All around a sense of nothingness, let Ye Feng can't help but think of the original in the virtual world when the cultivation of truth, heaven and man perception of those situations, now is the same.

However, at this time, Ye Feng saw a figure coming in the distance, with black armor and octopus head.

Ye Feng looked at the octopus head carefully. It seemed that it was fatter than those Octopus before, but the surface skin of the octopus head seemed rough.

Octopus head went to the front and back of Ye Feng's face, stood in the same place, staring at Jing Ge with his big black eyes for a long time, and did not move.

Ye Feng just ready to speak, but listen to ear suddenly came a voice way, "Hello!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face couldn't help but move. He didn't see the octopus head talking in front of him, but he felt that the sound should be from the octopus head.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to respond, the voice immediately came back and said, "don't be surprised, I'm talking to you!"

But Ye Feng looked at the octopus head in front of him and said, "what do you want to do to me?"

The voice immediately said, "you don't have to be nervous. We brought you back because your constitution is special, not like Mrs. ace's, so we ask you to help us do some research."

Ye Feng had already guessed the intention of the other party to bring himself back, and immediately said, "what's the result of the research?"

The voice said, "the research result is that your DNA is more than 98% similar to Mrs. ace's Constitution!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "98%? What does that mean? "

The voice continued, "don't underestimate the other two percent. Two percent is a big difference for species."

Ye Feng said, "but the other 98% at least shows that Mrs. ace and I are very involved, right?"

The voice immediately said, "yes! Indeed, this data confirms that you and Mrs. ace are related! But you should listen to the next set of data! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "the next set of data? What do you mean

The voice immediately said, "the similarity between your DNA and Jack Ruixing's is 96%!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion move, heart is also a Lin ground looking at in front of Octopus humanity, "Jack Ruixing ball man is who?"

The voice immediately said, "it's us!"

In fact, Ye Feng had a guess in his heart, but after listening to the voice, he said, "you? Are you kidding? Is there a difference between us? "

But the voice said, "is it a big difference? Maybe, but genes don't lie! "

But Ye Feng immediately said, "that is the experimental result is wrong, we stand together, no one will think we are close relatives?"

The voice immediately said, "then you can listen to the next set of data?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears, "what do you mean? And the next set of data? "

But the voice immediately said, "of course, you have DNA comparison with ASHF, you have DNA comparison with Jack Ruixing, so the next set of data is naturally the comparison between Jack Ruixing and ASHF!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this, but he thought that the similarity between himself and Esther was 98%, and that between himself and Jerry was 96%. That is to say, the similarity between Jerry and Esther should be very close.

Sure enough, the voice said immediately, "we're 98 percent like Jack and Steve!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next one Lin, stare at the octopus head in front of to see, but on the mouth is a words also didn't say.

But the voice went on, "do you know how long we've been studying Esther? More than two thousand years! "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "have you studied eisf for more than 2000 years? Why research? What's the purpose of studying for so long? "

The voice did not answer this question, but asked Ye Feng, "what do you understand about the universe?"

Ye Feng smell speech is brow a wrinkly way again, "what meaning?"

In front of the octopus head, arm wave, behind him immediately appeared a virtual pattern similar to the universe.

The octopus man said, "if the universe is this big, Then Esther is here!"

As the octopus's head spoke, he reached out and pointed to a place, but saw a bright spot in the vast universe.

Then he pointed to another area not too far away from him, where a bright spot immediately lit up.

The octopus head said, "this is the planet of Jerry!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a lot of squares on the vast virtual universe pattern, and countless squares enveloped the whole universe.

Octopus head said, "after years of research, each of these squares represents a small universe! Maybe the grid is not very accurate. Every universe may have a different shape. We are just generalizing! "Ye Feng immediately interrupted the octopus's head and said, "what do you want to explain?"

But the octopus head said, "don't be impatient. How far away is the square where our planet jackery is and the square where Esther is?"

Ye Feng took a look and said, "the difference is two spaces!"

The octopus head immediately said, "that's two percent!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "what meaning?"? What two percent? "

The octopus head said immediately, "don't you understand?"

Ye Fengxin pondered and looked at the octopus's head in surprise. For a moment, his mind was confused and he didn't say anything.

But the octopus head immediately said, "you see, there is a difference of two small universes between our planet, Jack Rui, and ESF, so the DNA gap between us is just two percent. Don't you understand?"

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin way, "you mean, we are all from the same origin! So the gap between us is actually caused by the distance between the universe? I'm 96% different from you, that is to say, my planet should be four small universes away from you? "

"That's right!" Octopus head immediately said, "you're half right. Your universe is indeed four universes away from our universe, but I can't determine the specific location of your universe, and I mean, countless small universes have the same starting point, but the development trend is different!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the octopus head, "I know what you mean. Do you mean that in fact, I and Esther, and you, Jack, are parallel universes?"

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