When Ye Feng and Dixie listen to this, they can't help looking at Jock Emma. Ye Feng asks directly, "what can I do? What can I do? "

Jock Emma said immediately, "don't ask, just follow me!" Finish saying to turn round to walk immediately, that meaning is to let leaf maple and di Xi Si follow him.

Ye Feng and Dixie look at each other, and immediately follow Jock Emma to go out. The three people walk towards another area.

After entering that area, three of them entered another room. Ye Feng and Dixie could not help but move. All the armor piled up in this room.

Before waiting for Jock Emma to say anything, Ye Feng and Dixie have already understood. Jock Emma wants them to wear this armor.

Sure enough, jock Emma immediately said to Yefeng and Dixie, "put this on first!"

Said this, jock Emma immediately took two sets of armor to Ye Feng and Dixie.

After Ye Feng took the armor in his hand, he asked Jack Emma, "what kind of material is this armor made of?"

Jock Emma also picked up a pair of armor and put it on. While wearing the armor, she said to Ye Feng, "this is the transaction between hudion and alien civilization. It should be made of alien metal. I haven't worked out the specific material yet!"

Ye Feng nodded when he saw that qiaoke Emma had put on the armor. After putting on the armor, he said to qiaoke Emma, "we found a meteorite over there, which looks similar to the material of this armor!"

Jock Emma, holding her helmet, was about to put it on her head. Hearing what Ye Feng said, she suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you have this kind of metal meteorite over there?"

Ye Feng nodded and then put on his helmet. As soon as he put it on, his heart suddenly moved. Looking out of the helmet, it seems that there are some data around everything. Even looking at Jock Emma, it also suggests a series of data.

After he got familiar with it for a while, he said to Jock Emma, "you should know Gu Zhaohui, right?"

Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "Gu Zhaohui de? Do you mean that guy from the federal Academy of Sciences, Goodspeed

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "haven't you seen it? It was in our basement before! "

But Jock Emma immediately said, "I was cloned before that. I can't inherit the memory of the clone you killed, so I don't know what happened there!"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded and said, "I see!"

Jock Emma then said to Ye Feng, "you say he can't work out what material that metal is?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, he said that his research is not in the same direction!"

Jock Emma immediately sneered, "bullshit!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, don't understand ground looking at Qiao Ke Emma way, "what meaning?"

Jock Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "I was in the federal Academy of Sciences before, and I was in the same group with him. If his research was not in the same direction as mine, why would he be in the same group?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Jock Emma in amazement. "Do you mean His research project is similar to yours? "

Jock Emma sneered, "it's more than the same. It's just a category. At the beginning, we were engaged in the micro universe together, but his idea was unique, so he always wanted to leave me, and I didn't want to argue with him. In a rage, I left the federal Academy of Sciences and did it alone. Later, I met houdion, and he privately sponsored me to do it! And he stayed at the federal Academy of Sciences! "

Ye Feng can't help but ponder when he hears the speech. He hasn't said anything for a long time.

Jock Emma also put on her helmet at this time, and then continued to say to Ye Feng, "later I heard that he didn't make any achievements in the micro universe, so he changed his career!"

Said here, jock Emma also shrugged, "but this guy is also a talent, never set foot in the category of doing is also impressive!"

When Jack Emma said this, he immediately added, "but I can't say it, because when I left the federal Academy of Sciences, I took away all the data of the micro universe. It's unrealistic for him to start all over again. Speaking of this, I think Gu Zhaohui de was angry with me!"

After listening to what Jock Emma said, Ye Feng didn't know what happened in those years, but from what Jock Emma said, he seemed to know that the contradictions and grudges between him and Gu Zhaohui de were no less than those between Gu Zhaohui de and gasevara.

However, Ye Feng is surprised at this time. If it's really like what Jock Emma said, Gu Zhaohui knows something about what Jock Emma knows. Why does he pretend to be ignorant in front of himself.

There is also a big problem. If he brings back Jock Emma, how can he get along with Gu Zhaohui?

Qiaoke Emma seemed to see Ye Feng's meaning, and immediately said, "I can't get along with him, and I don't feel uncomfortable. I'm afraid that your Dean Gu Zhaohui may not be willing to work with me!"Ye Feng sighed, "if I were him, you would take away all the data we studied together, and I might not want to work with you!"

Jock Emma shrugged, "so, if you want to cooperate with me, you have to think about it clearly. I think you will soon face the problem of choice. Do you want me or him?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and didn't speak. This problem has no solution for the time being. After all, he hasn't met it yet. He thought to say immediately, "wait until we can leave here!"

Jock Emma said nothing more. At this time, he took a look at Dixie, who has not yet been wearing armor, and said, "why don't you wear it?"

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "take off your helmet first, let me have a look!"

Ye Feng didn't quite understand what Dixie meant, but Jock Emma sneered, "are you worried that I'll use armor to turn you into that octopus head?"

Ye Feng this just suddenly, immediately took off helmet way, "it's OK!"

Dixie nodded, then put on his armor and helmet.

Jock Emma said immediately, "don't do it even if you are in danger without my command."

After Ye Feng and Dixie nodded, jock Emma immediately left with them.

He ever thought that as soon as he got out of the room, he saw a few armored men coming not far away, and they were walking towards the three of them. They all stopped unconsciously.

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