At this time, Ye Feng had been driven to the sky by those aircrafts. Those aircrafts flew directly into a large group of aircrafts. In an instant, an aircraft opened the cabin door and took Ye Feng in.

As soon as Ye Feng entered the aircraft, he saw that he was tied to a coffin like container by several aliens in armor. After the lid was covered, the net things on his body disappeared.

When Ye Feng was caught by the net, he felt that he couldn't make any effort to get it out. But at this time, although the net was taken back, and his strength seemed to recover, he still couldn't open the lid in front of him.

After trying many times, Ye Feng couldn't do anything, so he had to give up for a while. At this time, he looked around, but found that he had several armor men walking around, and didn't know what to do.

However, Ye Feng soon saw a monitor on one side, which seemed to be flying towards outer space. His heart was suddenly awed. It seemed that the flying vehicle that caught him had already left the planet.

I don't know how long later, Jingge saw on the display that the aircraft he was in had already flown into another large spaceship and finally stopped inside.

After a while, the coffin like container he was in was pushed up. When he looked back, he saw an armored man pushing the container forward behind him.

Originally, all the way was dark and dim, but soon I felt a light in front of me. The light seemed to be dazzling, so that Ye Feng couldn't see where he was.

And after the container where he was stopped, he never saw the armor man again. He just left him here and didn't know what he wanted to do.

I don't know how long later, Ye Feng finally saw a figure coming towards him. However, in the strong light, he could only see a shadow. Under the action of the light, it seemed that he had some deformation.

Until the figure came to his container, Ye Feng's heart suddenly stood in front of him. An octopus face appeared above his container, and his round Octopus eyes were staring at him.

After a while, there were several Octopus faces around him, walking around his container, and soon a metal arm appeared on the top of his container, looking a bit like those machines in the operating room.

Ye Feng can't help but secretly say that these alien Octopus don't see that they are special, so they want to make their own specimens for research?

At this time, the container suddenly made a crisp sound, and then Ye Feng felt that his limbs and neck were fixed by some metal things, and he tried several times to break free, but failed.

At this time, the lid of the container suddenly opened automatically, and several octopus heads suddenly came together, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, but Ye Feng was a little scared.

He didn't feel scared because of the octopus faces, but he didn't know what they wanted to do to himself, so he was a little nervous.

At this time, a laser suddenly appeared on the mechanical arm above Ye Feng. Fortunately, it just shot at the other end of the metal, not directly on Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng still didn't know exactly what the other party was going to do, but he saw that the laser on the mechanical arm was coming towards him.

Ye Feng immediately began to want to get rid of the metal ring on his hands and feet, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it completely.

I watched the laser on the metal arm come to my eyes, but not through his body, but above his body, moving back and forth.

Those octopus heads are looking at Ye Feng and some data on the virtual display screen. It seems that they are doing physical examination for Ye Feng and testing the data of his various functions.

After a while, the mechanical arm immediately retracted, and the distance between the two ends of the metal began to expand, and in the extension, from the metal to shoot countless rays, as if forming a section of aperture.

Then the robot arm came back to Ye Feng. This time, it went directly to Ye Feng's head. This time, it was not above Ye Feng, but directly from Ye Feng's head.

But when the light trap in the past, Ye Feng didn't feel his body was any different, when the aperture left from the foot, it rose to his top again.

And a few octopus heads are still looking at the virtual display on one side, but they haven't said a word from the beginning to the end.

However, Ye Feng soon remembered that these octopus heads seemed to have no language communication at all, and he had just seen several Octopus people stand together, and the octopus tentacles on their heads were intertwined with each other.

And every time the octopus whiskers of Octopus people intertwine, there seems to be an electric current on their tentacles. Then Ye Feng remembered that the way of communication of this alien Octopus people seems to be like this.But at this moment, the transparent cover in front of him was closed again, and the metal rings on his hands, feet and neck disappeared in a flash.

Several Octopus people also left here one after another, and the mechanical arm that stopped above didn't know where to go. After a while, Ye Feng seemed to be the only one left in the whole space.

Ye Feng helplessly yelled a few times. He felt that his voice couldn't even come out of the container. Besides himself, no one could hear him outside.

I don't know how long later, Ye Feng suddenly found that a string of symbol codes popped up on the flickering display.

After a while, an octopus head suddenly appeared in the sky of Ye Feng, which made Ye Feng's heart look like a cold.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the octopus immediately went to one side and looked at the data symbols on the display. He stood there for a long time and did not move.

Ye Feng didn't know what happened, but he roughly guessed that the data symbols above should represent some characteristics of his body. Now there must be something abnormal, so it caused the octopus man's idea.

At this time, he kept pounding the transparent container on one side, trying to attract the attention of the octopus man. However, the octopus man didn't seem to hear it at all. He just looked at the virtual display in front of him.

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