Listening to Gu zhaohuide's words, Ye Feng was a little confused again. Yes, he seemed to have solved all these paradoxes before, but now he felt that there was another paradox between chicken and egg.

Ye Feng can't help sighing at this time. It seems that he is not really the material for scientific research. This kind of so-called various problems can't come up with a result by thinking about it with his own brain.

But at this time, Gu zhaohuide said to Ye Feng, "although there are many unexplained problems in what you said, it seems that everything makes sense according to what you said. Generally, I can't help you. You should go to ask Jock Emma. He is an expert in this field and knows all about what you said!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding. He had thought about it before, and he regretted that he had done it too early. Now it seems that he can only leave a little affection when he finds qiaoke Emma next time.

Just thinking about it, suddenly someone jumped down from the entrance of the basement and said in a loud voice, "no, come out and have a look!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart can't help but move, immediately an instant step to the outside, he first worried about the spaceship is not a problem.

After seeing the spaceship stop outside, he sighed. But when he looked up at the sky again, he saw an unknown thing in the sky.

From Ye Feng's point of view, the black things are dense and uncomfortable, and they don't seem very big. At most, they are the size of an airplane.

Although the individual of these things is not big, the whole sky seems to be full of these things, and is gradually increasing.

It's not that things are really getting bigger, it's just that things are gradually coming towards the ground, so it looks like they're getting bigger and bigger.

All the people in the spaceship were looking at the sky with their heads bouncing. Gasevara also came out of the flying ship and stood on the ground to watch.

Seeing Ye Feng also standing here, gasevara immediately went to Ye Feng and said, "is alien civilization coming again?"

Ye Feng can't help but toward the gasevara said, this also need to ask, now in front of all this is so obvious.

With that, Ye Feng immediately said to the crowd, "everyone immediately into the basement, no order can not come up again!"

As soon as everyone heard Jing GE's words, they immediately jumped in from the entrance of the basement.

Ye Feng also said to gasevara, "you also go down immediately, don't come up casually!"

But gasevara asked Ye Feng, "now the laboratory is in the spaceship, how can I study if I don't come out?"

Ye Feng also had a headache, but he still said, "go down for the time being, wait for me to see what's going on!"

Listen to Ye Feng so hungry said, gasevara also have no way, had to first under the basement, Ye Feng directly jumped on the spacecraft, the ship directly stopped at the top of the basement entrance.

After everything was done, Ye Feng stood directly on the top of the spaceship and continued to look up at the sky.

As we watched the shadows gradually clear, we could see that they were wingless aircrafts, which were equivalent to the helicopters on the earth, and also like the aircrafts of eisf.

And at this time, Ye Feng saw a shadow not far away, and his heart moved. As soon as he was ready, he saw the shadow appear on the side of the spaceship.

Ye Feng a careful look, but see the man is lying on the ground at this time, and there are obvious blood stains on the body, eyes a look, it is actually Dixie.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly fell, and immediately jumped down. Then he picked up Dixie and said, "Dixie? What's the matter with you? "

There was a tired look on his face, but his face looked OK, at least not like the way he should have lost too much blood, and he could not help sighing.

But at this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and immediately said, "these things in the sky are called by Hu Dion."

Ye Feng smell speech complexion can't help but move a way, "Hu Di Weng summon?"

After sitting up straight, Dixie said to Ye Feng with regret, "I apologize for what happened before me. I'm so selfish that I don't care for Mrs. ace's life."

Ye Feng's heart moved slightly, and he could see that at this time, Dixie's face was full of regret.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to Dixie, "it's not your fault. If I didn't agree at that time, it's useless for you to say anything. If it's wrong, I'm the biggest problem!"

As soon as Dixie was about to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "and now is not the time to investigate the responsibility, but how to solve the problem!"

"That's why I risked my life to come back," said Dixie immediately

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but surprised looking at Dixi Si way, "you mean, you know how to deal with these guys?"

Dixie nodded and then shook his head. "I heard Jock Emma say something. I don't remember the original words, but the general meaning is that these guys' airplanes are made of special metal, and any of his weapons are useless to them."Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "no weapon can deal with them?"

Dixie immediately nodded, "but I heard from houdion and Jock Emma that although he brought these guys here, he was afraid of future trouble. Even if these guys helped houdion deal with us, it would be troublesome for them if they refused to leave at that time. So Jock Emma said that he had a way to restrain this kind of aircraft!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately ask a way, "what method?"

"I just want to hear that. That's why I've been found out. That's why I've come back," said Dickens, shaking his head

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, pondered for a long time, although Dixie did not say the final way, but at least now know that Jock Emma has a way.

It happens that I have some problems that I need to find Jock Emma to solve. Now it happens that I need to find Jock Emma for both problems. It seems that I need to find Jock Emma to have a good chat.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked Dixie, "since you escaped from there, you must know their hiding place?"

Hearing the speech, Dixie couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "do you want to go and find them now?"

Ye Feng looked up at those countless aircrafts in the sky and immediately said, "this is the last chance!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately took a deep breath and nodded to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll take you!"

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