in the past.

However, Ye Feng immediately thought of what Jock Emma had said before. He said that the so-called micro universe was just a plan that many of them participated in together.

And all the planets in the micro universe, even a single plant, are created by the consciousness of the people they participate in the project.

If it's normal, Ye Feng just listen to it, but he clearly remembers that when Jock Emma said this, it didn't seem like a lie at all.

If you're lying to join Jock Emma, you can forget it. After you find the ability to create the universe, you can forget that you and Dixie are back on earth.

But if Jock Emma didn't lie, it means that the earth should not be connected with Elsie.

But it happened that he found the statue of liberty and the Great Wall on eisf, which seemed to be inextricably linked with the earth.

All these discoveries and Jock Emma's words have now completely formed a paradox, that is to say, fire, if everything Jock Emma said is true, essf and the earth should have no relationship.

And even if it has something to do with it, as I thought before, all the things on the earth are the people who participated in the micro universe project in those years, and they put the memory of eisf into the earth.

But if what Jock Emma said is false, then the future tense of the earth and the past tense of the earth are established.

Ye Feng thought of here, can't help but light a cigarette, smoked up, fell into a burst of meditation.

To solve this paradox, you still need to find Jock Emma to have a detailed chat. Now Ye Feng can't help regretting that he killed Jock Emma too much.

No matter whether that Jock Emma is an ontology or a clone, he should know these details, and he should let the clone say things more often than the ontology.

Ye Feng while smoking, thinking, at this time suddenly flashed a consciousness in his mind, this consciousness even Ye Feng himself a little admire himself.

He thought that if what Jock Emma said and what he inferred were true, it would be a paradox, then there is only one possibility to overturn the paradox.

In other words, Ye Feng is indeed Mrs. ace, and later he did participate in the micro universe project that Jock Emma said.

And Ye Feng really went to earth because of this plan, and the earth may indeed be a planet in the micro universe.

But isn't there a cosmology of expansion? In other words, the microcosm has been expanding, gradually expanding into today's universe.

In other words, not only is eisf the future Earth, but also the universe in which eisf lives is the universe in which the earth lives.If there is a difference between the two universes, it is a matter of time. The universe in which the earth is located is the time point before the universe in which eisf is located.

If so, then everything seems to make sense.

Think of here, Ye Feng is not consciously surprised by his idea, secretly admire his reasoning ability.

If you infer correctly, then all the paradoxes will not exist at all.

After all, when several of them go back to the past time point, in fact, no matter according to the whole historical torrent or the universe, they have little influence.

Ye Feng thought of this, and then got up and left the room. It took time to find Dixie, but the only one who could prove that he might be right was Gu zhaohuide.

Then Ye Feng went to find Gu zhaohuide and talked about his idea with Gu zhaohuide.

At first, Gu zhaohuide was confused. After all, he didn't study cosmology and space science.

But after listening to Ye Feng's words, Gu zhaohuide thought for a while, and then said to Ye Feng, "if what you said is not wrong, then it will form a closed loop!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately asked, "closed loop?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately said, "I don't know much about cosmology and space science, but I also know that according to what you said, you went to the earth from eisf, and then came back here from the earth, so is it the first earth or the first eisf?"

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