Octopus head asked Ye Feng at this time, "are you ready now?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng nodded to the head of the octopus, and immediately felt a shiver in front of him. Even the body of the head of the octopus seemed to be blurring.

Gradually, everything in front of my eyes began to blur, just like the things I saw on the monitor began to spend, and I felt dark in front of my eyes after a while.

After a short time, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly brightened. He found himself standing on a barren land. Looking around, he saw a lot of ruins, which should be the place where longarsenic Fort had been bombed by liquid civilization.

At this time, Ye Feng heard that someone was talking not far away. He went to see a half barren building with a couple of men and women standing.

Ye Feng a careful look, the man actually is himself, and standing opposite him is Dixi Si, two people are saying something, completely did not notice that he is peeping at them.

Ye Feng immediately remembered that at that time, Dixie had just escaped from hudion. Dixie was just about to take himself to find hudion.

And at this time, the sky suddenly black heavy, Ye Feng immediately looked up, but saw the sky countless black aircraft are coming.

And the waste upstairs and Dixie are also looking at the sky, it is estimated that the next step is to go to houdion.

Ye Feng is still thinking about whether he wants to kill himself in the past. At this time, he and Dixie suddenly disappear from his eyes.

Ye Feng knows that it must be Dixie who took him to houdion, but unfortunately, he remembers that it was Dixie who took his hand and blinked with him. He didn't know the specific location of houdion.

This is melancholy. If you can't find yourself and Dixie, what's the use of staying here?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately began to blink, and began to search in the suburbs of longarsenbao.

However, Ye Feng soon remembered that when Dixie took him there, he stopped in a deserted building. At that time, he realized that it was not longarsenic castle, but a deserted city near longarsenic castle.

When Ye Feng thought of this, he immediately began to use the blink method, and began to move towards the cities around longarsenbao, looking for cities one by one.

However, each of the abandoned cities around longarsene Castle looks similar, and there is nothing special about the abandoned building that Dixie took him to at that time. Now looking at all the abandoned buildings around longarsene castle, I don't know which one is houdion's nest.

Ye Feng can't help but have a headache. First of all, he doesn't know whether this abandoned city was the one that Dixie took him to. Second, even if he went right, he can't confirm whether he went right.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help pondering. Now it's not a way to go on like this. If you can't find yourself and Dixie, I'm afraid you can only stay here forever.

Ye Feng immediately thought of one thing, that is, once he entered hudion's old nest, he would then fool Jock Emma to take him and Dixie to leave, and then return to longarsenic castle to meet those ships of Octopus civilization.

In this way, Ye Feng knows that since he can't find himself and Dixie, he can only wait here for them to escape.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately moved to longarsenbao. Then he thought that he had found Gu zhaohuichi here before. Now he and Dixie went to hudion's nest. That is to say, Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yu are still hiding in the basement.

Ye Feng immediately found the place where Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueyu had been found before, but it was still blocked by waste bricks and debris.

At this time, Ye Feng drives his mind and wants to see what potential in his body has been stimulated. However, in addition to blinking, Ye Feng doesn't find much change in his body.

Ye Feng can't help but sit on the ruins for a while. He says that his potential has been developed. How can he still have no ability?

Ye Feng used the weapons on the armor of the octopus head civilization to get through the entrance of the basement where Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueqiu are located. Now he has his own hands. Do you want to move them one by one?

Just thinking about it, I saw that the black aircrafts in the sky had entered the atmosphere, and many black aircrafts had begun to spread out, obviously trying to search the planet aesf.

Ye Feng remembers that when he and Dixie and Jock Emma escaped, these aircraft were almost close to the ground.

From the altitude of the current aircraft, it will take a lot of time for those aircraft to land not far from the ground.

According to the flight speed of those aircrafts, Ye Feng roughly judged that it would take at least an hour for those aircrafts to reach the distance when they escaped with Dixie and Jock Emma.

That is to say, if you want to sit here and wait for yourself, Dixie and Jock Emma to come out, you will have to wait at least 100 minutes.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately stood up, since there is no way to find Hu Dion's nest, and there is no way to dig the hiding place of Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueyu, then it's better to go back to the basement at this time.Thought to do, Ye Feng immediately a blink to the entrance of the basement, at this time, the entrance of the top still stops that huge spaceship.

Ye Feng immediately fell out of the basement, just when a Nan and Yueying came over, and saw Ye Feng, a Nan could not help frowning and said, "didn't you leave with Dixie? Coming back so soon? What about Dixie? "

Ye Feng is also a frown way, "how do you know I and Dixie left?"

A Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I saw you chatting in a deserted building, and then disappeared!"

Ye Feng this just suddenly, originally just now a Nan also in the ground, fortunately she did not see another oneself.

Thinking of Ye Feng, she just nodded to her daughter and said, "I'll come back first. Dixie has something else to do. I won't come back for the time being!"

A Nan nodded, and the moon shadow said to Ye Feng, "Gu Zhaohui de and gasevara are still looking for you just now!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do they want me to do?"

Moon shadow shrugged, "then I don't know. You can ask them by yourself!"

Ye Feng nodded his head, and immediately went to find Gu Zhaohui de and gasevara.

Moon shadow sleeveless see Ye Feng toward the basement inside, immediately called him, "they are outside the spacecraft, the research room is not moved there?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart bottom can't help but move a way, yes, this is still own idea, almost forgot.

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