The octopus's head immediately said, "yes, that is to say, as soon as we let you go, it will restart!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "restart? When will it be restarted? "

The octopus's head immediately said, "that's when we enter the atmosphere of aessf!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, what was he doing when the octopus civilization's aircraft began to enter the aesf atmosphere?

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Feng remembered that he had just met Dixie, and then followed Dixie to go to houdion's nest to catch houdion.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly thought of a question, immediately asked the octopus head, "according to what you said, once entering the dead cycle, everyone's memory should also restart, you and I should no longer remember these, so how do you know these?"

Octopus head immediately said, "this is very simple, the dead cycle is not a layer of invariable, I also experienced countless dead cycles before, and then gradually come to this step, to understand all this, and after this dead cycle, you will not forget what happened before!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but astonished way, "why?"

The octopus's head immediately said, "don't you remember we did a lot of experiments on you? Your physical potential has been developed, especially in your mind, so after this time, you won't forget it again! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan frowned, "that is to say, before the death cycle, I have forgotten? You said that every time you let me go, you started to restart. Then why didn't I remember before? "

Octopus head said, "that's because we haven't done so many tests on your body before, and we haven't fully exploited your potential safely! As I said, I have come to this step after countless dead cycles! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "that is to say, after entering the dead cycle of restart, everything that happened before can be changed?"

The octopus head said, "of course, otherwise we would not have pinned all our hopes on you!"

Ye Feng hears speech for a while to ponder, after a long time this just says, "so you are to want me to break this dead circle?"

Octopus head immediately said, "yes, all the people in our civilization have no more ability than you, so our hope lies in you. Only you can take us out of this dead circle!"

Ye Feng pondered again. After a long time, he nodded and said, "OK, then you can let me go!"

Octopus head immediately said, "don't worry, before you enter the dead cycle, there are a few points I have to tell you!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you say!"

Octopus head immediately said, "once you enter the dead cycle, you can do anything, and your ability will be different from before!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I know that. I can feel some changes in my body, although I don't know what ability I have yet!"

But the octopus head said, "we are not very clear about these. You need to develop and study them yourself."

Then the octopus head said immediately, "but there is an important problem, you must be clear!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and asked, "what's the problem?"

Octopus head said, "once you enter the dead cycle, everyone will start again, but only you and I will not start again, we will remember all the memories now!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "didn't you say that?"

But the octopus head immediately said, "listen to me first. I mean, once we enter the dead cycle, we enter as new individuals, which does not conflict with the previous ones."

Ye Feng frowned and said, "new individual, what do you mean?"

The octopus head looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully at this time, and finally said, "that is to say, once you enter the dead circle, you may meet yourself!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, facial expression immediately a change way, "what? Will I meet myself? "

Octopus head immediately said, "yes, in the new cycle, you and I are re entering, and everyone else, including yourself, is completely re starting!"

Ye Feng smell speech a headache looking at the octopus head, feel his brain is almost confused by him.

The octopus head immediately said, "and you can kill another self. I told you before that the individual ability growth of parallel universe can be increased by killing the other self of parallel universe. The horizontal universe is like this, and the vertical universe is like this!"

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng pondered for a while, and did not speak again for a long time. At this time, he was thinking that if he met him, would he kill himself.

But the octopus head continued to say to Ye Feng, "and I have to tell you a situation, that is, the overlapping degree of the vertical universe is much higher than that of the horizontal universe. In addition, in this dead cycle, there may be more than one you who have come to this step!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what do you mean?"Octopus head immediately said, "that is to say, you may meet the former you, and you may also meet the later you. The former you may not have come to the stage of our transformation and development of your body, and the later you may have already completed this step, but he still has not found the key to break the dead cycle, so he is still in the dead cycle, So in the end, you may encounter countless of yourself in this dead cycle! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately facial expression move, innumerable oneself, this matter oneself think have never thought of.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately thought of something, and then asked the octopus head, "have you ever met yourself?"

The octopus head said immediately, "yes! I have not only met my former self, but also my future self! "

Ye Feng immediately asked, "how do you deal with it?"

The octopus head said coldly, "what else can we do? Kill them, of course!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately is a change tunnel, "killed them?"? Have you been able to grow? "

The octopus immediately nodded, "of course! Why else would I kill them? It really takes a little courage and courage to kill yourself. Not everyone can do it! You can choose not to kill yourself at that time. It's up to you to choose! "

Ye Feng looked at the head of the octopus for a long time and did not speak again. He was really thinking. Once he met himself, would he have the same courage and courage as the octopus head!

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