However, when the armored men passed by, they walked away without even looking at a few people. Ye Feng, Dixie and Jock Emma could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After several armored men left, jock Emma said to Yefeng and Dixie, "follow me, don't lose me!"

Ye Feng understands the meaning of don't lose it, after all, they are wearing armor now. From the outside, they can't tell who is who.

Jock Emma continued to take Ye Feng and Dixie forward until she reached the iron ladder at the exit. Then Jock Emma said, "I'll go up first. There's a device on it. I'll go up and release it, and then give you instructions!"

Then Jock Emma climbed up and stood at the top of the hole. Ye Feng stood at the bottom and looked up. He seemed to see two black boxes on both sides of the hole. Jock Emma was trying to open the box.

At this time, Dixie asked Ye Feng in a low voice, "do you really believe him?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I believe it is also staged!"

"What do you mean?" asked Dickens? What are the stages? "

Ye Feng said, "at least I believe he wants to leave with us at the moment, but after leaving here, I can't guarantee yet!"

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Dixie nodded and said, "just believe it!"

Ye Feng listen to such a Dixie said, can't help immediately toward Dixie said, "I know and understand your worry, but now we have no choice!"

"I don't worry, but the longer I stay in essf, the more uncomfortable I feel! I just want to get back to our old life as soon as possible! "

Ye Feng didn't speak any more when he heard the speech, but his heart moved. From the speech and behavior of Dixie, Ye Feng can see that Dixie still thinks she is an earthling, not Mrs. ace.

In fact, to tell you the truth, it's not only Dixie, but Ye Feng is more open-minded than Dixie in the acceptance of the issue that the earth is eisf.

And just then, jock Emma from above yelled down, "come on up!"

Ye Feng immediately let Dixie first up, and so Dixie climb up, Ye Feng this just climbed up.

After waiting for Ye Feng to go up, he took a look at the black box on both sides of the hole, only to find that the cover of the black box had been opened by Jock Emma, and the lines inside seemed to have been reconnected.

Look at Jack Emma again. At this time, he seems to be holding some precise instrument in his hand. Before Ye Feng can see it clearly, he sees Jack Emma pressing on his arm and something pops up inside.

After Jock Emma put the instrument in immediately, the thing that popped out immediately took back. Ye Feng knew that there were many things he didn't know on the armor.

Jock Emma continues to take Ye Feng and Dixie to go forward. When they get to the front of the cave, jock Emma immediately waves and signals Ye Feng and Dixie to stop, takes out his instrument again and starts to operate on both sides of the cave.

Ye Feng and Dixie stood by and watched Jack Emma operate. However, they saw that the instrument in his hand was more like an intelligent machine, directly covering the black box, and then began to operate by himself.

Open the box cover until the line change is completed under the condition of continuous power supply.

Ye Feng can't help but say to Jock Emma, "is this the thing of alien civilization?"

Jock Emma nodded noncommittally, then said, "the technology of alien civilization is far more powerful than we think!"

At this time, Dixie reminded Ye Feng, "when we came here, the sky outside was full of alien shaped objects. Now go out, don't you know if eisf is occupied?"

Ye Feng is actually worried about this problem, but Ye Feng also knows that it's useless for him to worry about it now. After all, they are trapped here.

Everything still needs to wait for them to leave before they can completely know. They just hope that the alien civilization can land later. Even if it does, they haven't found Qiao Huiying's basement for the time being, although it seems unlikely.

After Jock Emma had finished, the three continued to walk out, but after a few steps, they saw some armored men coming in front of them.

Jock Emma immediately slowed down, and Ye Feng and Dixie also slowed down, following behind Jock Emma.

After several armored men passed by Jock Emma, the three were completely relieved.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of a question and said, "since human beings can use these armor devices of alien civilization, why do you want to transform human genes? Just use it directly? "

But Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "if you don't modify the gene, you won't wear this suit of armor too long!"

Dixie can't help but wonder, "what do you mean it won't take long to wear?"? What are the consequences of too long? "

Jock Emma said, "this device detects genes. Maybe after alien civilizations prevent their soldiers from being resurrected by us, let's use their armor against them. So they set up the gene detection function, so if we are not on their planet, wearing such armor should be invalid!"When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help thinking, "but the fact is, we are wearing this suit of Armor now, and you are also using the tools on their armor!"

Jock Emma said, "yes, we have transformed these armor through the only technology of the eisf civilization, but our technology is limited and can only be used in a limited way. That's why houdion wants to completely transform the gene of soldiers, so that he can always use this armor without any restrictions!"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded, but before Ye Feng spoke, Dixie immediately asked Jack Emma, "you haven't answered my question, what are the consequences of too long?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he heard the speech and said to Jack Emma, "yes, you just said that the technology is limited, so the use is also limited. What will happen if you exceed this limit?"

Jock Emma took a deep breath. "It only takes one hour, that is, one hundred minutes to use it. If it exceeds this time, the temperature of the armor can reach more than 10000 degrees in an instant, and we will be evaporated in an instant!"

When Ye Feng and Dixie heard this, they were all shocked. Their bodies instinctively felt that the temperature in their armor was getting higher, as if they were about to evaporate.

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