After waiting for a moment, the high temperature at the edge of the stone gradually dropped. Ye Feng was the first one to come out from inside, and then he took a look around.

At this time, Ye Feng found that the ground was already full of smoke, and there were smoky places everywhere, far and near.

From time to time, there are flying vehicles in the sky. Looking up, there are flying vehicles everywhere, and they are very close to the ground.

At this time, Dixie and Jock Emma also emerged and climbed out of the cave. They were stunned to see this scene. They didn't want to be in the basement for a while. The changes outside were so big.

At this time, Ye Feng thought of Joanna, and immediately said to Jack Emma and Dixie, "let's go now!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately takes Jack Emma's hand. Dixie knows what Ye Feng wants, and immediately takes Jack Emma's other hand.

In an instant, the three men were within the scope of longarsenic castle. However, although the former longarsenic castle had been attacked by liquid civilization, it had already become a ruin.

But after that, there are still some buildings that haven't collapsed in longarsene castle. At this time, it looks like the sound of waste bricks and rubble, even the southeast, northwest, and even a landmark building that can distinguish the direction.

The whole longarsene castle is like a flat river. Ye Feng can't even find where the entrance to the basement is.

However, it suddenly occurred to Ye Feng that before he left, he had stopped the alien spaceship at the top of the cave. As long as he could find the spaceship, he could find the cave.

but Ye Feng turned around in longarsene castle alone, and still didn't see any spaceship, or even anything similar to the spaceship. He couldn't help sighing. Was the spaceship destroyed ?

But Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "have you forgotten the function of armor?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly felt awe inspiring. The secret way is yes. There is a perspective function on the helmet. As long as you control it with your mind, you can see whether there is a hole hidden under these waste bricks.

However, Ye Feng had not yet driven his mind, so he immediately thought of another problem. If he could use his mind to see the things under the waste bricks, could alien civilization do the same?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked Jock Emma. When Jock Emma heard this, her heart moved and her face changed greatly. "Yes, if so, it would be troublesome. Even in the underground, it would be impossible to hide!"

Ye Feng thought and immediately said, "no matter they can hide, first seize the time, hurry to find some more!"

With that, the three men immediately drove their minds and began to sweep on the ground, just like mine clearing, walking forward step by step, and the three men were moving in different directions.

Soon there was a cry from Dixie, "come here and have a look!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately rushed to the past, along the direction of Dixie see a look down, also really see below a basement entrance and so on.

But the basement is obviously not big. It should not be Qiao Huiying's basement. Looking down, you can see that there are seven or eight people in the basement.

Leaf maple heart can't help but move a way, "there are people below this!"

Dixie immediately nodded to ask the side of Jock Emma said, "how to use the arm weapon, is the mind OK?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "yes, control the mind. Just aim your hands at it!"

When he heard the words, he immediately nodded and raised his hands to the ground in front of him. In a moment, the metal of his arms began to turn red, but in a moment, it turned red.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to react, he immediately saw two red lights flying to the ground in an instant. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a string of fire like things went to the ground in an instant.

Ye Feng watched with the surveillance on his helmet, but he didn't know if Dixie was too strong. Unexpectedly, the fire ran deeper than the ground where those people were.

And those people obviously felt that a hole had been made on one side, and they were scared to escape towards the other side.

Ye Feng then understood why Jock Emma didn't let herself and Dixie operate. She and Dixie really couldn't master this ability for the time being.

When the flame in front of the hole completely cooled, Ye Feng immediately went in and said to Dixie, "keep looking!"

After drilling to the power, roughly to the hole where the few people are, Ye Feng immediately drilled in the past.

Several people inside were shocked to see that a man in Dark Armor appeared.

Ye Feng glanced at the crowd, then staring at one of them, his face suddenly moved, it was Gu Zhaohui who had been helping to find, but didn't find it.

The woman standing on Gu Zhaohui's side is Yue Ying's sleeveless friend Qiu Yueyu. They are looking at themselves in surprise.

Ye Feng immediately toward the two humanitarian, "Gu Zhaohui late? "Autumn feather in the moon?"

Gu Zhaohui and Qiu Yueyu heard this and said, "who are you? How do you know me? "Ye Feng will take off the helmet, this just toward two humanitarian, "is me!"

Gu Zhaohui saw this later, and his face suddenly moved, "master?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said to Gu Zhaohui, "are you hiding here these days? Do you know I'm looking for you? "

Gu zhaohuichi said, "what happened before was so sudden, we have been hiding here..."

Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "your father has entrusted me to look for you all the time. Don't say it. Let's leave here first!"

Gu Zhaohui said excitedly, "is my father still alive?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "for the time being, we should still be alive. Now that the alien civilization has launched a second attack, I don't know if we are still alive! Let's get out of here first! "

Then Ye Feng puts on his helmet again and immediately climbs up the hole. Gu Zhaohui Chi and Qiu Yu follow him, and let others follow him.

After Ye Feng crawled out of the cave, he noticed that Dixie and Jock Emma had been watching the ground go away, and were obviously still looking for other basements.

After Gu Zhaohui and Qiu Yueqiu came out, they took a look at the situation outside. They were stunned. Obviously, they didn't know that such a big change had taken place outside.

After other people came out, they were even more stupid. One by one, you look at me and I look at you. It feels like longarsene castle, which is no different from the wilderness.

Gu Zhaohui then said to Ye Feng, "master, what's the matter with your armor? It looks cool! "

Ye Feng is toward Gu Zhaohui late way, "wait for later have a chance to give you also get a set!"

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