Ye Feng was still hammering on the transparent container, making a dull noise, but the octopus man didn't know whether he didn't hear it or he was too focused when he looked at the virtual display, so he didn't notice.

At this time, an octopus head appeared above the transparent container where Ye Feng was. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he must have seen Ye Feng beating the edge of the container.

And in a moment, Ye Feng's wrist instantly more metal ferrule, firmly Ye Feng's hands and feet are fixed again, Ye Feng at this time want to hit the edge of the transparent container.

At the same time, the easy lid slowly opened a crack, and instantly white smoke poured in from the crack. Just in a moment, the whole container was full of white smoke, and the lid closed immediately.

Ye Feng suddenly felt some difficulty in breathing, even his throat was dry, and his eyes were almost choking with tears. However, he could still see several octopus heads staring at him outside the transparent container.

After a long time, Ye Feng felt that his breathing could not keep up, and his brain was dizzy, as if he was suffering from hypoxia. However, there was no less smoke in the transparent container, and he even felt as if it was thicker.

Gradually, Ye Feng began to lose consciousness and could not feel anything at all. His eyes were white and black, and he could not see any real objects. Even his internal organs seemed to be rebellious. One was colic, and the other was soreness.

I don't know how long it took. After Ye Feng gradually regained consciousness, he found that the white smoke in the transparent container had dissipated, and several octopus heads were still standing outside the transparent container, staring at himself with their round eyes.

Ye Feng didn't know what happened just now. Subconsciously, he checked his body first to prevent what unexpected things these guys did to himself in the process of his coma.

However, after checking for a while, Ye Feng found that all the parts on his body were not bad, so he was relieved. Fortunately, he was OK for the time being, but he still didn't understand when the octopus would study himself.

At this time, Ye Feng felt something trapped under his body, and all the transparent containers around him moved away.

And Ye Feng's body also began to stand up at this time, the things behind the body tied Ye Feng tightly, the whole body seemed to be hanging in the air.

Not only that, Ye Feng's hands and feet seemed to be pulled by something and opened automatically. In a short time, it became a "big" shape, and his clothes fell to the ground instantly, and there was no covering clothes on his body.

After a while, Ye Feng's mechanical arm appeared in front of him. He moved in front of him and finally stopped at the position of his chest alignment.

At this time, an octopus head came to Ye Feng's body and looked at Ye Feng's body. Then he saw that the mechanical arm began to approach Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng immediately called, "what are you going to do?"

But no one answered Ye Feng's words. Several octopus heads stood around Ye Feng and continued to observe Ye Feng.

At this time, a sharp knife suddenly appeared on the mechanical arm in front of Ye Feng, slowly approaching Ye Feng's chest.

Ye Feng saw this and said in a loud voice, "what do you want to do?"

The sharp knife has been stabbed into Ye Feng's chest. Ye Feng suddenly feels a stabbing pain, but he looks down. Although the sharp knife has been stabbed in, there is no blood flowing out.

This abnormal situation, even let Ye Feng forget the pain, can't help but wonder, "what did you do to me?"

And at this time, the sharp knife has been completely inserted in Ye Feng's chest, and even stabbed out from Ye Feng's back.

Ye Feng even felt that his heart had been pierced, but there was still no blood flowing out.

Just when Ye Feng was surprised, the sharp knife slowly pulled out. At that moment, Ye Feng saw that the wound he was stabbed by the sharp knife had disappeared completely.

Ye Feng can't help staring at this and said, "what's the matter?"

At the same time, the sharp knife on the mechanical arm immediately tilted down to his body and chopped off Ye Feng's whole shoulder and arm.

Ye Feng's heart is suddenly a Lin, although feel the pain, even when the side head can see his shoulder with his arm left his body, can see where the bone and flesh.

But soon the arm was tied up behind the things with stick on the leaf maple body wound, in a moment that the shoulder and his body has been restored to the original.

Ye Feng almost looked silly. What did these octopus heads do on themselves? Why can their bodies heal themselves like this?

Ye Feng's body has been self-healing before, but it is not so exaggerated now.

And at this time, the machete on the mechanical arm in front of him disappeared, and instantly a flame erupted from the middle.Look at the temperature of the flame at least a few hundred degrees, anything close to it can be melted into liquid form.

And that fire is bigger and bigger, more and more prosperous, instantly wrapped Ye Feng's whole body, Ye Feng can even feel his body boiling.

Ye Feng looked down at his body God, and even saw that his body had turned into a carbon shape. He could see the bones and internal organs inside.

However, in the moment when the flame disappeared, he clearly watched his carbonized body gradually begin to change into its original shape, only in a few seconds, his body seemed to have nothing happened.

Ye Feng seems to realize something at this time. The purpose of these Octopus people may not be to kill themselves, but to do various experiments with themselves to test their physical potential.

Maybe it's because they didn't turn to ashes after being bombed by them, which made them have a strong interest in their special body. That's why they have such a scene.

It seems that the stab, the chop and the fire just now can't hurt you any more. Is this the intensification of the special abilities that you have had before.

And at this time, the things binding him behind Ye Feng immediately loosened, and Ye Feng's whole body fell to the ground.

Ye Feng immediately stood up, but as soon as he got up, he found that everything around him was gone. There was no Octopus head, no transparent container, and no mechanical arm.

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