After hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma immediately pondered and said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, I'll think about it first!"

Ye Feng can't help but say to Jack Emma, "think about it, what else do you want? What else can I think of? "

Jock Emma immediately said, "the weapons on the armor can completely control the power. I want to calculate how much firepower I need to use, which can blow up here without causing a second collapse."

Then Jock Emma added to Ye Feng, "the video function of the helmet can detect the stones around us. You can have a look!"

As soon as Ye Feng and Dixie listen to this, they immediately look around, but they don't find the function that Jock Emma said.

And Jock Emma was also looking around. From the perspective of his helmet, the stones in front of her became virtual and transparent.

How many stones are there behind this huge stone slab in front of us, and even the shape and weight of each stone are displayed by numbers on one side.

And then Dixie asked Jack Emma, "where is it? Why can't I see it? "

But Ye Feng immediately said, "it must be something to operate."

Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "I told you to operate with your mind."

When Ye Feng and Dixie heard this, they immediately drove their own thoughts and began to think in different directions.

But in a moment, what they saw in their helmets was the same as what they saw in Jock Emma's side. All the stones and slabs became virtualization, plus a series of numbers.

Ye Feng found that no matter in the front or in the left or right, it seems to be full of stones of various shapes. No matter from which direction he wants to blow up a gap, it's not easy.

Jock Emma then recorded all the data in her head and began to calculate the distance, thickness and other data.

Finally, jock Emma turned her head to one side, looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you bomb from this side, the error rate is relatively low!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately also follow Qiao Ke Emma's eyes toward in front of me to see, but see here actually the stone and other directions look similar.

He couldn't help but wonder, "what's the difference between here and other places? Why is the error rate low? "

Jock Emma then said to Ye Feng, "look carefully, although the stones here are similar to those in other places, even more! But have you noticed that there are more gravel here! "

Ye Feng can't help but take another look and find that it's really like what Jock Emma said. From this position, it seems that the stones behind the huge stone slab are really scattered and broken.

But Jock Emma continued, "there are many stones, but there is no difference in the overall thickness. What does that mean?"

"What's the point?" she blurted out

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng immediately said, "it shows that there are many stones here, but there are also many gaps. Compared with other places, it's easy to bomb the exit!"

Jock Emma immediately said, "yes, that's the truth. There are many broken stones here, which means it's not reliable. Moreover, if we stay here for a long time, this position is easy to collapse. We have to get through to this position whether we can go out or not!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward Qiao Ke Emma way, "so how to control the weapon?"? Do you also use ideas? "

Jock Emma immediately nodded and said, "yes, all operations of armor depend on the mind, but the first time I use this weapon, I'm afraid you will make mistakes in operation!"

Ye Feng also ponders when he hears the words. There is nothing wrong with qiaoke Emma's worry. After all, he will use the functions of these armor, and there will be errors in operation.

Jock Emma then said to Ye Feng, "if you can trust me, let me operate it!"

Ye Feng and Dixi smell speech all heart next move, one after another looked at Qiao Ke Emma.

Jock Emma shrugged and said, "of course, if you can't believe me, you can do it yourself, but if you make mistakes, the consequences will be irreparable. Let's discuss it by yourself!"

At this time, Dixie whispered to Yefeng, "can you trust him?"

Ye Feng pondered and didn't speak. He hesitated in his heart. Now he had no choice but to believe in Jock Emma.

If you live to operate by Dixie, there must be errors. In case of heavy or light use, it may cause secondary danger.

What's more, jock Emma is so sure that he can finish it. It must be that he has got the accurate data after precise calculation. Even if there are errors, the error coefficient must be much more reliable than what they completely rely on feeling.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Jack Emma and said, "OK, it's up to you to operate!"

On hearing this, jock Emma immediately nodded, then moved her body toward that direction, and said to Ye Feng and Dixie, "you all give way, let me go to the far side!"

When Jock Emma moves near Ye Feng, Ye Feng tries to prop up and let Jock Emma get under his body while he moves from above to the other side.After Jack Emma passed Ye Feng's side, after a short rest, she immediately moved to Dixie, who also moved from above Jack Emma according to Ye Feng's method.

When Jock Emma got to the edge and took a few deep breaths, she put up her hands and said to Ye Feng, "are you ready? I'm going to start!"

Ye Feng and Dixie also take a deep breath, Dixie is instinctive to hold Ye Feng's hand, can go out completely depends on how the attack of Jock Emma.

Jock Emma looked at him, and his mechanical arms began to turn red, and there was a clear sound of mechanical operation.

After a while, jock Emma's arms were red and shining. Before Ye Feng and Dixie were ready, they heard "boom, boom".

All of a sudden, the huge stone slab in front of me also made a "boom" sound, and even vibrated with the sound.

The stone slab immediately began to drop some gravel down, rustling.

But Ye Feng and Dixie immediately looked in front of Jock Emma, only to see that the red of his arms had dissipated, and a huge hole had appeared in front of him, and the light from the outside also immediately came in.

Ye Feng looked at it carefully. There was a hole on the huge stone slab, and the edge of the hole was still red. It was obviously caused by the sudden high temperature.

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