Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help pondering. Looking at the octopus's head, he didn't speak for a long time.

The octopus head continued to say to Ye Feng, "in fact, you don't have to be nervous. Now there are not many people left on eisf. Even if we kill all of you, it doesn't have any practical significance for us!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "so that is to say, you will not cause any threat to Mrs. ace?"

"Octopus head immediately said," if we want to do anything to Mrs. ace, I believe that with your ability, it has already been completely annihilated, right

Ye Feng also thought that, at least from the time he saw these spaceships coming to the outer space of aesf, so far, they have not made any substantive attacks on aesf.

The only time they attacked was because they killed several of their alien companions after they found that they were posing as them, so the octopus began to fight back.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to the octopus, "so when are you going to let me go?"

Octopus head toward Ye Feng way, "you can go at any time!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but wrinkle, and then in situ after a circle, this just asked, "I go at any time? How can I get there? "

Octopus head toward Ye Feng way, "now I'm just in your consciousness, in dialogue with you, after you wake up, we will send you away!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, half believe half doubt a way, "you spent so big effort, carry on research to me, finally can so easily send me to leave?"

But the octopus's head sighed, "you don't have to doubt it, because it's useless to let you go!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately a sneer way, "I know you don't have so kind!"

Octopus head said, "you misunderstood me. What I said is useless. It's not that we want to go back, but that we want to tell you that even if I let you go, you will be caught by us in the end!"

But Ye Feng didn't understand, "what do you mean? Since you let me go and said that you would not attack eisf, why would I still be caught by you? "The octopus head said," because you will still attack us, and of course we will pursue you, and eventually you will be caught by us! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "as long as you promise not to attack eisf, I will promise that I will never attack you again!"

But the octopus's head sighed, "it's useless. You will attack us, and we will catch you again! This can't be changed! "

Ye Feng is listening to the fog looking at the octopus head, completely did not understand his meaning.

Octopus head toward Ye Feng way, "to tell you the truth, we have caught you countless times, and I before and your dialogue, also has carried on countless times!"

Ye Feng smell speech face suddenly move, more difficult to understand tunnel, "what meaning? What? I've been arrested countless times by you? Don't you catch me this time? "

But the octopus's head immediately said, "can you understand the parallel universe I explained to you just now?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you don't have to say, I can understand!"

But the octopus head shook his head and said, "no, you still don't understand. The picture I just showed you is just a three-dimensional universe, but there are four, five and even more dimensions of the universe. Can you understand it?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. He looks at the octopus head in front of him and says, "what do you mean?"

The octopus head said, "that is to say, is the universe I just showed you more like a picture from your point of view?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "from my visual point of view, it is really understandable, but in fact, it should be three-dimensional."

The octopus head said, "yes, but what would you think if I told me that there were four dimensions in the three dimensions?"

Ye Feng looked at the octopus head in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

The octopus head immediately said, "that is to say, above the parallel universe, there is also a parallel universe!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, the octopus head immediately said, "Jerry and eisf are parallel universes, but our development direction is different, so we create a little gap. If this is horizontal, what about vertical?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a surprised way, "vertical? What do you mean

The octopus head immediately said, "that is to say, if we develop horizontally, we are different worlds, but if we develop vertically, each parallel universe has a imaginative development track! In other words, we still have some universes that are 100% similar to us! "

Ye Feng heard as like as two peas in his face. "You mean, the vertical path is the same parallel universe."

Octopus head immediately nodded. "You finally got a little bit more plain. In a simple sentence, if you see the whole universe is just painting, then there are countless identical paintings in the universe. ”Ye Feng pondered for a long time, asked the octopus head, "this and you catch me, and you said, you will always catch me, what is the connection?"

Octopus head said, "if these universes are not connected, then there will be no connection, but if these universes also start to connect, then there will be inevitable connection. In the process of connection, there may be a difference of several days, even half a day, or even a few hours, but the difference is only a difference in time!"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "I still don't quite understand!"

The octopus's head was staring at Ye Feng and saw, "that is to say, we have caught you here. In the last universe, maybe you are still being pursued by us, and you have not been caught, but in the next parallel longitudinal universe, you have been released by us!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you mean that you can sense everything that happens in other universes?"

The octopus's head sighed, "it seems that you still don't know what's going on now. Let me tell you directly. Now these vertical universes have merged into a cosmic parallel line. That is to say, we have entered a dead cycle. The time line is always in these days, and even today, we will repeat such things without limit, what happened before you It's just that you didn't have the ability to wake up before, so every time you start over, you forget that you still feel

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