As Ye Feng spoke, he looked at both sides, but saw that Jock Emma and Dixie had been scanning on the ground respectively, but it seemed that he still didn't find anything.

Ye Feng then called Dixie and Jock Emma over. When they came back, they both looked at Gu Zhaohui Chi and Qiu Yueyu and nodded to them.

Gu Zhaohui later saw that Ye Feng's two companions were also wearing this kind of armor. He couldn't help looking more.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "are we misjudging the location? We haven't found any other basement around here yet!"

Ye Feng nodded and admitted, "after all, there are ruins and debris here now. I can't see where it is. Even if I recognize the wrong place, it's not strange."

Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "now it's too difficult to search in a large area. Look at the air!"

People can't help but look up at the sky when they hear the words, but they see countless flying machines hovering in the sky, coming and going from time to time. Maybe they will be found in the next second.

But Ye Feng is also curious. Now there is almost no shelter on the ground, and there are so many aircrafts in the sky. How can no one find them?

Just thinking about this, a black aircraft immediately flew towards them.

Ye Feng can't help but a Lin, really want what to come what, just thought of why the other party didn't find them, people came.

But Ye Feng soon realized that he had not found them before, probably because they were all wearing armor. But now that they have rescued Gu Zhaohui Chi and Qiu Yueqiu Yu, they have no armor and no place to hide.

Other people saw the aircraft dive directly from mid air, and immediately in front of the crowd, it stopped on the ground.

Gu Zhaohui couldn't help but feel nervous and said, "what should I do?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, he saw that the cabin door of the aircraft suddenly opened with a click, and there came out four people wearing black armor like them.

After the four armor men came down, they immediately walked towards Ye Feng. Seeing this, Dixie and Jock Emma instinctively stepped back and looked at the armor man.

Dixie is even ready to attack each other with the high heat weapon on his arm at any time, but Ye Feng stands in the same place, turns around and is facing the four armor men.

Four armored men came to Ye Feng and stopped. Their heads with helmets moved left and right, as if they were looking at them.

But in the end, their goal is not in Ye Feng, Dixie and Jock Emma, but in Gu Zhaohui and Qiu Yueyu behind them.

Gu Zhaohui was a little confused when he was seen by the armor man. He didn't know what he meant and what he wanted to do to them.

At this time, one of the armor people came to Ye Feng and stretched out his hand to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng heart next move, but he still did not move, eyes have been staring at each other.

But see each other's hand has been stretched to his head behind, this just pull his helmet forward.

The armored man's head also immediately touched Ye Feng's head. Suddenly, everyone saw that the helmet of the armored man seemed to be shining white, like a circle of light, moving towards Ye Feng's helmet.

Ye Feng at this time heart next move, but he soon understood, this is the other side in and his communication.

The signals quickly turned into text symbols in front of his helmet, but the symbols looked as difficult as hieroglyphs, and they didn't know what they meant.

Ye Feng originally wanted to ask Jock Emma if there was any translation software in the helmet.

When Ye Feng thought of translation, he saw that the hieroglyphs in front of him began to gradually become the words of eisf.

The main idea is to say, "what are you three doing down there? Are these ESF people the captives you captured? "

Ye Fengxin next move, received a message, will immediately reply to each other, he immediately with the idea to control his helmet, to the other side to reply to the signal in the past.

Ye Feng told the other party that they were searching below to see if there were any survivors. They had just found these people, and before they had time to report, four of them came.

The armor man releases Ye Feng's head, stands in the same place and stares at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he looks at Gu Zhaohui Chi and Qiu Yu, and then turns around and walks back.

Four armored men stand in a row and stare at Ye Feng. After they have a look, they nod slightly, then turn around and leave.

Ye Feng and a few of them didn't expect that they would muddle through so easily. Gu Zhaohui and their group were even more relieved.

Ye Feng looked at the armored men who were about to walk in front of the aircraft. At this time, a "dududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududu.

Ye Feng didn't know what the problem was, but he didn't dare to move for fear that he would be heard by those armor men.But Jock Emma said in a low voice, "no, the armor is calling the police. The time limit is coming. The armor will gradually heat up in the next ten minutes. We have to take off the armor and restart it!"

Ye Feng and Dixie are all moved when they hear that if they don't take off their armor, jock Emma told them that they will be evaporated into gas in ten minutes.

But now a few armored men have not been on the spaceship, and even if they are on the spaceship, so many alien civilization aircrafts in the sky will surely find them.

It's not true to take off now. If you take off, you may be recognized by alien civilization immediately. If you don't take off, you may be made into gas immediately.

Ye Feng took a deep breath. He felt that when he took a breath now, a stream of heat poured into his body from his mouth and nose. It seemed that even his respiratory tract was baking on the stove.

Now it's completely in a dilemma, but fortunately, the four armored men are still on the aircraft.

As soon as the door of the aircraft closed, Ye Feng immediately began to take off his helmet and armor.

Seeing this, Dixie and Jock Emma took off their armor one after another, which was still steaming.

But at the same time, the closed door of the aircraft opened again in an instant, and four armored men came out at the same time.

Ye Feng, Dixie, and Jock Emma can't help but take a deep breath. Now they have taken off their armor. In the eyes of the armor man, they are no longer different from the normal Mrs. ace.

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