When Ye Feng and Dixi heard this, their faces were all moving. When they thought of the way they wanted to be in front of them, they were all awe inspiring.

Hu Dion clapped his hands and said, "Dean Jock, it's time for you to come out and have a look at your excellent experimental body. Is it more perfect than you think?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng's face moved again. He looked to one side, but saw that Jock Emma came in slowly from the outside.

Jock Emma walked up to Yefeng and Dixie, and then stopped, but her eyes were staring at Yefeng and Dixie.

At this time, Dixie immediately struggled for a while, knowing that he could not get rid of the net, but he still struggled, "don't dream! If you want to kill me, you can kill me

Hu Di Weng hears speech but toward Di Xi Si a sneer way, "kill you not easy?"? As long as your body is still there, I can clone the perfect you, and then use your clone to complete the experiment! So your death is nothing to me! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng said to Hu immediately, "Dixie, anyway, is also your daughter. And not long ago, she once saved your life. How can you do this to him? You don't deserve to be a father No, you are not worthy at all

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're not the first one to say that to me. Do you think I'll be very angry and kill you? Then you are wrong I will never use your clones to do this experiment. I have to use your noumenon to let you experience this feeling in person! "

With these words, houdion also looked at Dixie, but he saw that Dixie was staring at himself with his eyes wide open. If he was not covered by the net, he would have rushed up and broken himself into pieces.

Houdion sneered and said, "you don't have to look at me like this, Dixie. I give you your life, so it's natural for me to take it back."

Without waiting for Dixie to speak, houdion immediately sneered and said, "do you think that if you let me go there, I should thank you for not killing me?"

As soon as she heard this, she sneered and said, "never thought about it..."

Houdion said, "that's an insult to me. If it didn't happen, maybe I could give you a good time! But not now! "

With these words, houdion immediately walked over to Jock Emma, patted houdion on the shoulder and said, "they'll be yours. I'll go first!"

After Hu Dion finished, he walked away without looking back. Jock Emma looked back at Hu Dion, then looked at Ye Feng and Dixie again, and then said, "take them to me!"

After that, jock Emma took another look at Ye Feng and Dixie, then turned and walked away.

As soon as Jock Emma left, the armor man immediately came over and began to drag the net that covered Yefeng and Dixie. He continued to drag them forward and followed Jock Emma.

Dixi Si at this time see Ye Feng didn't speak, can't help but look at him, low voice way, "what do you think?"

Ye Feng then whispered to Dixie, "I see the look that Jock Emma just looked at Hu Dion is a little strange!"

Dixie's brow was wrinkled. Her eyes fell on houdion, but she didn't pay much attention to the eyes of Jock Emma.

"What's so weird?" asked dickis

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I can't say, it's a very strange feeling!"

Dixi si no longer entangled in this problem, but toward Ye Feng Road, "what's the matter with this net, how can't open it?"

Ye Feng said, "it's probably made of some special material. Don't worry about it! Or wait till we get to Jock Emma's! "

Dixi Si smell speech to order to nod, then no longer talk, let the armor person drag line she and Ye Feng.

Soon to a partition area, jock Emma lifted a bottom cover in front of her and climbed down from it.

And the armor man is very rude, drag Ye Feng and Dixie directly to the hole, and then push them to fall from the hole.

This fall, and Ye Feng and Dixie fell not light, but also some flesh pain, there is no real injury.

After arriving at the bottom, Ye Feng and Dixie immediately took a look at the situation nearby, which was similar to the situation above, and was also divided into numerous partition areas.

And at this time, the armor man also came down from the top, continued to drag two people, and quickly followed the walking Jock Emma.

Soon after stopping near a partition, jock Emma turned to the armored man and said, "OK, you can get them back in the lab!"

The armor man immediately dragged Ye Feng and Dixie into a partition full of various instruments. After putting them down, he turned and left.

Ye Feng noticed at this time that there were still many staff in white coats operating various instruments, which did not look like the equipment that had just been destroyed by alien civilization.Jock Emma came in from the outside, then went to a table on one side, picked up a syringe on the table and began to extract the liquid from a bottle on one side.

Then Jock Emma comes over to Ye Feng and Dixie, squats in front of them, looks at Ye Feng and Dixie, and then pushes the needle up and pushes out the air in the needle barrel.

Ye Feng said to Jack Emma at this time, "do you know the history of eisf?"

Jock Emma was stunned and took a look at Ye Feng, but she didn't speak. She immediately took the syringe and stabbed Ye Feng's arm.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately rolled on the spot to avoid the road, "Dean Jock, do you know the statue of liberty and the Great Wall?"

After taking a look at Ye Feng, jock Emma said in a deep voice, "it doesn't make any sense for you to tell me this. You can't escape. If you want to suffer less, just give me a tranquilizer. It's good for you and me!"

But Dixie immediately said to Jock Emma, "is it worth your life for houdion?"

Jock Emma stood up and looked at the two people lying on the ground. "If you don't cooperate, it's OK. Just stay in the net. There will always be times when you are sleepy. I'll give you an injection of tranquilizer at that time."

Jock Emma put down the syringe, then turned and left.

Ye Feng saw this, but immediately said to Jock Emma, "President Jock, the microcosm you created is our present universe. Do you know that?"

Upon hearing this, jock Emma looked back at Ye Feng and sneered, "don't think you can change anything by talking about these things. Now that alien civilization has arrived, it will land soon, and Eve will usher in a moment of history..."

However, Ye Feng solemnly said to Jock Emma, "the earth civilization is the eisf civilization, the eisf civilization is the future of the earth civilization, and the earth civilization is the past of the eisf civilization. History is always repeating itself. You are destroying the whole mankind!"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma walked back to Ye Feng, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't think you know anything, it's like discovering a new continent!"

Ye Feng immediately said to qiaoke Emma, "I didn't find anything, so I wanted to ask you! What happened to Elsie a thousand years ago? If the microcosm is our universe, then is it our universe that created the microcosm or the microcosm that created us? "

After hearing the words, jock Emma looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully, but finally stood up without saying anything. After a long time, she said, "some things need to be settled."

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "what's the end? Why did you look at him like that just before he left? What is the gap between you and houdion? "

Upon hearing this, jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "what are you talking about? There is no gap between me and him

But Ye Feng sneered, "is that right? Even if there is no gap between you and him, do you think houdion is sincere to you? He's a man who won't let go of his own daughter. What do you think will happen if you work under him? "

Jock Emma sneered and said, "don't worry about that. I'm not his man or working for him. I'm working for Mrs. ace!"

Dixie didn't speak all the time, but he couldn't help sneering at Jock Emma and said, "every madman thinks he is the Savior, and doesn't houdion think he is saving Esther by bringing in aliens? You are no different from him

Then he said to Ye Feng, "don't waste any words with him. They are all birds of a feather!"

But Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma and said, "President Jock, I know you are different from Hu Dion. You are a person with ideals and beliefs. You are totally different from that kind of obsession!"

But Jock Emma said with a smile to Ye Feng, "it's no use praising me here. I'll tell you, I'm just a clone of Jock Emma! What I can do is limited, because the life span of clones is also limited! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but move a way, "you are clone?"

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