At the same time, a few people in black armor came to the back of the cave. Ye Feng and Dixie moved in their hearts. When they looked carefully, they seemed to be the ones who had just passed by them.

Those who saw Ye Feng and Dixie were suppressing one of them immediately rushed up to them. Not only that, but Hu Dion looked at Ye Feng and Dixie with pride and said, "see?"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what is this? Is that the result of your genetic modification? "

Houdion said immediately, "it's not perfect, but it's much more advanced than Mrs. ace!"

But Dixie immediately said, "you are anti human. No one in normal people would like to be this face."

He said with a shrug of his shoulders and a smile? But it's a pity that you two may become like this later. I've always been melancholy that there is no good experimental body. No, you two are coming to our door. "

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