When Jock Emma saw that Ye Feng and Dixie didn't speak, she immediately said, "you don't have to worry too much. One hundred minutes is enough for us to leave here. Besides, the armor we put on can be taken off!"

"If that's the case, can't you take it off in a hundred minutes and then put it on again and use it forever?" he said

Jock Emma immediately said, "in principle, that's true, but once you enter the war, who can guarantee that the battle will end in 100 minutes? If a hundred minutes is coming and soldiers in armor are on the battlefield, will they be asked to take off their armor and put it on again in the course of fighting? "

Dixie can't help but be surprised, and then nodded, jock Emma is right, you can't change your clothes in the battlefield.

Ye Feng nodded at this time, "hope to find a way to crack it in the future!"

Jock Emma just nodded, no more words, and then with Ye Feng and Dixie continuously cracked two security settings, finally out of the basement.

As soon as the three men got on the ground, before they got out of the abandoned building, they heard a loud bang. In an instant, there were disasters everywhere, and the whole building collapsed.

Ye Feng's first reaction is to rush towards Dixie and Jock Emma and throw them on the ground. Then he feels like he's sinking and dark in front of his eyes.

I don't know how long it took for Ye Feng to recover. However, when he wanted to move his body, he found that he couldn't move at all, and there seemed to be a mountain of gold on his back.

Ye Feng tried to move a few times, and found that he was still unable to move. Then he thought that Dixie and Jock Emma were still pressed by himself. He immediately asked, "Dixie, President Jock, are you all right?"

A face asked after several times, also didn't hear any answer, leaf maple heart immediately a Lin, secret way won't have died?

But what he was more curious about was what happened to the explosion just now. Was it that they escaped and were discovered by houdion, or was it that Jock Emma's negligence caused the induction of some devices that led to the explosion?

Just thinking about it, at this time suddenly feel a light under the body, suddenly the whole space on the bright up, Ye Feng fixed his eyes on a look, but see is a light on his arm.

After a while, I heard Jock Emma's voice say, "are you all right?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a long sigh of relief, it seems that Jock Emma is OK, he immediately asked, "do you touch what mechanism set?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "it's impossible. I've touched all the devices, and even if I touched them, they didn't explode!"

Just then, Ye Feng felt his body move again, and then came Dixie's voice, "so tight..."

Ye Feng was still worried about whether there was something wrong with Dixie. After hearing this, he immediately gave a mouthful of air, "Dixie, are you ok?"

Dixie immediately said, "it's OK for the time being, but it's hard to be pressed!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately want to move the body, but still can't move, at this time side head to see behind him, but found behind him just a huge stone is pressing himself.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Jack Emma, "what's the matter with the light on your arm?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "control with your mind. If there is light, there is light."

Ye Feng smell speech a stunned, this alien armor so cow break? Why should there be light?

Just thinking about it, his arms are lit up, suddenly the whole small space is more bright.

At this time, Ye Feng tried to move his arm and looked at himself. He found that there was still some space under the stone slab, but it was not very big.

Ye Feng immediately toward the body under the Dixie way, "you try to move to the right to see."

Dixi Si smell speech immediately began to move the body, and Ye Feng is trying to support his body, give Dixi Si make a little space.

Dixie moved for a long time, and finally moved out from under Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng suddenly felt that there was a little space under him.

But Ye Feng did not dare to move for the time being. He was afraid that his movement would drive the stone slab behind him. If it caused another landslide, it would be over.

However, Ye Feng waited for a moment, but also found that there was no gap under his body, so the pressure behind it became greater. He expected that it would not be a big problem.

Ye Feng then moved his left arm, looked at it on the left side, and said to Jock Emma, "President Jock, you also move to your left side!"

Qiaoke Emma smell speech immediately according to Ye Feng said, began to move to the left, not a moment from Ye Feng's body out.

And leaf maple this just relaxed a breath, directly lie on the ground, behind but "Hua La" a sound, leaf maple heart suddenly a Lin.

But fortunately, it just dropped some small stones, and did not cause a large area of landslides, Ye Feng this just a long sigh of relief.

Ye Feng this time tried to turn a body, let oneself lie on the ground, once again stretched out his hand to shine on all around, found that has been completely sealed, can't see outside.Then she turned her back, looked around, and immediately asked, "what's the matter? How did it explode? "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "if I'm not wrong, it should be that the alien civilization has begun to land. The explosion just now is a matter of alien civilization!"

When Jock Emma heard this, she couldn't help but say, "no, it's impossible. When hudion was in contact with the alien civilization, he had already told the alien civilization his coordinates. They belong to the alliance relationship, so they should not attack here!"

When he heard the words, he sneered and said, "it's not my race, but my heart is different! And the alliance of alien civilizations? Can you believe it? "

Jock Emma's face moved and murmured when she heard that. "Do these guys want to cross the river?"

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and said, "it's meaningless to discuss these now. Let's try to leave here first! I'll know if it is after I go out! "

At this time, Dixie tried to push the stone on it, but the stone did not move.

Ye Feng said, "it's no use using brute force!" Then he looked at Jock Emma and said, "is there any weapon on this suit of alien armor that can blow away here?"

Jock Emma said, "you can do it with weapons, but what if the explosion causes a second collapse?"

Ye Feng clenched his teeth and said, "it's better than that. Three people are waiting to die here. Don't forget that after 100 minutes, the armor will heat up by itself, and then none of us will live!"

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