When Jack Emma saw Ye Feng say this, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "what's so strange about this? You killed me before A clone of Jock Emma? "

But Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "I mean, if you are a clone, your consciousness and memory are inherited from qiaoke Emma. How do you generate your self-consciousness and distinguish yourself?"

But Jock Emma didn't speak. She just took a look at Ye Feng, then turned around and left.

Ye Feng was surprised to see the back of Jock Emma, and then realized that he had a problem. Jock Emma was an expert on this clone.

Since he can make such a clone, it should not be surprising if he has the ability to distinguish ontology from clone. Even if he is a clone himself, after all, he has all the knowledge beyond the consciousness and memory of Jock Emma's ontology.

Ye Feng thought that Jack Emma had gone, but he didn't come back soon. Looking at Ye Feng, he said, "what happened to the statue of liberty and the great wall that you mentioned before?"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately told Jock Emma what he had found, and then said, "if these are just legends and myths, they should not exist in aesf, but they do exist now!"

Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "that is to say, the earth also has these two things, right?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Jock Emma, "I always doubted that because your micro universe needs the consciousness of the participants to create everything in the micro universe, so these two things are on the earth because someone in the consciousness body participating in the plan has brought these two things into the micro universe!"

But Jock Emma immediately denied, "it's impossible. In fact, not many people are involved in the micro universe first, and there are no people who have such memories!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "how can this be possible? How can you be sure that there is no one in it?"

But Jock Emma said immediately, "isn't it very simple? Of course, we have the ability to detect your consciousness. Our original intention is that if we find that some of you subconsciously have the memory of Esther, we will know immediately! The purpose is not to let you have all the consciousness here! Isn't that the reason why you haven't recovered your consciousness so far? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart can't help a Lin, pondered for a long time also didn't speak again.

Jock Emma then immediately asked, "and you just said that the earth is Esther, and Esther is the earth. Why do you have this idea?"

At this time, Ye Feng tried to sit up, but the net on his body was so tight that he couldn't do it at all. He couldn't help saying to Jock Emma, "can you untie the things on us?"

Jock Emma took a look at Ye Feng and Dixie, pondered for a moment, then said, "it can be untied, but you need to inject a tranquilizer!"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "if we have a sedative, what else can we say? We just went to sleep! "

But Jock Emma said, "I can reduce the dosage and give you time to talk! You'll have about 30 to 40 minutes to be conscious before you go to sleep! "

Ye Feng and Dixie smell speech is a while ponder, Ye Feng immediately toward Dixie way, "do you think?"

Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm up to you. You make the decision. I'll listen to you!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng asked Jock Emma, "after we sleep, do you start to transform our genes?"

Jock Emma shrugged and said, "it's inevitable. What else are you going to do?"

Ye Feng hears the speech and ponders for a while, but Jock Emma reminds Ye Feng, "you should also know that even if you don't inject sedatives, I have a way to let you continue to do this experiment. You can't run away!"

Then he reminded Ye Feng and Dixie, "don't think I adjusted the dosage of the potion. I'll give you about 40 minutes. You can use your ability to accelerate to escape here! The tranquilizer can limit all abnormal behaviors of your body! "

Ye Feng was really thinking that if he asked Jack Emma to give him a sedative, he immediately took Dixie back to longarsene castle in a short step, even if he fell asleep at that time, he would be safe.

Now hearing what Jock Emma said, he can't be sure whether Jock Emma's sedative has something that limits their ability is true or false.

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Dixie, and Dixie's eyes still tell him, she all listen to Ye Feng.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng's brain moved, and then he said to Jock Emma, "OK, you can give us an injection!"

Wait for Ye Feng to agree, but Jock Emma looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "you know that after you have injected the medicine, you will be reduced to the test object in about 40 minutes. Do you still want to agree?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "in your words, it's meaningless for us to resist. He Ming knows that he will die. Why don't you let him die more comfortably?"Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully, then said, "I know you must be playing some tricks!"

But Ye Feng said, "we don't have any ability after injection, and we will be your lambs to be slaughtered in about 40 minutes. What else can we do?"

Jock Emma knows Ye Feng's character, is absolutely not so easy to compromise, but he really can't think of Ye Feng will play any tricks.

Ye Feng naturally knows that Jock Emma knows her own character, so she will doubt whether she wants to play tricks again.

He thought, immediately, to Jock Emma, "what else do you have to worry about? The purpose of my coming here is to know the truth of eisf. I believe that you are the only one who can answer my question in eisf. I have 40 minutes to know the truth. I'm dead, let alone dead! "

Jock Emma still feels that she can't completely believe Ye Feng, but when Ye Feng talks, she has been thinking about all kinds of possibilities that Ye Feng may get rid of his difficulties.

Finally, he figured out that Ye Feng didn't have the ability to escape. He nodded and said, "good!"

Then Jock Emma immediately picked up the syringe and walked toward Ye Feng, saying, "now start injecting!"

Ye Feng took the initiative to stretch out his hand, let qiaoke Emma give himself an injection.

Jock Emma's needle was already in Ye Feng's arm. She took another look at Ye Feng and finally got in.

Then Jock Emma goes to Dixie. Dixie takes a look at Ye Feng and reaches out her arm.

Jack Emma injects the rest of the medicine into his arm. Then he gets up and puts down the syringe. Then he picks up a button and presses it. The net on Yefeng and Dixie is taken away by the button in his hand.

As soon as she got out of the room, she sprang up and grabbed Jock Emma by the neck.

But Jock Emma was not nervous at all. She just took a look at Dixie. At this time, she saw that Dixie slowly released her hand and finally sat down on the ground again.

At this time, Ye Feng also obviously felt that he was weak all over, as if he could not make any strength.

Jock Emma said to Ye Feng and Dixie, "it's very effective, so you don't have to think much about it!"

Then, jock Emma went to help Ye Feng and Dixie sit down in a chair, saying that they were sitting down. In fact, they were almost paralyzed in the chair.

Ye Feng understood why Jack Emma didn't worry at all that they would run away after the injection. It turned out that he had full confidence in his so-called tranquilizer.

Jock Emma himself brought a stool and sat in front of Ye Feng. "Now, why do you suspect that the earth is the past and the future of the earth?"

But Ye Feng said to Jack Emma, "isn't the statue of liberty and the Great Wall obvious? And the natural evolution of galaxies. This is the solar system of the earth! "

But Jock Emma said immediately, "but this is still different from your solar system, and even if it's essf and the earth, it's also obviously different. There are two natural satellites here, that is to say, two moons, but the earth has only one moon."

Ye Feng shrugged, but then found that he had no strength to shrug, but he said, "so I doubt what must have happened in the lost history of eisf a thousand years ago!"

Then Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma and said, "now I really want to know, what's the real reason for you to create the micro universe?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma took a deep breath. "Everyone has a way to save his own civilization. Hudion's way is to call for alien civilization to transform his own civilization, and my way is to create a perfect primitive civilization in my mind!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately suddenly looked at Jock Emma way, "so your initial plan is to withdraw from eisf, take people all to the micro universe?"

Jock Emma nodded. "It was the idea at first, but it has a fatal flaw!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "what's the defect?"

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "you've been involved in this project, don't you know? All those who go to the micro universe will lose their original consciousness, and it is only the past of the consciousness body. In other words, to let oneself die is equivalent to reincarnation. Who dares to try to escape like this

But Ye Feng said to Jack Emma, "isn't our success the best persuasion?"

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