After seeing the two go far, Dixie just winked at Ye Feng, and the two continued to walk forward.

Ye Feng doesn't understand the situation here. After all, Dixie came here once. Now he can only follow Dixie.

Dixie took Ye Feng, in the underground space below, around a huge container, as if into a labyrinth.

Once in a while, when there are one or two passers-by, Ye Feng and Dixie have to hide. After all, they don't want to scare the snake.

However, Ye Feng also noticed that some of the clones in those containers were actually Jock Emma's, which showed that the jock Emma he killed at that time was indeed a clone.

But along the way, Ye Feng has seen many clones of strange faces, but still has not seen Hu Dion's.

This shows that houdion has not been cloned, but it can only be said that it has not been cloned for the time being, and no one can be sure whether there will be one after that.

Soon Ye Feng noticed that there was a one person high hole on a wall not far away. It seemed that it was the corridor leading to other places that Dixie said.

When Ye Feng was ready to go that way, Dixie suddenly put out his hand to stop him. After winking at him, he immediately hid behind the container on one side.

Ye Feng see this heart is also a move, immediately follow Dixi Si hide behind the container, even want to hold his breath.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork not far away. It seemed that there were more than two people, at least five or six.

In a moment, the five or six men walked by the huge container on the side of Yefeng and Dixie.

Ye Feng took a look behind the container, and found that these people were wearing thick black armor, almost armed to the teeth, and could not see who was inside.

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help frowning. He hasn't seen such equipment in eisf. Is it any new equipment developed by Jock Emma.

If they had armed everyone with this equipment at that time, it might not have been the result last time.

After those people went away, Ye Feng asked Dixie in a low voice, "have you ever seen these people wearing this before?"

But Dixie shook his head and said, "no, it's the first time I've seen you, too!"

Ye Feng can't help pondering when he hears the words. So, these things are just made by Jock Emma recently?

For a time, Ye Feng can't figure out why, but he can't help thinking of the black metal object he found.

When I saw the black equipment on those people just now, I always felt that it was a little similar to the black metal object he saw.

At this time, Dixie patted Ye Feng's arm and motioned him to follow him.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of the cave. They both stood on both sides of the cave and then looked inside.

After seeing that there was no one in the cave, Dixie immediately nodded to Ye Feng, then walked in, and quickened his pace.

After all, they have to prevent that when they enter the hole, there are also people on the opposite side who want to pass by, so they just hit each other.

Two people quickly walked forward, speed almost trot, but still dare not too fast, after all, there is a detection device here, to prevent the monitored people from finding abnormal.

Fortunately, when they passed through the alley, they didn't meet anyone else. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the cave, Ye Feng took a look at the situation outside.

It looks more like a living area, separated by sections everywhere, and more like the feeling of being on the ground.

And this hole is also in the air, if you want to go out, you must also climb the iron ladder.

After standing at the entrance of the cave and looking at it for a moment, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "after this living area, there's Jock Emma behind them!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, then said, "this place is so cumbersome, how did you come last time?"

Dixie said, "last time I didn't care about it, I rushed over as fast as I could, so I was found out very quickly. But in the end, I escaped. I was hiding in this living area, and then I went in again, so I could eavesdrop on some secrets!"

Ye Feng this just suddenly nodded, can't help but toward Dixie said a, "hard!"

Dixie shook his head and said, "I have to make up for my own mistakes. Unfortunately, I didn't meet houdion head-on last time I came here."

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "when to kill houdion is not a problem! You and I know Dante Emma better. Do you think he is a man who will yield to houdion? "

On hearing this, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean..."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, I always think Dante Emma is just making use of houdion. Of course, houdion is also making use of uncle and nephew Dante Emma and Jock Emma. Even if we don't do it, they will die!"When he heard this, he could not help nodding, "in addition to being the former president, houdion has no advantage over Dante Emma, so houdion will surely die!"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "that's not necessarily true!"

When he heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, "not necessarily? What else can hudion do? "

But Ye Feng said to Dixie, "Dixie has a secret organization of his own. I've seen members of his organization, and they are not good people. So it's hard to say who they can conquer in the end!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately added, "and the final point is that houdion is not a fool. Can he not see that Dante Emma and Jock Emma are using him? And... "

On hearing this, she frowned and said, "what else?"

Ye Feng couldn't help nodding, "of course! In addition, houdion has a way to connect with the alien civilization. According to my judgment, this is something that Jock Emma may not be able to do! Or houdion did it with Jock Emma

When she heard this, she nodded and said, "so we're not here to kill houdion?"

Ye Feng said, "killing houdion can only be incidental. Aren't we mainly looking for Jock Emma? I don't know if I can meet Hu Dion. Didn't you meet Hu Dion last time? So this can only be by the way! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng also solemnly reminded Dixie, "this action must listen to me, I say go, go immediately! The alien civilization outside has begun to gather. We don't have much time to stay here! "

After taking a deep breath, she nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I understand!"

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, then looked down, and found that there were more people in the living area than in the container area outside, and they were all soldiers before.

Ye Feng then looks for another passage on the opposite wall, but Dixie tells Ye Feng, "the passage is not on the opposite wall, it's on the ground!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a surprised way, "on the ground?" After that, he looked down on the ground, but he didn't find the trace of the head passage after a circle.

Dixie pointed in one direction and said, "it's in a corner of that area. You can't see it here. You have to go down to see it!"

Ye Feng took a look in the direction that Dixie pointed to, and his heart couldn't help but move, that is, there are the most people in that area, and the possibility of not being found after going down is almost zero.

At the same time, Ye Feng and Dixie also heard the voice of someone climbing the iron ladder.

Ye Feng and Dixie couldn't help but move their faces. What's more unfortunate is that there was a sound of footwork behind them, but it was not in the hole, but from the side of the hole behind them. It's estimated that they will come soon.

Dixi Si can't help looking at Ye Feng, low voice way, "how to do?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "what else can I do? We have to work hard! "

Then Ye Feng hid at the side of the cave, waiting for the people climbing the iron ladder to come up. However, when the other side looked up, Ye Feng was stunned. What he climbed up was actually the same as the five or six people passing by, wearing a black helmet and a body of black armor.

That person also seemed to see Ye Feng and Dixie Si, Leng at the same time, Ye Feng had already shot, immediately grasped the person's head, directly pulled the person from the iron ladder.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately came to help and wanted to subdue the man at the first time, but the man was wearing armor and didn't know where to start.

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