Ye Feng jumps out of the pit and continues to run forward. At the same time, Ye Feng immediately starts the scanning function on his helmet with his consciousness.

In an instant, everything in front of them changed into a virtual linear mode. In the distance, jock Emma and a group of them looked like black and white lines were moving.

At this time, Ye Feng stares at the ground again, and instantly sees the situation under the ground, but there are no underground facilities nearby.

And behind a few aircraft and quickly flew over, from time to time toward the ground dive down, each dive, Ye Feng behind the fire.

However, Ye Feng also found that these aircraft need to dive down every time they want to shoot. When they are at high altitude, they seem unable to shoot at all.

Because of this, Ye Feng can get a chance to breathe, but more soberly, I don't know if it's because ye Feng shot down an aircraft.

So before, several aircrafts chasing Dixie gave up Dixie, and rushed towards Ye Feng one after another, as if they wanted to revenge for their companions.

Although Ye Feng's action is not slow, but behind the sound of gunfire or one after another, Ye Feng know no place to escape, sooner or later is also hard to escape gunfire.

And at this time, suddenly feel behind a huge impact, his body instantly flew up, the whole person like a bullet general shot out.

Then Ye Feng fell heavily on the ground. He didn't come back for a long time. When he came back, he saw several aircrafts in the sky rushing down towards him.

Ye Feng immediately wants to drive the gun fire on his arm, but he finds that no matter how he drives with his mind, there is no response on his arms.

Ye Feng immediately stood up and found that his back armor was already broken, and his whole back was exposed.

Ye Feng knew that he couldn't count on his armor. He immediately took off his helmet and threw it away. Then he tore off his armor and threw it away.

Even so, Ye Feng also wanted to thank him for his armor. If he didn't wear this armor just now, he might have been killed by the blast wave.

But although there is no armor, Ye Feng lost his protection, and his own blinking ability can come back.

However, Ye Feng did not leave immediately, but stared at the aircraft coming towards him. He didn't mean to escape at all.

Waiting for the aircraft to dive, Ye Feng suddenly disappeared in front of them.

All of a sudden, several aircrafts lost their targets and immediately began to look around.

At the same time, a plane suddenly sank, but Ye Feng had already jumped on the plane.

The alien in the aircraft saw this, immediately began to rotate the aircraft, Ye Feng directly fell down again.

Ye Feng's whole body fell from the air and hit the ground. Suddenly, his head was covered, as if he fainted.

It's said that he fainted, but it doesn't seem to be at all. In a moment, it seems that a lot of things poured into his mind.

Originally, Ye Feng fell from such a high place, it must have been broken to pieces, but he didn't want his whole body to directly smash a hole in the ground, but his body was intact.

Aliens in the alien aircraft immediately began to lock the fallen maple leaf, and instantly found maple leaf in a pit on the ground.

They also seem to be very strange. They have studied Mrs. ace's body. It's impossible to fall from such a high place.

All the aircraft immediately dive down to attack, and at the same time, they receive new instructions.

After those aircrafts dive down, they immediately begin to lift the aircrafts and fly into mid air. Obviously, the new instruction is to ask them not to attack Ye Feng.

And at the same time, a net in the sky pounced directly on Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng was immediately caught by the net, and instantly flew to the sky with several aircraft.

It was strange that there were no more aircrafts to chase after her. At this time, she could not help but move when she saw that the aircrafts were gradually flying high and far away, and there seemed to be a person in the net pocket below.

Dixie immediately drove the guns on her arms and fired at the distant aircraft, but the range of the guns on her arms was too short to reach those aircraft.

At this time, jock Emma, who are running in front of them, are tired. They stop to look back and see this scene.

Gu Zhaohui said immediately, "master, have you been captured by them?"

Qiu Yue said, "we have to find a way to save him!"

But Jock Emma stared at Ye Feng in the air and sighed faintly, "save him? How to save it? We can't protect ourselves now! "

Gu Zhaohui said to Jock Emma immediately, "don't you have any weapons in your armor?"

But Jock Emma shook her head and said, "the range is too far. It doesn't help at all!"

Then Jock Emma immediately said, "the other side did not directly attack Ye Feng, but just captured him. I don't think he will be in any danger for the time being. Before the aliens launch the second round of attack, we must find a shelter to hide, or we won't be so lucky as him!"When she saw him, she immediately said, "what's the function of this armor? Is there a flight function? "

But Jock Emma said, "I've used it long since I had it, and I'll use it until now?"

Then Jock Emma immediately said to Dixie, "let's find the hiding place first, and then try to save him!"

As soon as she heard this, she looked at Ye Feng, who was flying farther and farther in the sky. Then she said to Jack Emma, "you can find it. I'll think about it myself."

Jock Emma took a look at Dixie, then shook her head and said to Gu Zhaohui, "are you going? If you don't go, I'll go myself! "

And with that, jock Emma turned and left. Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueqiu sighed. Now they can't save Ye Feng even if they want to.

Gu zhaohuichi also thinks that what Jock Emma said is right. Now we still have to protect ourselves first. What else can we talk about saving people if we can't even protect ourselves?

After everyone followed Jock Emma, Dixie was still standing in the same place. She had taken off her helmet and stared at Ye Feng in the distance. She couldn't see it with naked eyes.

Dixie was worried, but there was nothing she could do. At this time, she hoped that when the other party attacked her again, she would capture herself just like Ye Feng. Maybe she could see Ye Feng.

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