Jock Emma couldn't help saying, "success? Do you think you are successful? Yes, you have come back with success, but compared with most failures, what is the success rate? "

Ye Feng listened to what Jock Emma said, and immediately pondered for a long time. He didn't speak for a long time. Yes, too many people have been invested in the micro universe plan, but only a few have come back?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to Jack Emma, "only a few of us have come back, but what about the people who still live on the earth? They just didn't come back, so there's no way to count them! "

Jock Emma nodded and admitted, "maybe you're right, but any experiment needs feedback. What's success if you don't know whether it's successful or not?"

Ye Feng is speechless for a while. After all, what Jock Emma said is right. After all, success needs to be confirmed. Those who have not come back, even if they live well on other planets in the micro universe, are still no different from failure for Jock Emma.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he asked Jack Emma, "so now you've changed your route and want to join hudion?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "it's just a stopgap measure. Although the idea of houdion is quite different from ours, there is one thing that is worth our cooperation!"

Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma thoughtfully for a while, then his heart moved and said, "the history of eisf is faulted. Now the history is only more than 1000 years, but the development of eisf is so advanced, which shows that the last invasion of alien civilization has brought a lot of benefits to eisf civilization!"

Hearing the words, jock Emma immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "yes, the biggest advantage is the explosion of science and technology. Although we also paid a heavy price, we also got a lot!"

Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma and said, "so in fact, you also want to encounter alien civilization again in your heart, and hope that the civilization collision again will enable you to get better technology and solve your technical bottleneck?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jock Emma nodded and said, "you are really smart. It's a waste to pull you to do the alien gene transformation experiment. Unfortunately, no matter how good your brain is, it's not like us!"

But Ye Feng said, "so what I said is true?"

Jock Emma asked, "do you mean the relationship between the microcosm and our universe?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right!"

Jock Emma pondered for a long time, then said, "actually, I suspected it before!"

When he was silent, he immediately asked, "didn't you just say that you can't know our life on earth, and you can't know about other participants? How do you think of the earth? "

But Jock Emma said to Dixie immediately, "don't forget, how did you get back to eisf? I extracted your consciousness, took advantage of the people on eisf, put their consciousness in, and you came back! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "so that is to say, where do you have a backup of our consciousness? In other words, you can read everything we have experienced!"

Jock Emma immediately nodded and said, "yes, when I saw the scene on the earth from your consciousness, I came up with the idea that the civilization we want is the civilization suitable for human life. Although the technology is not very advanced and the system is not perfect, anyway, it is better than the current situation of eisf How much is it? "

Ye Feng then said to Jock Emma, "even so, why do you think of the universe you created, which eventually formed your own universe?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "the universe is expanding from the beginning of its birth. Although the life of the micro universe has experienced many years, as long as it continues to evolve, the final image is the image of our universe! There is no doubt about that! "

At this point, jock Emma continued, "although the randomness of the birth of the universe is great, but the regularity is also inseparable from its origin, so there is no doubt that the final universe is going to destruction."

Ye Feng then said to Jack Emma, "from this point of view, you are the creator of the universe!"

Jock Emma was not happy because of Ye Feng's words, but said with a worried face, "I can only say that I am a participant in the micro universe, not a Creator! And even if it is, there is nothing to be happy about. If I can create the universe, that is to say, is our present universe also created by a group of people, and our universe is just their initial form and the final development form, which is what their universe looks like? "

Ye Feng nodded after hearing the words. He always had this idea, and he thought about it many times. Then he said, "if it goes on like this, the universe will be an infinite cycle!"

Jock Emma nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and sighed, "OK, I know so much, time is almost up, you should go to sleep!"Ye Feng immediately said, "in fact, in addition to this, I have a new discovery!"

As soon as Jock Emma heard this, she immediately asked, "what's new?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, and then said, "forget it, when we wake up, we'll talk to you after we become those octopus heads."

Jock Emma immediately asked, "now, after you finish that experiment, do you think you still have your present consciousness?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, jock Emma immediately thought of something and sneered at Ye Feng, "that's why you accept the injection. Do you want to use my curiosity and let me let you go?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "never thought about it like this. It's not stupid to think about it like this. What do you think is the probability that you will let us go? Besides, you are just a clone. Will the subject of Jock Emma let us go? And houdion, and your nephew Dante Emma? "

At this time, she began to feel sleepy and breathed on one side, but she knew that once she had gone to sleep, she didn't know when to wake up again. After waking up again, she couldn't be sure what she would become.

In fact, Ye Feng has been sleepy for a long time. He just wants to hold his last breath of life before he really sleeps.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, whether you use my curiosity or not, the result is the same!"

Ye Feng just looked at Jock Emma and said, "forget it, in fact, it's nothing. If you don't say it, I'm going to sleep!"

Jock Emma stares at Ye Feng and doesn't speak, but Ye Feng seems to see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

But in the end, he fell asleep and didn't wait for Jock Emma to ask what he had found.

When Ye Feng woke up again, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He found that he had already changed a scene. He was tied to a bed.

The leaf maple immediately heart next a Lin, oneself can't be already done experiment to become Octopus head?

Just thinking about it, a figure appeared in front of Ye Feng. When he looked carefully, he found that it was Jock Emma, and his heart could not help moving.

Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "wake up? Now, what's your new discovery? "

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart was filled with awe. He remembered that Jock Emma had said that if he was tested as an octopus head, his previous consciousness would disappear completely and become a new life.

Now I fully know Jock Emma in front of me and remember what happened before. Does this mean that I haven't participated in the genetic transformation experiment?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, he looked at himself doubtfully. Jock Emma said, "don't think about it. You haven't participated in the experiment yet!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart finally put down a stone, this shows that he won the bet.

But he thought of something quickly. He immediately looked around and asked Jock Emma, "where's Dixie?"

Instead of answering him, jock Emma asked again, "tell me about your heart discovery!"

But Ye Feng immediately asked, "where's Dixie? Did you take her to the experiment? "

Jock Emma frowned and looked at Ye Feng impatiently. "So, you really used my curiosity before, so you used me?"

Ye Feng then said to qiaoke Emma, "I have found something new. I know where the final point of the continuous development of eisf lies!"

Jock Emma immediately wondered, "the final point? What's the final point of eisf? It's impossible. At present, we can only create the universe and civilization that are behind us. How can we know the final point? "

But Ye Feng said to Jack Emma, "I want to see Dixie. As soon as I see Dixie, I'll tell you how I found it and what the final point is!"

Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. She didn't speak for a long time. Then she turned around and left. She didn't say where she was going or whether she was going to bring Dixie.

Ye Feng even thought, if Joe Emma will really bring Dixie, but it's a creature with an octopus head for a moment, what should he do?

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