Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart next move, immediately toward the Dixi Si nodded, but still concerned to see a Dixi Si after asked, "your body no problem?"

Dixie Si immediately shook his head toward Ye Feng and said, "I'm ok. Don't worry. This little injury can't hurt me!"

Ye Feng took a dubious look at Dixie. Dixie also saw that Ye Feng didn't believe it. He immediately stood up and moved a few times. Then he said to Ye Feng, "look, am I ok?"

Ye Feng stared at Dixie for a moment, then nodded and said to Dixie, "then I'll go now!"

Dixie nodded, and immediately extended his hand to Ye Feng. After holding Ye Feng's hand, he immediately said, "go now!"

As soon as his voice fell, Ye Feng felt a flash in front of him. After all, he also had the ability to walk in a flash, but he only felt a flash in front of him.

When Ye Feng sees clearly in front of him again, he finds that Dixie is pulling himself in front of an abandoned building.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "their polar region is under this building!"

Ye Feng looked around for a moment, but he couldn't see how far the place was from their basement. He looked up at the sky again.

In the sky, those aircrafts are still hovering in the mid air, and the individuals are bigger than before, and they can't see how far they are from the ground.

The only thing Ye Feng can be sure is that these aircrafts should not have broken through the clouds at present. After all, some aircrafts are half covered by the clouds.

When he looked at him again, he saw that he had already entered the abandoned building. He also looked back at Ye Feng and said, "what are you looking at? Don't you come in yet?"

Ye Feng nodded and immediately went in. As soon as he entered the building, he smelled a musty smell, which also showed that the building was not because of the liquid civilization, but always existed.

In other words, Ye Feng has already judged that this place is no longer within the scope of longarsenbao. It should be a nearby abandoned city.

Dixie has been walking in front, Ye Feng followed Dixie, watching Dixie go to the corridor, and then go down the corridor.

When Ye Feng looked down, he saw that it was dark, and the smell of mildew and acid was even more pungent.

At this time, Dixie stretched out his hand to cover his nose and turned back to Yefeng. "Cover your nose and follow me. It's a long way!"

Ye Feng nodded his head, covered his mouth and nose, and immediately followed him.

The lower you go, the darker it will be. It's almost out of sight.

Ye Feng could see clearly in the dark before, and could see all the objects in the dark. But this time, although the body was unsealed by the liquid civilization, it was still useless in the current situation.

Although he still can't see anything, Ye Feng can clearly feel that Doris is in front of him, and most importantly, there seems to be a ray of light in the distance of the box, which also makes the dark road not completely black.

I followed him all the time and walked forward, but after a while, I felt that the taste of acid was a little lighter.

After walking along with Dixie for a long time, the light at the end of the alley looks brighter and brighter, and the figure of Dixie in front of Ye Feng is clearer and clearer.

This time, Dixie also looked back at Ye Feng and said, "the front is coming!"

Ye Feng nodded and didn't say a word. He continued to follow Dixie, and soon came to the light. Then he saw that there was an empty basement outside.

Dixie did not immediately go in, but will stick to the side of the wall, toward Ye Feng made a gesture, indicating Ye Feng also temporarily do not act rashly.

Ye Feng also quickly sticks to the wall and stands, but his eyes look forward to the front. He finds that the basement is still under the passage, and there is an iron ladder leading to the bottom at the entrance.

Ye Feng looked down and found that there were all kinds of huge containers everywhere. It looked like the basement found under the hukewan laboratory at that time.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "there are containers of clones under here. Jock and Emma are not here. They have to go to another channel through here to get there!"

Ye Feng nodded and asked Dixie, "is there anyone down here? How come I didn't see anyone? "

There are people, but they are all scientific researchers

Ye Feng smell speech immediately way, "we direct instant step past!"

But Dixie immediately said, "no, if you can, I brought you at that time. Why stop outside the building?"

Ye Feng was stunned. He didn't understand the meaning of Dixie, but he heard Dixie continue to say, "there is a special instrument in it, which may be to detect the speed or something. Anyway, as long as there is an abnormality in the performance of the living body, it will immediately call the police!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help but move. If this is the case, that is to say, in this basement, he could not use the ability of instant step before he had a confrontation with Jock Emma and houdion.At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "I'll go down and have a look. After all, I'm a little more familiar with this place than you. You can come down after I see it!"

Ye Feng says be careful to Dixie, and then he looks at Dixie climbing down the iron ladder. He looks at Dixie looking around, hiding behind a huge container and waving to himself. He is calling himself to go down.

See in the eye, Ye Feng immediately ready to climb down the ladder, but just turned around, saw behind the alley a shadow is coming towards this side, and the speed is not slow.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, and then climbed up again. Standing at the entrance of the cave, he waved to the following Dixie, signaling her to hide first.

The following Dixie see this, can't help a burst of surprise looking at Ye Feng, don't know Ye Feng how to return a responsibility, originally Ye Feng has begun to climb down, suddenly went up again, also let oneself leave.

She did not leave. Instead, she immediately went to the iron ladder and climbed up it.

But at this time, Ye Feng is staring at the front, at this time, a shadow has arrived in front of Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng just ready to fight, but see the shadow directly from his body floated past, if the ghost general, so that Ye Feng did not even see each other is what.

Ye Feng immediately turned to see, but saw nothing behind him, as if the shadow had never appeared.

Ye Feng immediately looked around. When the shadow appeared just now, it was accompanied by a burst of murderous Qi. At this time, even this murderous Qi disappeared.

At this time, Dixie had already climbed up. First, he looked at Ye Feng and saw nothing. He couldn't help whispering to Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately turned back to Dixie and said, "just now I saw a shadow running towards me. Before I could see it clearly, I passed through me. I don't know what it was!"

When she heard this, she was relieved. Then she climbed up and said to Ye Feng, "that thing I met last time. I thought it was human at first, but it's nothing. I don't know exactly what it is. The only thing I can be sure is that it's not aggressive for the time being!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "nothing? Is it a ghost? "

"You can call him a ghost, but at present he is not aggressive. But I guess it is closely related to some of the research here. The real answer is to wait until you catch Jack Emma and let him tell you."

Ye Feng takes a deep breath. This is the first time that he has met a "ghost" since he came to eisf. Although Ye Feng is an atheist, he is still a little scared when he meets him for the first time.

At this time, Dixie immediately began to climb down again. At the same time, he said to Ye Feng, "forget it, you can go down with me!"

Ye Feng nodded, watching Dixie climb down for a while, immediately also followed up, two people quickly to the bottom, Dixie immediately took Ye Feng to hide in the side of the huge container.

At this time, two people were coming from the other side, and they walked along the container towards the other side. As they walked, they seemed to be muttering something, but the voice was too small to hear clearly.

Ye Feng intends to go up and catch the two people to ask, but see Dixi see his mind, is waving his hand toward him, indicating that he don't act rashly, also give up.

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