"Not bad!" Octopus head immediately said, "it's a parallel universe, that is to say, the countless squares here are countless universes, and the starting point of each universe is the same, but the development is different, so our DNA is so similar!"

Ye Feng pondered for a long time and didn't speak. He already knew about the parallel universe. In order to prove that the earth is eisf, Ye Feng still had many questions that he couldn't explain clearly. He asked Gu zhaohuide, but he couldn't explain why.

But if everything is a parallel universe, then everything can be said. The earth is the former ace. If in the parallel universe, the earth is another ace of another universe, and Jerry is another earth, then naturally it is another ace.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand now!" But the octopus head said, "now you just need to understand why your body is different from Mrs. ace. Have you ever thought about that?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the octopus head and say, "why?"

Octopus head immediately said, "maybe it's easier for you to understand the parallel universe, but some details of the parallel universe are not very clear!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you want to say?"

But the octopus head said, "the parallel universe is commensurate. If eisf has a you, then Jerry will have a you. Maybe his name is different, or even his appearance is different, but there must be an individual representing you!"

Ye Feng hears here, the heart can't help but move a way, "what meaning?"

The octopus head continued, "you may wonder why we're here to invade eisf."

Ye Feng immediately said, "isn't it for the resources on the eve? Or the resources on your Jack have been exhausted. In a word, these reasons are indispensable! "

The octopus head said, "you can say that, but not all of it. The reason why your constitution is different from that of Mrs. ace is that you are dead in the multi parallel universe, so the energy is concentrated on you!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he was shocked. At first, he didn't quite understand what the octopus said, but then he thought of a movie on the earth called "the savior", which seemed to be what he said.

But it's just a movie. In reality, it's really like this. That is to say, every death of one's own in the parallel universe will enhance one's own strength.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately looked at the octopus's head and said, "that is to say, you invade eisf to make your ability stronger?"

"Octopus head immediately said," you finally want to understand, in addition to physical fitness, there are intelligence, and even other aspects, that is to say, as long as there is only one you in all the parallel universes, then you can have the power to approach or even surpass God

Ye Feng listened to the octopus head words, can not help but think of the liquid civilization, they are constantly destroying other planets in the universe.

That is to say, every time they destroy a civilization, their ability will evolve. No wonder their ability will be so powerful in the end.

Those liquid civilizations may have known their real purpose of destroying other planets just like octopus heads, but when their ability is strong enough to destroy other civilizations, their own improvement will not be obvious, so they will gradually forget their ultimate goal.

And according to the octopus head, even that advanced liquid civilization may not be the ultimate form of the universe.

At this time, the octopus head looked at the virtual universe pattern behind him and continued to say to Ye Feng, "of course, these secrets are not known by all civilizations, and only those who have reached a certain level can understand them. Once they understand the civilization, they will expand, and the destroyed civilization blocks will integrate and form a new square again!"

After the octopus head said this, he looked at the whole universe and said, "you should also know that maybe the dense grid you see is just a small grid in another larger universe!"

Ye Feng looked in his eyes. After pondering for a while, he looked at the octopus's head and said, "in that case, why don't you launch a general attack on eisf? Why tell me all this? Don't you just need to destroy the whole eisf to improve your abilities? "

But the octopus head said, "it's useless!"

But Ye Feng was surprised and said, "what's useless?"

Octopus head said, "you have been destroyed, and the rest is no different from the abandoned civilization. Even if we are destroyed again, it will not improve us."

But Ye Feng said immediately, "so the purpose of your coming this time is not to destroy eisf?"

The octopus head said, "no, we just want to see what happened on this planet, what kind of civilization destroyed ESF so thoroughly, we are confident that our civilization has no such ability!"

Ye Feng said to the octopus, "are you worried that your civilization will encounter such a civilization?"After taking a deep breath, the octopus said, "yes, in the wisdom of the universe, all of us, all civilizations, are both hunters and prey. While we hunt other civilizations, we will also be hunted by other higher civilizations. This is the essence of the universe!"

Ye Feng looked at the octopus's head for a while. After a while, he asked again, "what's the connection with you telling me? You still didn't explain why you didn't kill me and tell me that! "

But the octopus head said, "because there is a gene in your body in addition to the gene of Esther and the planet before you. It is a gene far better than the civilization of these three planets. Maybe the civilization with this gene destroyed Esther, so we want to know all about it from you!"

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "after all, do you want me to reveal the information of higher civilization to you? Want you to avoid their strangulation? "

Octopus head does not deny the tunnel, "yes, since that civilization came to eisf, it means that they will not come again, so relatively speaking, eisf is safer for us than our own planet!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately moves a way, "so you plan to settle down in aisf?"

But the octopus head said, "you don't have to settle down, but at least stay for a while!"

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