Wait for that figure to approach after, leaf Feng just long heaved a sigh of relief, the di Xi Si that stands in front of oneself is still original appearance.

Dixi Si walks to Ye Feng, holds Ye Feng's hand and says, "are you better?"

Ye Feng shook his head, said his head is still a bit dizzy, also asked Dixie way, "you have no problem?"

Dixie also shook his head, but without waiting for her to speak, jock Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "now that people have seen it, it's time to talk about your discovery. What's the final point?"

Ye Feng then sat up and jumped down from the bed. After exercising his muscles, he looked at Jock Emma and said, "I'm very curious. You are a clone. What are you interested in? I don't think Jock Emma is as interested as you are

After pondering for a while, jock Emma looks at Ye Feng and doesn't answer. Instead, she continues to ask him what the final point is, and seems a little worried.

Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma and said with a smile, "I know what you're thinking!"

Jock Emma's face suddenly changed and said, "what am I thinking?"

Ye Feng did not speak, but took out a cigarette from his pocket to light one and smoked leisurely.

"You don't want to delay any longer. Do you want to run away after the medicine in your body has passed? I tell you, it's impossible. You can't get out of here. We've installed settings at every exit. As long as you pass by, you will be recaptured immediately! "

Ye Feng is smoking cigarettes, toward Joe Emma shrugged, "you may have misunderstood, I did not intend to leave!"

Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng dubiously, and immediately said, "you say you know what I'm thinking, what does that mean?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "you are the clone of Jock Emma. What are the fatal defects of the clone? No one knows better than you!"

After hearing this, jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the defect?"

But Ye Feng took a deep puff of his cigarette and said to Jock Emma, "do you still need me to elaborate? The most important thing about clones is longevity. You can't live much longer. You don't know? "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "even if it is, so what?"

Ye Feng then immediately toward Qiao Ke Emma way, "you this person, must the person point to break?"? The ultimate meaning of life and the ultimate meaning of the universe are one. You don't want to die, so you want to know the ultimate meaning of life. Even if it's not eternal, you don't want to be so short-lived! "

After listening to what Ye Feng said, jock Emma immediately looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way and doesn't say anything for a long time.

Ye Feng stares at jock and Emma says, "what's up? Am I right? "

Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "so, since you know I'm a clone, you've made all the calculations. That's why you said at the end that you know this, you know I won't kill you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and took a puff of cigarette. Then he said with a smile, "I'm not sure. It's just a gamble. Isn't life a rare few times of gambling?"

After hearing the words, jock Emma pondered again. She didn't say anything for a long time. She just stared at Ye Feng with her eyes.

Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "you want to live, we want to leave. I believe that after you want to live, you will not want to stay here, so our interests are the same now, don't you think?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "so, do you want me to let you go?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, it's not to let us go, but to let you go with us!"

After hearing this, Jack Emma suddenly felt a move again, looking at Ye Feng without saying a word.

Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "if you think about it carefully, you are just one of the countless clones of qiaoke Emma. Even if I kill you now, no one will worry about you. You will immediately find another clone to replace your work!"

Jock Emma just looked at Ye Feng and didn't speak, but her face changed.

Ye Feng continued, "but you come with me. You are with me, that is, jock Emma. No one can replace you! And we will help you find a way to solve the problem of life span! "

Upon hearing this, jock Emma immediately looked at Ye Feng, pondering for a long time, still silent, but Ye Feng could see that he had been moved.

Ye Feng took advantage of the heat to hit the railway, "you stay here, is a tool that can be sacrificed at any time, to my side, you are the only, we need technical personnel, you think about it? One hundred percent and one hundred billion percent, which is more important? "

Jock Emma took a deep breath at this time. After several changes in her eyes, she said, "let's not talk about the technology on NIMA's side, that is, the supporting equipment is not as good as one thousandth on this side. Even if I have the technology again, I don't have a platform to show it!"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "you don't have to worry about this. There is definitely a platform for you to show it, and it will never be worse than the conditions here. Maybe it's better!"As soon as Jock Emma heard this, her face changed again, and she fell into meditation again.

Ye Feng knows that at the moment, jock Emma needs to think about her words. He is not in a hurry to urge Jock Emma, just smoking cigarettes and waiting.

Dixie then walked to Ye Feng's side and whispered, "do we really want to take him?"

Ye Feng said in a low voice, "we are always low or slow. Houdion is one of them. The difference is that there is no talent like Jock Emma. If he is willing to go with us, wouldn't it be better?"

But, as you said, the clone has a life limit. Who knows when it will die

But Ye Feng said, "he cloned himself. He should know how to solve this limitation. What he needs is only an aura. I can provide him with an opportunity to show his aura."

Dixie is dubious and looks at Ye Feng. She still hesitates. After looking at Jock Emma, she even feels that Jock Emma may not agree.

And at this time, jock Emma nodded to Ye Feng and said, "deal!"

Dixie did not expect that Jock Emma would agree. She looked at Jock Emma in surprise.

Ye Feng, however, had already expected that Jack Emma would agree. He nodded to Jack Emma and said, "good. Now we should discuss how to leave here?"

Jock Emma said, "at several exits, there are special devices. As long as they detect you, they will start. It's not easy to escape!"

However, Ye Feng said, "nothing is difficult in the world. I'm afraid that you can participate in this special device, or even make it by yourself. If you set it up, what's the difference between the device and the decoration?"

After pondering for a while, jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "I set it up, but it's not easy to completely remove it!"

And Jock Emma said, "you let me think about it!"

Ye Feng shrugged, "we have plenty of time!"

But Jock Emma said, "you have plenty of time, but what I lack is time!"

Ye Feng took a puff of his cigarette and said nothing more.

Jock Emma, on the other hand, was standing in the same place and spinning around with her brain running.

Dixie see in the eye, low voice toward leaf maple way, "do you really believe him?"? Although he is only a clone of Jock Emma, he is no different from Jock Emma in essence! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I understand your worry, but for a dying person, nothing is more important than to live. Even if he will have any problems in the future, it is after he has solved the bottleneck of life. Before that, there should be no problems!"

Dixi Si looked at Ye Feng for a long time, and finally nodded, "if you think it's OK, then it's OK, I believe you!"

But Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "cognition changes too fast. Sometimes I don't believe in myself. How can you believe me so much?"

"Did I put pressure on you?" she asked

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I just want to say, no matter what happens, we all face it together!" And he took his hand.

Dixi Si sees in the eye, the heart next move, immediately lean the head on the shoulder of leaf maple.

Ye Feng side head looking at Dixi Si, her beautiful appearance has not changed, the trust of their own has not changed, the heart can not help but a warm, reached out to embrace Dixi Si.

And just then, jock Emma suddenly said, "yes! There's a way

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